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Metro 2033 |OT| Fear the Future

Aghh this is Bullshit! I gave the demo of this game a try on Onlive and really enjoyed it, even when it was a blurry low res muddy mess while playing it on Onlive, I now wanted to buy it,

Pretty excited about the $10 sale on the THQ store...(I never shopped there before)
so I fill out all my info, I'm about to check out!!.. apparently they "do not deliver" a digital download game to frikin Canada! wtf!!!!!

WTF!! it's a digital download!! our dollar is almost the same as the US's, why the fuck am I not allowed to buy this game from Canada?

I cannot even change my billing address to a US address, since it has to be authenticated with my Credit card!!!

Steam has it for 40 bucks, that's a bit too much for me to pay at the moment, this sucks :(


I´m sooo close to quit and never start again.

I´m at chapter three, right at the beginning, Dry Station. Not only is this stealth level not fun at all, it´s also broken.

I´ve looked up two different walkthorughs and I can´t get past it on Ranger EASY, god dammit, right after finishing Crysis on Delta with far less problems.

After a maze made up of crates I´m supposed to let some guard get taken out by an arrow from some invisible guy. Okay. Problem is: guy gets arrowed, the fucking bandits are all like "hey, INTRUDERS!" with me CROUCHING and NOT making any noise. I can wait as much as I want, as soon as I come even close to the tunnel I´m supposed to go in I get my face shotgunned off, because the fucking ninja that is supposed to take out the guard fucks up. Out of ten times, he didn´t alert the other guards ONCE.

And that fucking time I crouched right past a guard, because the game is fucking BLACK and even though I stabbed him he made enough noise to get me killed.

I´ll try some more, but I´ve been rarely that close to breaking a game disc before. Or kicking my pc.

Edit: HAH! Video game logic strikes again! If you make a fool out of yourself, threaten the game and whine in front of others it´ll work perfectly fine the next time.

Good, now I can continue enjoying the game. But fuck Dry Station, seriously.

Best momen I had so far? Blowing up a "bitch" with a grenade in ruined Moscow. I doubt you´re supposed to kill that thing (it flies away after you start shooting), but I reloaded and cooked my grenade just right.
Binabik15 said:
Best momen I had so far? Blowing up a "bitch" with a grenade in ruined Moscow. I doubt you´re supposed to kill that thing (it flies away after you start shooting), but I reloaded and cooked my grenade just right.
Last time i played it was some weeks ago in Ranger dificulty also. I reached Polis withouth firing a single shot, just using the Knife and throwing knifes. Every scenario up to this point(exept for the ones involving mutants) has an alternative path which involves less confrontation. This way of play its the one that gives most out of the game, to me sometimes it seems more of an adventure game than a FPS.

It is a vastly underrated game honestly.
Such a beautiful, atmospheric game. I'm not getting the 6.9 from mcIGN, (they probably gave F.E.A.R. 2 a higher score) does the game get catastrophically bad in the latter half?


theignoramus said:
Such a beautiful, atmospheric game. I'm not getting the 6.9 from mcIGN, (they probably gave F.E.A.R. 2 a higher score) does the game get catastrophically bad in the latter half?

I agree and no, I think it stays interesting to the end. Lots of varied scenarios and encounters with many alternate solutions.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
theignoramus said:
Such a beautiful, atmospheric game. I'm not getting the 6.9 from mcIGN, (they probably gave F.E.A.R. 2 a higher score) does the game get catastrophically bad in the latter half?

it gets better. The last level is fantastic.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
theignoramus said:
Such a beautiful, atmospheric game. I'm not getting the 6.9 from mcIGN, (they probably gave F.E.A.R. 2 a higher score) does the game get catastrophically bad in the latter half?

It gets better the furthur you go, a rarity in most games.


Unconfirmed Member
Don't remember the chapter, but I got up to a part where you
go above ground right into a Nazi camp
and lost interest for some reason. Pretty good game up to that point, not really sure why I stopped.


theignoramus said:
Such a beautiful, atmospheric game. I'm not getting the 6.9 from mcIGN, (they probably gave F.E.A.R. 2 a higher score) does the game get catastrophically bad in the latter half?

There is one horrible level (actually only a part of that level is horrible, the rest is awesome) but other than that no, it's awesome all the way through. Just remember: YOU CAN SHOOT THE THINGS THEY COME OUT OF! You will know what I mean when you get there...
Ledsen said:
There is one horrible level (actually only a part of that level is horrible, the rest is awesome) but other than that no, it's awesome all the way through. Just remember: YOU CAN SHOOT THE THINGS THEY COME OUT OF! You will know what I mean when you get there...

Fuck that sequence. Fuck it to hell.
Just got this game yesterday to push my new GTX 570 OC and Q9950 that was recently overclocked to 3.4 ghz.(!)

All settings on high-running on a 44 inch monitor (1080x 1920) DX11

avg. 38-49 fps.

These graphics are un-real! The story and atmosphere are uncanny!
Cannot wait to get home from work and play more!


Started playing this yesterday, and just got to the part where you visit the surface properly for the first time (with Bourbon). The game's alright so far, what holds it back is the terrible gunplay. No feel at all to the aiming nor the weapon kickback or anything. Though on the upside, the graphics are fantastic, some of the best lighting effects ever.

I have a question though: whenever I reach a surface part (or an area with "heavy" lighting effects), my FPS tanks insanely much. What setting should be lowered to improve performance?


hide your water-based mammals
BeeDog said:
Started playing this yesterday, and just got to the part where you visit the surface properly for the first time (with Bourbon). The game's alright so far, what holds it back is the terrible gunplay. No feel at all to the aiming nor the weapon kickback or anything. Though on the upside, the graphics are fantastic, some of the best lighting effects ever.

I have a question though: whenever I reach a surface part (or an area with "heavy" lighting effects), my FPS tanks insanely much. What setting should be lowered to improve performance?
What are your lowest readings? I just got this today and am running with everything on max and the heaviest drop I got was into the upper 20's. I think I remember seeings 29 or so in FRAPS. And yes, the gunplay could be better. I just got to the part you're at ironically. Graphics are top notch but they really kick your ass. It's very playable though as most of the time my frame rate is in the 40's and 50's if not higher.

I should note that these frame rates were with my OC accidentally disabled. I seemed to jump into the upper 50's in the same area that was in the upper 40's with my OC off. I am pretty happy with the performance I'm getting but man this game punishes your card.


Really anxious for a sequel to this game. It was pretty much my GOTY.

I'm really hoping that open the sequel up some though. You have that ENTIRE map at your disposal and yet you travel one measly linear path. This may sound wierd to some, but I just cant get into the Stalker games, but Metro just cant shake my attention.


Finished the game some moments ago, and I assume I got the bad ending. Anyway, mini-review below:


+ Amazing graphics, with some of the best lighting effects I've ever seen in a game. The art direction for the locations was top-notch as well, though human/monster models varied greatly in quality.
+ The level design, while cramped, is amazing. Exploring actually rewards you, unlike many other games. It's simply fun exploring everything and trying to come up with alternate solutions/approaches to enemy encounters.
+ The stealth mechanics are solid, and as mentioned above, it's fun to tackle situations differently each time.
+ Highly varied campaign, and the game doesn't overstay its length.


- Horrible script and voice acting. The voice acting for the children is some of the worst stuff I've ever heard in a game, lulz. Would've been better if they went full Russian for the VA, with subtitles.
- The FoV was extremely narrow, but to be fair, I didn't check if it could be changed. Made the game feel very claustrophobic (didn't help that the levels themselves were pretty narrow).
- Very linear, though I didn't mind it that much. Some of the scripted set-pieces could've been opened up a bit more though.
- The gunplay in the game is pretty damn bad; poor weapon sound effects and the aiming feels off, especially when you fight monsters. Though hit reactions for the enemies were nice.
- The combat vs. monsters was often frustrating, since when they lunged at you they would often clip through you causing encounters to be highly random.
- Some parts where flat-out frustrating with the amount of enemies you had to face (e.g. the rats when you have to carry the kid, the amoebas etc.).

I'm probably sounding more negative than intended, since I did ultimately enjoy this game. I would probably rate this game as a strong 7/10.


Unconfirmed Member
BeeDog said:
Finished the game some moments ago, and I assume I got the bad ending. Anyway, mini-review below:


+ Amazing graphics, with some of the best lighting effects I've ever seen in a game. The art direction for the locations was top-notch as well, though human/monster models varied greatly in quality.
+ The level design, while cramped, is amazing. Exploring actually rewards you, unlike many other games. It's simply fun exploring everything and trying to come up with alternate solutions/approaches to enemy encounters.
+ The stealth mechanics are solid, and as mentioned above, it's fun to tackle situations differently each time.
+ Highly varied campaign, and the game doesn't overstay its length.


- Horrible script and voice acting. The voice acting for the children is some of the worst stuff I've ever heard in a game, lulz. Would've been better if they went full Russian for the VA, with subtitles.
- The FoV was extremely narrow, but to be fair, I didn't check if it could be changed. Made the game feel very claustrophobic (didn't help that the levels themselves were pretty narrow).
- Very linear, though I didn't mind it that much. Some of the scripted set-pieces could've been opened up a bit more though.
- The gunplay in the game is pretty damn bad; poor weapon sound effects and the aiming feels off, especially when you fight monsters. Though hit reactions for the enemies were nice.
- The combat vs. monsters was often frustrating, since when they lunged at you they would often clip through you causing encounters to be highly random.
- Some parts where flat-out frustrating with the amount of enemies you had to face (e.g. the rats when you have to carry the kid, the amoebas etc.).

I'm probably sounding more negative than intended, since I did ultimately enjoy this game. I would probably rate this game as a strong 7/10.
So, you played the 360 version? The PC version has full Russian VA as an option, if I remember correctly.


Lonely1 said:
So, you played the 360 version? The PC version has full Russian VA as an option, if I remember correctly.
So does the 360 version. I couldn't play it subbed, personally, just because it was hard to read the subs and play the game at the same time during action sequences.


Lonely1 said:
So, you played the 360 version? The PC version has full Russian VA as an option, if I remember correctly.

PC version. Didn't notice Russian was in :O. Thanks for the heads-up, will try it when I decide to replay the game further down.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just started this, since GAF member Sinatar gifted it to me.

Would you advise against playing ranger mode in my first playthrough? It sounds interesting.
Finished this game again the other day, the last level with the crazy panoramic view of the city is still one of the coolest things i've seen in a game of recent memory.

Nuclear winters are scary shit.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Ranger mode felt more natural to me. Regular game was a bit too bullet sponge-y, I think. I'd go with Ranger for your first time through.


GuiltybyAssociation said:
Ranger mode felt more natural to me. Regular game was a bit too bullet sponge-y, I think. I'd go with Ranger for your first time through.

Ranger mode seems actually easier than regular hard mode was. You can take less damage but so can the enemies. I'd say go for it.
i picked this up a few days ago (360) and finished it last night on normal. really enjoyed it, a few frustrating parts but probably compounded by my insistence on stealthing through many areas, and being a tightarse who doesn't spend money on ammo. slightly disappointed with myself for
i had to kill 1 guy in the FrontLines level, couldn't work out any way past two guards without killing at least one of them :( gives me something to replay for anyway
. plus i spent most of my money upgrading the automatic shotgun and it really wasn't that great in the end. though bayonetting monsters in the head when i ran out of ammo was fun.

story was good
at the end i thought it just petered out a bit - i thought we would find out more about Metro 2, the dark ones, maybe even the invisible watchers.. heh

last level was great, very beautiful. my biggest gripe was that even though it's a very linear game there were quite a few times i had no idea where i was supposed to be heading so it became very trial-and-error working that out. there's a pointer, i know, but that felt a bit like cheating.. some things i missed completely, like
turning off the generator in the nazi base. dunno where that thing was.

overall i really enjoyed it and will likely play through again at some point.
I got this free from the Steam Homefront pre-order deal. How well does the 360 controller work for this or should I stick with m&kb? I kinda like playing SP shooters with the controller for some reason.


erotic butter maelstrom
Heavy said:
I got this free from the Steam Homefront pre-order deal. How well does the 360 controller work for this or should I stick with m&kb? I kinda like playing SP shooters with the controller for some reason.

It has native support, but I couldn't imagine choosing controller over KB/M for a FPS.


Ledsen said:
There is one horrible level (actually only a part of that level is horrible, the rest is awesome) but other than that no, it's awesome all the way through. Just remember: YOU CAN SHOOT THE THINGS THEY COME OUT OF! You will know what I mean when you get there...

I just finished the game and I played that part at least 15 times before I gave up, looked for some tips on gamefaqs, and found that out. I got it on my next attempt easily. The one on the next level is annoying, but there's a really easy strategy for that.

Just run to the ladder and all the amoebas will chase you; gun them down, then kill off the spawners while walking back to Miller

Overall, I loved the atmosphere of the game; the gunplay felt janky, like Fallout 3 minus VATS, and some enemies took forever to kill (mostly the armored soldiers). Still, I enjoyed the game quite a bit.


Just picked this up cheap for the 360. I'm on Chapter 4 and I'm really liking it so far. The atmosphere is definitely the star of the game. It's very different than your run of the mill game.

My 1 main complaint is the gun play. There's no weight to the guns, the sound of them suck, and the aiming just feels off. Half the time I don't know if I'm actually hurting the enemies cause there are no good hit animations when they get shot, especially the monsters.

Definitely gonna finish it though.

How many chapters is it? Am I more than half way? If someone who has beaten can answer that'd be great.


I really liked this game. Beat it for the pc. It's nothing special but what it does it does well.

Shame though, i hear the sequel is going for the multilayer crowed. I would of preferred a solid campaign sequel over a new multiplayer game.


Raoh said:
I really liked this game. Beat it for the pc. It's nothing special but what it does it does well.

Shame though, i hear the sequel is going for the multilayer crowed. I would of preferred a solid campaign sequel over a new multiplayer game.


The sequel is going to be based on the Metro 2034 novel as far as I know, and I don't think they've said anything about multiplayer.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Just noticed that Metro 2033 for PC is $10.99 on Amazon. Not sure how long it's going to last, but if you're still looking for a copy, that's a mad good price.
I get terrible motion sickness from this game but I am determined to beat it, even if I can only play in 30 minute bursts. I love love love the graphics so far (GTX 580 SLI, i5 [email protected]) which nets me about 40-60 fps depending on the action when completely maxed out.

According to Ukranian Forbes they spent about 3 million dollars to make this game.

good grief, they must have made all their money back and then some. bring on part 2? isn' there another novel? metro 2034?
subversus said:
According to Ukranian Forbes they spent about 3 million dollars to make this game.

Imagine what these guys could do if they had the budgets of a Modern Warfare. (Shivers down my spine). We could have the next Crysis, Half-Life, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. all combined into one.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Was just playing the game, and I was confused why my mouse wasn't doing anything. Then I saw "Press X to skip scene", and realized my 360 controller was plugged into the USB on the front of my rig.

Totally forgot the game fully supported 360 controllers.

Of course, I quickly unplugged it because MKB is better. :p


Gold Member
A year after its release, I still have really mixed feelings about this game. Obviously, the graphics are stunning, but the gameplay is so disappointing and very linear. I guess I had hoped for Ultima Underworld/Arx Fatalis meets S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and what I got was far, far different.

Still, there are some amazing moments in the game and the atmosphere is like no other. Definitely worth purchasing, but it's a flawed game that never quite gets it right. And the broken stealth is damn near unforgiveable.


Game keeps crashing after the prologue as it tries to go beyond "8 days earlier". Crashes on benchmark tests, too. Tried a bunch of tips in forums, like installing everything in the install folder, deleting config file and pasting a certain config into the file, but it still crashes each time. Really frustrating.


Wise from your grave!(?)

My brother wants to play Metro on his brand new rig with W7 and some people recommended tweaking the user.cfg for better fov and to change the lighting system:

1) Go to your My Documents folder, and turn on Show Hidden Files in folder options.
2) Go to AppData / Local / 4A Games / Metro 2033 and open user.cfg
3a) Search for r_gi 0 and set it to 1. (Trust me.)
b) Next search for r_vsync off and change it to on.
c) And lastly go down to sick_fov 45 and change it to 60.
4) Save file. Ctrl+C to copy it, and go to Steam / Userdata and do a file search for user.cfg
5) When and if it finds it (should), paste the file over to ensure settings propigate.

Buut: We can´t find the user.cfg in his Metro 2033 folder in documents, even with show hidden folders/drives turned on. He had the game running already, so there should be a user.cfg, shouldn´t it? Where is it, then?

Searching inside the explorer turned up nothing.


Mr_Appleby said:
overall i really enjoyed it and will likely play through again at some point.

I still have a little bit of shock that you recommended it to me :p

Picked this up cheap (XBox360) off ebay, thought worth a go based on the quick go I had of the uncle Bourban level at la maison de Appleby.

Just finished 'Frontline' (playing on Normal, popped the Invisible Man achievement)

I'm quite liking it all in all, and I barely play FPS's at all.

Might have to fire up STALKER for the first time when I finish this...

Ledsen said:
Also, is there any point in turning on Russian voices? The english voice actors are pretty bad.

Didn't notice that, I'll be turning it on next time I play.


Binabik15 said:
Wise from your grave!(?)

My brother wants to play Metro on his brand new rig with W7 and some people recommended tweaking the user.cfg for better fov and to change the lighting system:

1) Go to your My Documents folder, and turn on Show Hidden Files in folder options.
2) Go to AppData / Local / 4A Games / Metro 2033 and open user.cfg
3a) Search for r_gi 0 and set it to 1. (Trust me.)
b) Next search for r_vsync off and change it to on.
c) And lastly go down to sick_fov 45 and change it to 60.
4) Save file. Ctrl+C to copy it, and go to Steam / Userdata and do a file search for user.cfg
5) When and if it finds it (should), paste the file over to ensure settings propigate.

Buut: We can´t find the user.cfg in his Metro 2033 folder in documents, even with show hidden folders/drives turned on. He had the game running already, so there should be a user.cfg, shouldn´t it? Where is it, then?

Searching inside the explorer turned up nothing.

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\4A Games\Metro 2033\user.cfg

That one?

edit: nvm, didn't read properly


If I ever acquire an Xbox or a Windows machine this is one of the first games I'll be playing. Apocalyptic games are getting to be a dime a dozen these days, but the atmosphere of the book was excellent.

Someone who speaks Russian, help me out. When reading the book, I never understood how to pronounce the name of Artyom's station, "VDNKh". I know it's ВДНХ in Russian, standing for "Exhibition of the Achievements of the National Economy", but are those pronounced as letters (like "FBI" or "USSR"), or somehow run together to make a word (as in "FIFA" or "NATO")?

"Ve-de-en-kha", as separate letters, is how I said it to myself while reading the book. Is this wrong? Prostitye, tovarischi; ya nye govoryu po russki!

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I must have been the only one who liked the English voice acting. I don't really remember what the children sounded like though.

RustyO said:
I still have a little bit of shock that you recommended it to me :p

Picked this up cheap (XBox360) off ebay, thought worth a go based on the quick go I had of the uncle Bourban level at la maison de Appleby.

Just finished 'Frontline' (playing on Normal, popped the Invisible Man achievement)

I'm quite liking it all in all, and I barely play FPS's at all.

It doesn't matter at all what difficulty you play on as far as achievements go (I still didn't get the metro explorer one though since it was glitchy). Also never buy weapons, just save your decent ammo for when you're in trouble and pick up whatever weapon you want in the actual levels.


Haha. I had bought this off of gamersgate when they had it for $5. Hadn't had a chance to get deep into it, but I was pleasantly surprised at the performance I was getting from the game on High settings (consistent 60fps).
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