The Interrobanger
Jtyettis said:I got the call from Gamestop and mine at least will have it in tomorrow.
My EB told me it would be in on Tuesday as well.
Jtyettis said:I got the call from Gamestop and mine at least will have it in tomorrow.
Bi50N said:We just dropped our final trailer - it's on now.
If you're already decided on this game, you might want to give it a miss. I wouldn't call them spoilers, but we do show a few new things...
On the other hand, if you want to fuel the internal hype, go see it because it is, in my humble opinion, our best one yet
Looks fantastic!Bi50N said:We just dropped our final trailer - it's on now.
If you're already decided on this game, you might want to give it a miss. I wouldn't call them spoilers, but we do show a few new things...
On the other hand, if you want to fuel the internal hype, go see it because it is, in my humble opinion, our best one yet
holy shit! there are way too many spoilers in there!Bi50N said:We just dropped our final trailer - it's on now.
If you're already decided on this game, you might want to give it a miss. I wouldn't call them spoilers, but we do show a few new things...
On the other hand, if you want to fuel the internal hype, go see it because it is, in my humble opinion, our best one yet
Do watch if you're on the fence, however. My interest seriously increased from that little trailer simply because it shows that there is more to the game than I have anticipated.S1kkZ said:holy shit! there are way too many spoilers in there!
DONT watch this if you want to play the game!
Bi50N said:We just dropped our final trailer - it's on now.
If you're already decided on this game, you might want to give it a miss. I wouldn't call them spoilers, but we do show a few new things...
On the other hand, if you want to fuel the internal hype, go see it because it is, in my humble opinion, our best one yet
WanderingWind said:You realize that you're basically the entire marketing drive behind this game, right? Seriously. Print this out, hand it to whoever signs your paychecks, and demand a goddamn raise. You're doing great work on GAF, and I'd like to see you involved in getting the next THQ game more visibility. Perhaps if they allot you a bigger budget next time, you could actually let people outside of one thread on GAF about that game.
I have not seen any spoilers, but that depends on what you call "spoiler". That are some awesome gameplay clips we have already seen I think. Nice trailer, can not wait for the SE!S1kkZ said:holy shit! there are way too many spoilers in there!
DONT watch this if you want to play the game!
FLEABttn said:Maybe I'm watching the wrong TV channels, but I have seen two commercials for Metro 2033 already.
nilam01 said:This game releases tomorrow so where the hell are all the reviews. If they are so confident about the game being good why the hell would you embargo the reviews till release date? There is barely any advertisement, so the only way this game will manage some sales is if you let the major sites review the damn game.
LovingSteam said:There are a few reviews out already, however, the big guns haven't shown their cards just yet. Its unfortunate because if the PC version is all that I would have preferred to pre-purchase it on Steam and receive the free Red Guerilla. Waiting until tomorrow when the reviews arrive will negate that possibility.
Caspel said:So I am giving away two copies of Metro 2033. I already have them in hand, so I am running two contests to give them away.
One is via Twitter, the other is via my publication'sFacebook. Facebook is the easiest to win, just write a comment about how'd you survive in the post-apocalyptic world of Moscow -- best answer wins.
brain_stew said:Red Faction: Guerilla is a bloody awesome bonus, especially now people have figured out how to force DX9 mode which gets rid of all the speedup/audio/performance issues it previously had in Vista/W7. I'm playing through it now and loving it.
brain_stew said:Red Faction: Guerilla is a bloody awesome bonus, especially now people have figured out how to force DX9 mode which gets rid of all the speedup/audio/performance issues it previously had in Vista/W7. I'm playing through it now and loving it.
Bi50N said:We just dropped our final trailer - it's on now.
If you're already decided on this game, you might want to give it a miss. I wouldn't call them spoilers, but we do show a few new things...
On the other hand, if you want to fuel the internal hype, go see it because it is, in my humble opinion, our best one yet
brain_stew said:Red Faction: Guerilla is a bloody awesome bonus, especially now people have figured out how to force DX9 mode which gets rid of all the speedup/audio/performance issues it previously had in Vista/W7. I'm playing through it now and loving it.
burgerdog said:Is it the click on desktop like a madman until the game starts trick? :O
WAT, according to steam This game will unlock in approximately 7 hours! YESSSSSSSS.
Steam are not actually selling Metro 2033 in the UK - you'll need to buy somewhere else, then activate via Steam
panda21 said:wtf is this?! :lol
steamworks game that you have to buy at retail :lol interesting concept
_tetsuo_ said:Game is unlocking at midnight now! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!
I need to look into this. I started playing and 10 minutes later I wanted to kill myself.
panda21 said:wtf is this?! :lol
steamworks game that you have to buy at retail :lol interesting concept
brain_stew said:What in the fuck is wrong with Steam UK recently, loads of games are just vanishing randomly, the hell is going on!?
I'm in the UK and I bought Metro 2033 off of steam?panda21 said:wtf is this?! :lol
steamworks game that you have to buy at retail :lol interesting concept
blazinglazers said:So excited for this! I've been dying for a Stalker-esque experience on consoles, and everything about this game looks immersive & fun. I'm skipping on that trailer, I wanna be surprised.
And yeah, PC players getting Red Faction: Guerilla (the only open world game I've been compelled to finished this gen) for free is an insane bonus. BUY THIS GAME.
Wish Steam was already out on Macs so I could play this on my laptop...
LovingSteam said:If it makes you feel better, a couple of games on the US page have disappeared that are still available in the UK (RISEN for one)
bigswords said:Can I ask a silly question? I have a 5870 ATI card, am I gimped? Will the framerate be as terrible as that Russian Puzzle game if I do not have a Nvidia GPU?
Goddamn video card exclusivity!
Eh, well not really surprising I guess. As the dirty cousin of PC gamers, I'm just happy the Mac will finally get some of the benefits. I'll be 360 for this one anyway, but thanks for the heads up.brain_stew said:Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but Steam's Mac support isn't going to work quite as you seem to believe. Only Valve games are confirmed to actually available on the Mac side thus far and the selection will be very limited for the foreseeable future. You'll probably never see something like Metro on there.
brain_stew said:Just checked and Risen is gone from the UK store as well. Hurray for digital distribution! :lol
There's no "video card exclusivity." You can accelerate the PhysX effects on your GPU with an Nvidia card, but you won't be missing out on anything by using an ATI card, on the contrary, only ATI users will get the sexy DX11 tessellation and depth of field at launch.
LovingSteam said:If it makes you feel better, a couple of games on the US page have disappeared that are still available in the UK (RISEN for one)
Liquid Helium said:I'm in the UK and I bought Metro 2033 off of steam?
PCGH: Besides DX11 and GPU-Physic are there any other visual as well as technical differences between the version developed for PC and the consoles? Which technical features can't be realized with the console version?
Oles Shishkovstov: When you have more performance on the table, you can either do nothing as you say (and as most direct console ports do) or you add the features. Because our platforms got equal attention, we took the second route. Naturally most of the features are graphics related but not all. The internal PhysX tick-rate was doubled on PC resulting in more precise collision detection and joint behavior. We "render almost twice the number of sounds (all with wave-tracing) compared to consoles. That's just a few examples, so that you can see that not only graphics gets a boost. While on the graphics side (that's not a complete list):
most of the textures are 2048^2 (consoles use 1024^2) **Oblivion w/ Qarl's pack uses 4096^2**
the shadow-map resolution is up to 9.43 Mpix
the shadow filtering is much, much better
the parallax mapping is enabled on all surfaces, some with occlusion-mapping
we've utilized a lot of "true volumetric stuff, which is very important in dusty environments
from DX10 upwards we use correct "local motion blur (sometimes called "object blur)
the light-material response is nearly "physically-correct on higher quality presets
the ambient occlusion is greatly improved (especially on higher quality presets)
sub-surface scattering makes a lot of difference on human faces, hands, etc.
the geometric detail is somewhat better - because of different LOD selection (not even counting DX11 tessellation)
PCGH: If you had to advertise the visuals of Metro 2033 what would you mention? Can you list some very modern and advanced rendering techniques that you renderer utilizes (HDR, SSAO, Parallax Occlusion Mapping, Tone Mapping and other post effects...)? Don't be afraid to use technical terms.
Oles Shishkovstov: First and foremost: 3D Stereo. The game was developed in 3D and for 3D. That's the only game developed that way as far as I know. Playing the game under DX11 in 3D Stereo is just mind-blowing, it's much, much more amazing than watching Avatar in IMAX.
PCGH: When Developing do you try to leverage very modern PC technologies like Dual GPU Rendering/SLI- or Crossfire Systems? In other words: As far as overall performance is concerned, can players increase it remarkably by buying a second graphics card or a card with two GPUs?
Oles Shishkovstov: Yes we constantly test performance on SLI setups. You should expect linear scaling with the number of GPUs in the system. Of course there are limitations imposed by drivers which are outside of our control.
PCGH: How many core are supported and what is the expected performance gain from 2, 4 or even 8 cores?
Oles Shishkovstov: We support at least two cores, and up to whatever count you have. You should expect linear scaling with the number of cores, when you aren't GPU limited.
PCGH: What different systems run in separate threads? How are the threads scheduled?
Oles Shishkovstov: Every engine which puts specific systems to specific threads is just badly architected, usually because of historical roots. That architecture doesn't scale. The only way to be future proof is so called task-model, where threads are just workers and there are thousands of tasks organized in kind of run-time generated dependency tree. We do exactly that.
PCGH: Does your engine profit from SMT/Hyperthreading or do you recommend turning it off for maximum performance?
Oles Shishkovstov: Definitely, every properly written engine code will benefit from SMT/Hyperthreading. For example on Xbox 360 we get almost 50% speedup from it. So, if your CPU does have this feature - don't turn it off!
PCGH: What are the visual differences between physics calculated by CPU and GPU (via PhysX, OpenCL or even DX Compute)? Are there any features that players without an Nvidia card will miss? What technical features cannot be realized with the CPU as "physics calculator?
Oles Shishkovstov: There are no visible differences as they both operate on ordinary IEEE floating point. The GPU only allows more compute heavy stuff to be simulated because they are an order of magnitude faster in data-parallel algorithms. As for Metro2033 - the game always calculates rigid-body physics on CPU, but cloth physics, soft-body physics, fluid physics and particle physics on whatever the users have (multiple CPU cores or GPU). Users will be able to enable more compute-intensive stuff via in-game option regardless of what hardware they have.
Aw man this engine seems to be truly impressive. Can not wait to unleash my PC on this. Sadly my 5970 ins in reparis, stuck with 4870 X2 :lolMinsc said:This was probably posted a while ago, but there's some good stuff worth repeating:
Much more at the link.
Wow at the Avatar IMAX comment. Really looking forward to impressions.