I just finished exploring Sorpigal-by-the-sea (and of course by "exploring" I mean "going to every single tile").
Too early for real impressions (though I'm 2 hours in with the time it took to create my party

), but not too early for some technical and UI stuff.
Performance seems much improved compared to the prerelease, even though there are now some additional graphics settings. With everything maxed I get 45-60 FPS at 2560x1440 on my 660ti. I consider that easily good enough for a game like this.
I tested the various AA methods they offer and to my eye their implementation of DLAA is by far the best of the methods available. It's also the one with the highest performance impact though (all the other ones are almost negligible on my setup in terms of performance impact).
User Interface
love the UI in this game. Clean, functional, fast, aesthetically pleasing. Good selection of readable and well-coordinated fonts. Both user-defined and auto-generated map notes. Two thumbs up. Seriously, I have nothing to complain about UI wise. It even has a bestiary with model viewer which I always love.
Just a few screenshots, can't resist.
My party. Two pure casters with different specializations, an annoying paladin and a stout dwarf to take the heat.
Bestiary with 3D model viewer, fuck yeah!
A book of sailor's songs with illustrations. I love this stuff.
It's really not such a bad looking game, especially considering the budget and that all the lighting is dynamic (time of day). That bird in the sky even casts shadows on buildings.