Joke post ?One final point...Metro's graphics are overrated. Sure it looks good, but Bioshock 1&2 and even a game like Aliens vs Predator 2010, I bullshit you not, looks as good if not better than Metro 2033! Don't believe me? Run Metro and then run AvP 2010 and tell me they don't look the same. Guess which one I'm getting an average of 200fps in?
Pretty interesting that most of isamus reasons for disliking the game are the same as my reasons for loving it![]()
Joke post ?
Joke post.
Or you played the game in DX9....
Umm no? Not a joke post. Dude, play Metro 2033 and then play AVP2010. The games look very similar from a technical standpoint and both take place in dark environments. You'd be surprised how good avp looks compared to metro. Not to mention the wonderful job Sega did with optimizing the game for PC. I get average 200fps in AVP with everything maxed out, whereas in Metro I'm average only 55-60fps with everything maxed out, playing in DX10 on my GTX FTW 6804GB.
Umm no? Not a joke post. Dude, play Metro 2033 and then play AVP2010. The games look very similar from a technical standpoint and both take place in dark environments. You'd be surprised how good avp looks compared to metro. Not to mention the wonderful job Sega did with optimizing the game for PC. I get average 200fps in AVP with everything maxed out, whereas in Metro I'm average only 55-60fps with everything maxed out, playing in DX10 on my GTX FTW 6804GB.
lighting is different in DX11. Also tesselation. Anyway Metro looks better than AVP even in DX10 on high (not maxed out).
Hmmm, for some reason I get a black screen when I switch it to DX11 whenever the game has to render something (even the main menu). On the pause and options screens, it shows up normally though. It shows up fine in DX10 too. Anyone know of a fix?
Where is the difference in lighting? Didn't see it. It'S just Tesselation and DOF imo.
Lighting is definitely better in DX11, it's quite subtle at times but God it looks incredible.
Can't wait to see what Metro Last Light has to offer in that regard. Judging by the "pre alpha" footage it sure looks gorgeous.
Lighting is definitely better in DX11, it's quite subtle at times but God it looks incredible.
Can't wait to see what Metro Last Light has to offer in that regard. Judging by the "pre alpha" footage it sure looks gorgeous.
Does DX9 even have the godrays, volumetric stuff, etc? Some of those aren't things you can appreciate in screens though. Edit: yes it does, that's pretty cool. Or the comparison I saw was borked, DX11 seemed to lack it, lol? Shitty quality though.Any screen by screen comparison? Because I really don't see the difference and between DX9, DX10 and DX11 performance is exactly the same as soon as DOF and Tesselation is deactivated.
This game worth $10? It's on sale on XBL right now.
is it on sale or is it a permanant price drop?
does it come with Ranger mode? im thinking it does not.
Just finished the game in normal mode. What a great experience. Love the atmosphere of the game and it does look good if you have the graphics cracked up all the way (I only turned off DOF cause was eating up fps like crazy). One of my favorite moments was when we were all 6 of us going down to D6, just felt like in a movie ( there were cliche moments, but it all just felt right to me).
There are so many possibilities in the Russian metro, makes me wish they added additional campaigns with coop. I know the sequel is coming but if there's one after that we will be heading into next gen consoles, why not make it a sandbox experience? No loading at all and dynamic events going on in the metro that'd be awesome, let the players fend off the monsters with NPC in order to survive, and if a station is overrun let here be consequences to it, let it branch off to other objectives for the players, etc...
Is it better than the stalker games? Liked the atmosphere in Stalker, but the gameplay was meh and the AI horrible.
What games are you playing that you find Stalker's AI horrible?
AI is horrible in most games but Stalker just seemed dumb to me. It was one of those pseudo stealth games where every attack ends in a huge clusterfuck.
AI is horrible in most games but Stalker just seemed dumb to me. It was one of those pseudo stealth games where every attack ends in a huge clusterfuck.
Stalker isn't a pseudo stealth game...
And gun fights play out in a dynamic way that very few other first person shooters can match. That is AI.
If the gunfights are a clusterfuck for you then you need to figure out how to get better at the game.
And it not really being a stealth game isn't an opinion. The game isn't built around stealth at all.
So I got to Ch.2 and I was liking it a lot so far. How hard do you guys think the game is on its hardest difficulty? Also, is ranger difficulty 1 life only?
Guys I am REALLY lost!
I am at the part where you leave the market with burbon for a second time..where you take the metro exit to above ground. I am past the playground part where we get split up (when you try to jump a gap on top of a car).I fought like 6 leper dogs...I dunno how to check my progress..but that is where I am at.
Man, I just can't enjoy this game. It feels so...sloppy all around. The core gameplay seems wonky and it's surrounded by far too many convoluted and ultimately pretty useless gameplay systems.
Or at least that's my impression of it. I'm stuck at some part ~2.5 hours in. It's a huge firefight, but there just isn't enough 'oomph' to the gameplay to make me want to slog through it. I can't tell where enemies are, they keep shouting the same awful lines (LOOK WE GOT A DOUCHEBAG HERE) and the guns seem weak.
Yes, I put it on Ranger.
Is it worth pushing through? Great style, great atmosphere...weak substance.
Man, I just can't enjoy this game. It feels so...sloppy all around. The core gameplay seems wonky and it's surrounded by far too many convoluted and ultimately pretty useless gameplay systems.
Or at least that's my impression of it. I'm stuck at some part ~2.5 hours in. It's a huge firefight, but there just isn't enough 'oomph' to the gameplay to make me want to slog through it. I can't tell where enemies are, they keep shouting the same awful lines (LOOK WE GOT A DOUCHEBAG HERE) and the guns seem weak.
Yes, I put it on Ranger.
Is it worth pushing through? Great style, great atmosphere...weak substance.
The library in chapter 5 is, in my estimation, the best level in the game so if you have it in you I'd try to get there but honestly it sounds like you aren't enjoying yourself at all. I love the game but I can admit there is some stuff you have to overlook. Not every game is for every one, you know? And FYI there are 7 chapters total.Define 2nd half. Turns out I'm farther than I thought - right at the beginning of Chapter 4. How much longer before it gets good?.
Boy oh boy do I feel stupid for posting this, but... I've run out of mask filters (or at least, I can't put my mask on) and keep dying? I'm right at the point where Bourbon points out 'the bitch' near the start of the game, the first bit outdoors.
I've made an effort to loot everyone I see, but haven't dawdled so much that I should have run out of masks/filters by this point. Any suggestions please? I'm guessing starting again is an option but... not sure I can bring myself to do that (I'm on 360 btw, so can't just enable god mode as a few sources online recommend)