Chesskid1 said:i got this from a PC gaming forum from a guy with 25k posts on it so it's probably legit
"This game is a well done console port, not the other way around like they claimed. Lots of things are just weird. No Quick Saves, No Full Body even though at times it seems like it should have it. Video Option choices are limited to Low, Med, High and Very High (can't configure them). No Walk option, must crouch. "
poor brainstew??hopefully he's a liar.
Chesskid1 said:i got this from a PC gaming forum from a guy with 25k posts on it so it's probably legit
"This game is a well done console port, not the other way around like they claimed. Lots of things are just weird. No Quick Saves, No Full Body even though at times it seems like it should have it. Video Option choices are limited to Low, Med, High and Very High (can't configure them). No Walk option, must crouch. "
poor brainstew??hopefully he's a liar.
*edit* :lolburgerdog said:Game won't boot4850 e8400 4gb ram w7. Well, actually it booted and I can hear the sound but it's all black.
x3sphere said:I can't seem to get playable performance with anything above 1680x1050 @ DX11 very high on my HD5970.
VRAM limitation? It seems like it. Whenever I go up to 1920x1200 it chugs at 1 FPS.
Kabuki Waq said:wow wtf? could it be an Nvidia money hat?
x3sphere said:I can't seem to get playable performance with anything above 1680x1050 @ DX11 very high on my HD5970.
brain_stew said:Enough of the FUD, thanks. ATI should have never made a reference design 5970 with anything less than a 2GB framebuffer (2x2GB), it was always going to be a ridiculous bottleneck and I can see this trend rearing its ugly head many more times in the future.
brain_stew said:Tone down the level of AA if you want to avoid a VRAM bottleneck. Your framebuffer will double in size with 2xmsaa and quadruple with 4xmsaa so it can quite quickly get out of hand at high resolutions. If its enabling the inengine supersampling as well that'll also kill performance and increase the size of your framaebuffer. I always thought a 1GB framebuffer was way too small for a 5970.
Enough of the FUD, thanks.
CabbageRed said:Speaking of FUD, shouldn't we wait to see what the actual problem is?
Curious to know why the 4870x2 is omitted from all those benchmarks.Chesskid1 said:Benchmark
site isn't in english, but the charts are. you can use google translate if you wanna but the performance charts are the most interesting thing.
Chesskid1 said:Benchmark
site isn't in english, but the charts are. you can use google translate if you wanna but the performance charts are the most interesting thing.
~Kinggi~ said:Curious to know why the 4870x2 is omitted from all those benchmarks.
Chesskid1 said:Benchmark
site isn't in english, but the charts are. you can use google translate if you wanna but the performance charts are the most interesting thing.
Chesskid1 said:Benchmark
site isn't in english, but the charts are. you can use google translate if you wanna but the performance charts are the most interesting thing.
bloodforge said:Does the PC version have Xbox360 controller support?
Calantus said:I'm scared to try this with a 9800 gt
bloodforge said:Does the PC version have Xbox360 controller support?
CabbageRed said:PhysX is broken, or did I miss something? And pretty middling performance all around, but hopefully new drivers and a patch or two will help out. To their credit, THQ did support RFG long after it was released.
brain_stew said:The game seems to be GPU bottlenecked, thus offloading some of the CPU work onto the GPU is going to negatively affect performance. That setting only looks useful for those with low end CPUs but a high end Nvidia GPU
EvaPlusMinus said:Getting 18-22 fps in DX11 and pretty much a solid 40-45 in DX10. At 1680x1050. Will update as I put a few more minutes into it.
SirButterstick said:Looks awesome. Too bad I get only audio and a black screen![]()
OgNar said:I got it running on Win7x64 with this.
Browse to your this folder in your Steam path:
\Steam\userdata\(user id)\43110\remote
With your own user id.
In that folder you should find the Metro user.cfg file that the steam cloud saves locally. Open it and change the fullscreen value to off, then save the file.
I can't get it back to full screen, but hey at least its working.
And after all those Rubles I paid too.
Welcome to the world of wonderful post effects, they hurt like hell but they sure are pretty._tetsuo_ said:The difference between performance in High and Very High is crazy. The game is pretty much pushing 60 or close to 60 at all times at 1920x1200 with AAA and 4xMSAA on, DX10. On Very High, I get 20-40fps, mostly hovering around 30.
_tetsuo_ said:The difference between performance in High and Very High is crazy. The game is pretty much pushing 60 or close to 60 at all times at 1920x1200 with AAA and 4xMSAA on, DX10. On Very High, I get 20-40fps, mostly hovering around 30.
crimsonheadGCN said:A poster from SA forums had the same problem and did the following: