When I first booted up the game I put in my CD key as Steam gave it to me. Then at the main menu there's an extra content thing that talks about a helmet, and I put my key in there and it doesn't accept it. In Uplay itself there's an "unlock content" button that asks for a CD key and again it doesn't accept my key, it actually says the key is in use with another Uplay account! Surely it just means the key has already been used once, with my own account?
Where can you find the password for Skull Rock? I don't feel like searching aimlessly for something I might have missed early on.
Or you can just tell me what it is, I don't mind.
Use Steam in-home streaming in a virtual private networkSitting at work and not being able to play it because the game is at home is just ugh.
Yeah, the CD key. When I entered it for the first time in the game it said something about unlocking extras.Not to be a jerk but which code are you talking about? Are there multiple codes in the retail version? My Steam Deluxe Edition only came with a single CD key and nothing else.
I don't think I can play this game anymore. I think it's killing my video card.![]()
I don't think I can play this game anymore. I think it's killing my video card.![]()
Are you overclocking anything? Something is definitely overheating.
Well, i'm going to drop my monitor down to 60hz from 120hz and enable VSync because i get coil whine from my GTX670 when i play this game.
Are you overclocking anything? Something is definitely overheating.
My friend had a similar issue with Starbound. Couldn't play it because his cpu was overheating every time. We pulled open the machine and found about an inch of dust layered on the CPU fan. Cleaned that off and it's perfect now.
The other thing to check is your video card drivers. I had random pixelations and crashes on Assassin's creed 4 before I upgraded the video card drivers.
You know, I've been building PCs for decades and had never heard of "coil whine" when it comes to video cards before. It seems to be a relatively new phenomena, at least.
I googled it, and it does seem that the GTX 670s, at least the reference boards, are known for that problem. If it's still under warranty, I'd exchange it.
Well to be honest it's probably my own fault. My computer is average circa 2008. Just a Core 2 Duo, 2 gigs of RAM, Radeon HD4850 (512 MB).
Monday. Work. Hungover and still numb. 20 hours put in over the weekend, not all good news. Started over after 12 hours at the end of Act II when I realized how shitty my party was. I had wasted skill points, the relics I had found didn't match party specs, and a Ranger and a Mercenary in the same party was dragging me down. Finally back to Act III and really kicking ass. Runepriests are godly. Fire and Light are both really strong schools of magic, and they can be Grandmasters of both. My Ranger is still the weakest link, but now that I mastered bow and got a good one he's finally holding his own, but it was a long time coming.
Finally, beacons. Yes!
Has anyone done the uplay dungeon? Think I'll do that first tonight.
Work is my rehab, can't wait to relapse!
So does range eventually not suck? I'm planning to try all hybrids after I get done with my 4-mages game but I was going to just make the ranger use daggers and earth magic and the scout use axes.
I agree on the runepriests, btw. Mine is probably my favorite character (him or the druid, which is also awesome). I think my favorite magic schools are light, earth, and fire, and he can max all 3 of them.
My only problem with him is that he runs out of mana faster than everyone else in the party. Fire spells are pretty costly, and celestial armor isn't super cheap. I think I've probably fed him as many potions as my other 3 guys combined, but the fire damage is great!
Bloody hell, the difficulty hump in the game after act 2 opens up is quite insane.
Went to theOld City for the main quest. Did okay in the first two floors and took down the boss. Went to the third floor. Got wiped instantly by the first enemy encounter. WTF.
I wish I had a runepriest instead of my defender. But at least the latter is hitting stuff now.
Yeah, this is true. My defender basically just blocks, the huge HP pool is mostly for showIt's crazy how durable heavy armor guys are. I'm fighting enemies now that do 4 - 5 attacks a round with each hit doing 70 - 100 damage. When they land on my crusader its 4 - 5 hits of 1, 1, 3, 2. It's crazy, he's basically indestructible to physical damage. I imagine defenders are even crazier.
The weird thing is, the overheating occurs only in non-interactable interiors, like taverns etc - outside the game runs just fine.
There IS something definitely screwed up with the game when it comes to overheating certain GPUs - my GTX670 heats to 80C after 20 mins of FurMark burning test (maximum load), it doesn't go over 75C under normal circumstances, but in M&M X it NEARLY INSTANTLY goes up to 87-88C, even with V-Sync turned on, under certain circumstances.
The weird thing is, the overheating occurs only in non-interactable interiors, like taverns etc - outside the game runs just fine.
That's pretty annoying but I still enjoy the game so far.
It's not awesome, it's an example of old school game making and it's old for a reason, it's just not good and it's nothing more than a waste of time.
I've just realized there's no way to have use a two handed sword in this game while 'grandmastering' either two handed weapon or sword skills. In fact the only class who can even use a 2-handed sword is the mercenary class. So my question is, can a 2-handed sword be found in this game that's so OP that it can by itself make a mercenary build (which doesn't have any grandmaster weapon skills) be worth it?
Please spoil the details if you think you know the answer.
I'm pretty sure Merc not being able to GM any weapons was a mistake on their part, every class has 4 GM skills except for the mercenary who only has 3. I wouldn't be surprised if that gets patched.
But the merc also has the highest number of skills of any class in the game, being able to master every weapon and armor type. That's probably their rationalization, "look, you have so many options with this well-rounded character! Master both swords and axes and switch off!"
But the merc also has the highest number of skills of any class in the game, being able to master every weapon and armor type. That's probably their rationalization, "look, you have so many options with this well-rounded character! Master both swords and axes and switch off!"
Which is why the Merc is by a giant gaping margin the worst class in the game. Truly awful.
I had the same problem, but only during act 1. At the start of Act 2 I bought a nice axe at the smith in Seahaven.Just finished ACT2 , is it me or there is no 1h Axe at all in this game ? my Dwarf defender is stuck with a 1h I got from the smith in the first village so her dmg are a joke.
Actually There is not much weapons I found in chest so far... am I the only one having this issue ?
Is there an organization that can help people like me? I think I have a buffing problem..
Is there an organization that can help people like me? I think I have a buffing problem.
I'm bad, but not that bad! Not yet. But finding out yesterday that buffs are based on tile movement so I could get one tile away from whatever fight is coming, buff the crap out of my party, rest, quicksave and then step into battle = so awesome.
Steam isn't tracking this game very well. It says I had 8 hours yesterday, then 6, now back to 8. I've been playing nonstop. I have no idea how much I've played.
Yeah. I feel like I've played a lot more than the 5 hours recorded.
Steam being an enabler?
"no worries garath... it's fun! you don't really have a problem..."
It is a great buff, I have used him the entire game. The 3% amounts to basically nothing as some later Hirelings ask for as high as 25%! Money isn't really an issue either, I have over 250k right now and I buy an upgrade whenever I see it.So is the chef really worth it? 3% of my monies does not sound appealing. How big of a buff is Well rested?
I liked having the scout woman from the Thieves Den quest, didn't have to keep my whisper buff up the entire time.
It is a great buff, I have used him the entire game. The 3% amounts to basically nothing as some later Hirelings ask for as high as 25%! Money isn't really an issue either, I have over 250k right now and I buy an upgrade whenever I see it.
I killed him on my third try. Poison helped me outdamage him in the long run (like 25 turns long).Shadow Dragons being weaker than Cyclops is pretty funny. Also, Durante, that healing bastard in your post there can go jump in a fire
This is why we can't have nice things
Brace yourself, I am using neither anymore! Since my Rune Priest and Blade Dancer got their GM skills they have become god-tier and wreck everything so I no longer worry about XP.Does that mean you're not using both XP bonus hirelings?!
I did Barb and Blade Dancer (and the same two casters as you) and my party absolutely stomps everything in my path.I am in Act II and am doing okay so far, but I feel like I should just start over before I hit the problems people running into in this thread. I have a Mercenary and a Ranger in my party, and they're definitely secondary to my two magic users (Runepriest/Druid).
What are good melee-based classes that I could use to replace them?