The low ranking of Ultima 7 is actually the one thing which annoys me most about that list![]()
Dragon Age & Gothic higher than Ultima 7?
I just completed Chapter I and have access to the Elemental Forge. Before I go I'm going to try and defeat the Cyclops, Shadow Dragon, and Spectres.
My party is level 10 currently, and on Warrior difficulty. I made an attempt on the Shadow Dragon already and did fairly well with little planning in terms of buffs. Poison Spray seems really good against these type of encounters. As for the Cyclops, his cleave is devastating, hopefully Skull Crack works to prevent it, but I feel he'll be much more challenging than the Shadow Dragon. The Spectres I only tried once when I was at much lower level, so I'll have to try them again.
Slightly off-topic but RPG Codex finished their community vote for top 50 cRPGs. As with any list, opinions may vary, especially with order, but regardless there are a lot of great games everyone should play on this.
Come back later, like after act II. They are going to wipe the floor with you act I.
Make sure you have several schools of magic covered. Prime and Dark are helpful. Light gets good heals; the regen spell from Earth is good too. And have at least one class that can level Warfare well.
You'll be so powerful by endgame that I honestly don't think grandmaster is a massive priority. That said, I still skipped on the Mercenary due to the total lack of grandmaster skills.
Ranged characters don't have any great benefits that aren't coveted by spellcasters. I'd go for a crusader for a healer and build them mostly for damage before bothering with any ranged class.
My makeup was two spellcasters, a bladedancer that became a killing machine, and a crusader to get in heals and deal OK damage. Air magic resistance is common, so early game will punish you if you rely on that. I'm sure many builds are viable, though, except like an all Mercenary party or something.
Alright. I don't want to derail this thread too much more. I feel like the right posters are hanging out here so I'm gonna ask this question:
For my next RPG should I go with:
Realms of Arkania (original, not remake)
World of Xeen
Ultima Underworld
Etrian Odyssey Untold
Keeping in mind that I don't want to get burned out coming to one of these after Might and Magic X. I've never finished any of these. Arkania, never played at all.
I'm also open to any other suggestions on 3DS, PC (GOG or Steam, not looking to track down unavailable games), from any era. I want to play another great RPG, that's my only stipulation.
Make sure you have several schools of magic covered. Prime and Dark are helpful. Light gets good heals; the regen spell from Earth is good too. And have at least one class that can level Warfare well.
You'll be so powerful by endgame that I honestly don't think grandmaster is a massive priority. That said, I still skipped on the Mercenary due to the total lack of grandmaster skills.
Ranged characters don't have any great benefits that aren't coveted by spellcasters. I'd go for a crusader for a healer and build them mostly for damage before bothering with any ranged class.
My makeup was two spellcasters, a bladedancer that became a killing machine, and a crusader to get in heals and deal OK damage. Air magic resistance is common, so early game will punish you if you rely on that. I'm sure many builds are viable, though, except like an all Mercenary party or something.
My party:
Orc Barbarian - Two-handed/Mace/Endurance/Warfare
Human Freemage - all but Earth and Water Magic/Magical Focus/Arcane Disc
Dwarf Defender - Axe/Shield/Warfare/Heavy Armor
Elf Druid - Earth/Water/Endurance/Dagger
Without knowing what I'm getting into, would a party like the above cover the necessary skills to not be super gimped? I did notice that I don't currently have a sword user. Is the type of weapon available to my party important?
That seems pretty solid. You can always dump skill points into new skills as you go if you feel deficient. Just remember that perception is just as important as might for melee characters.
Money is bottlenecked early on. You will want the Prime magic identify spell literally ASAP.
And lastly, camp over using potions. Supplies are exponentially cheaper. Mark any restoration fountains on the map, too, to stretch out your supplies.
I didn't play with maces. Can anybody confirm if there are two-handed versions?
You get points every level. Each point buffs the skill as per the tooltip.
That is what I was referring to. Mouse over the given skill to see what buff each skill point gives you. Usually something like "adds +2% damage to fire spells". I believe the shortcut to see that menu is G.
All there. Keep verticality in mind. You can still hit it as long as you're in front.
Yeah you're set then. I dumped all the maces I found so I wasn't sure if they supported two handed or not.
It happened to me today after finishing act 3. I was glad as it meant an extra level.Wow this is weird... I'm somewhere in Act 3 and left Karthal to roam around outside, and enemies have respawned. Is this supposed to happen?
The calendar says I'm 12th Day of Dancing Flames, 575 YSD.
I thought there were no respawns, or does it happen over time?
It happened to me today after finishing act 3. I was glad as it meant an extra level.
Some say that spirit Beacon causes it and it's a bug.
I don't want to fight everything in the world again
It happened to me today after finishing act 3. I was glad as it meant an extra level.
Some say that spirit Beacon causes it and it's a bug.
Meh. So you can't even use it savely to port to a town? >_>That happened to me on several occasions. I got lazy and was abusing it to quickly get from zone to zone to do sidequests, and when I exited from the Crag, the enemies had respawned outside.
There was that one other time when using it caused my exploration of the Karthal slums to reset itself.
I used it after finishing up a level of the Lost City (level 4) to head back to Karthal (set my waypoint near the harbour area/horse carriage place for fast travel), and when I zoned into the Slums area from the Harbour area (walking into it), the northern part of the map went into that unexplored status again. It was rather funny because i had those map bookmarks/notes already placed on my own map (for the inn/vendors/quest NPCs) and they were still there, but that area turned black again. Had to clear the zone again.
Yeah you do! There's a limited amount of experience in the game. Your max level is limited by the number of enemies. You have a rare gift of being able to be a higher level than most players.
Alright. I don't want to derail this thread too much more. I feel like the right posters are hanging out here so I'm gonna ask this question:
For my next RPG should I go with:
Realms of Arkania (original, not remake)
World of Xeen
Ultima Underworld
Etrian Odyssey Untold
Keeping in mind that I don't want to get burned out coming to one of these after Might and Magic X. I've never finished any of these. Arkania, never played at all.
I'm also open to any other suggestions on 3DS, PC (GOG or Steam, not looking to track down unavailable games), from any era. I want to play another great RPG, that's my only stipulation.
Cyclops defeated. I basically used the strategy I posted earlier about the Shadow Dragon but with the additionof Burning Determination, which made the timings a little tight. Shadow Cloak was essential, especially considering his default auto-attack only hits once, which is what Skull Crack forced him into. I don't believe his default attack hits quite as hard as the Shadow Dragon (although the SD hits multiple times), but during the turn where I was without the Skull Crack effect, the cleave nearly one-shots most of my party. In fact, he did one-shot my Freemage a few times, forcing me to restart those attempts.
Yes, the NPC who takes you there is in Karthal (Southwest on the slums map).Is that one even out yet?
Has anyone done the Uplay reward dungeon? What level range is it? I assume it's designed as end-game content.
Oh, good to know, I'll do that once I finish the last promotion quest then.its mid level, I'd say around level 20
I did it with level 30 and it was incredibly easy
its very short but with exclusive enemies.
its mid level, I'd say around level 20
I did it with level 30 and it was incredibly easy
its very short but with exclusive enemies.
I remembered a question I had from last night.
The boss in the Spider Lair had a buff on her - something like immune to mind stuff? I don't remember. Whatever the case, do boss enemies have a specific buff that makes them immune to certain effects, or was it just a special buff she had? For what it's worth, I think it was a black/blue portrait with a skull in it?
Also, do effects like Sundering and Shatter stack?
I swear to god this game has given us the new "I took an arrow to the knee" meme. It seems like every two seconds someone in my party is saying "did someone forget to take a bath?" Even when there aren't any enemies. It's kind of irritating.
I keep wanting to hunt for the sword relic (fallen star quest) and go looking but can't find it for the life of me. Also means I keep getting distracted. I got the water walking blessing last night and cleared a shipwreck. Hard encounter but got through it. Nicerelic mace from it, too bad I don't use maces
Where the heck is the desolate wilds?? Is it that desert type area where there were a bunch of orcs? I wandered there a long time ago and they were hard. I can probably take them now though.
Somehow I'm in Shadow woods now. I should probably just go to Karthal to get new spells lol. I just started Act III.
There are a lot of different effects on different characters, and a LOT of bosses have a 'boss' effect that makes them immune to body and mind effects.
Sundering and Shatter do not stack, but Sundering is Prime/Magic dependant (E.G, the more magic/prime you have, the stronger it is) as well as a AOE for the three rows in front of you while Shatter is Might dependant (i think) and it hits only one guy.
This means that sometimes Shatter will be stronger than Sunder, or the opposite.
Also, Acid Splash stacks with either.
Bosses have the unimaginatively named "Boss" buff. It renders them immune to effects which move them or prevent them from acting.
I don't think sundering and shatter stack, but either of them stacks with the earth magic acid effect.
And does something like Frost Bolt (or whatever the ice spell is) that reduces the number of enemy attacks work on a boss?
I keep wanting to hunt for the sword relic (fallen star quest) and go looking but can't find it for the life of me. Also means I keep getting distracted. I got the water walking blessing last night and cleared a shipwreck. Hard encounter but got through it. Nicerelic mace from it, too bad I don't use maces
Where the heck is the desolate wilds?? Is it that desert type area where there were a bunch of orcs? I wandered there a long time ago and they were hard. I can probably take them now though.
Somehow I'm in Shadow woods now. I should probably just go to Karthal to get new spells lol. I just started Act III.