what happened?
i dont want to here any of your liberal fancy talk.I'm just trying to promote competition and fair-trade!
Ark's been drinking the Fluoridated water and went Red on us.what happened?
i dont want to here any of your liberal fancy talk.
i feel like i can now relate to the poorer members of the server, being poor and out of business, living off of the small amount of savings i have, i feel like i'm just one of the guys now.
Thanks again for the help last night. Alas, I discovered after you'd left the server that I had a door in my inventory the entire damn time. (Wooden, but still, it'd be a window!)
Hey, I was just wondering, how is creeper protection for blocks handled on GAFLand? Is it using some 3rd party thing, or is it just using "/gamerule mobGriefing false"? Because on my single player world, the /gamerule makes it so Endermen also don't move blocks around, which is nice, but on GAFLand it appears they do.
So after many, many, many deaths, the NE line is roughly laid out for all but its final stops. Stations still forthcoming and some track still needs to be laid. However, for those who want a rough look at the GAF Metro system, click to make big:
I'm planning on putting markers on all the settlements outside of spawn, along with the locations of grinders, nether portals, and enchantment tables along with any shops, I just haven't gotten to that yet.
So after many, many, many deaths, the NE line is roughly laid out for all but its final stops.
So after many, many, many deaths, the NE line is roughly laid out for all but its final stops. Stations still forthcoming and some track still needs to be laid. However, for those who want a rough look at the GAF Metro system, click to make big:
I'm planning on putting markers on all the settlements outside of spawn, along with the locations of grinders, nether portals, and enchantment tables along with any shops, I just haven't gotten to that yet.
So after many, many, many deaths, the NE line is roughly laid out for all but its final stops. Stations still forthcoming and some track still needs to be laid. However, for those who want a rough look at the GAF Metro system, click to make big:
I'm planning on putting markers on all the settlements outside of spawn, along with the locations of grinders, nether portals, and enchantment tables along with any shops, I just haven't gotten to that yet.
Is there a gaf server?
Crispy - you put up a perimeter road next to my Empire State Building. Would it be ok to shift it a tiny bit east so it's between my place and Buscandowally's? literally would be 5 blocks or so?
Crispy - you put up a perimeter road next to my Empire State Building. Would it be ok to shift it a tiny bit east so it's between my place and Buscandowally's? literally would be 5 blocks or so?
If anyone with server access is around - check on the status of it as it's in a constant restart loop, perhaps a hardware fault.
I've looked through the logs and attempted to replicate this, unfortunately, I couldn't.
This was due to a small issue with the process which controls the gameservers on your machine, which has since been corrected.
If you require further support, or have any other questions or issues, please feel free to contact us again.
To Ark I have 2 requests:
- I've made another donation. Would Kien2142 be able to get upgraded to blue and /back status?
- One other Gaffer would fancy joining the server. Her name is Francheska__ (that's 2 underscores). Would she please be whitelisted?
Just gauging some interest; would people actually build in Arkyoto? I really hope I'm not going to have to populate the entire city myself, because I'd like to move on to a new project sooner rather than later.
What's this Otamin case? Why is he/she allowed to fly?
I'm not saying that I want the same "ability" since I only care about playing as vanilla as possible. Flying would take the fun out of it.
Just gauging some interest; would people actually build in Arkyoto? I really hope I'm not going to have to populate the entire city myself, because I'd like to move on to a new project sooner rather than later.
I plan to, but I thought you were still working on getting it ready?
I plan to, but I thought you were still working on getting it ready?
I vote PVP on permanently!!! We need to liven the server up!
90% of the build so far has been in survival, I just started to get lazy recently.What's this Otamin case? Why is he/she allowed to fly?
I'm not saying that I want the same "ability" since I only care about playing as vanilla as possible. Flying would take the fun out of it.
I did install the latest AMD Beta drivers, but I'm hoping that's not it.
It's an issue with that driver release.
I recommend using iron, not diamond armor as it still gives protection and won't cause you to rage quit when you eventually lose a full set due to lava. Also, hit the F3 key so your coords are showing, then if you die hit F2 to take a screen shot so you can easily reference where you died if you're prone to forgetting the numbers like I am.I need help on enchanting armor. I've started venturing into the nether and would like some tips on how to protect myself from lava and fall deaths.