i got inspired by your story and also used my last 5 free energy.
i got zeera .
Well, congrats to our new S/SSes
Yeah, Mewtwo is awesome. It's a sign that you should pull more.
Yep, totally calling him Mewtwo from now on lol
i got inspired by your story and also used my last 5 free energy.
i got zeera .
Yeah, Mewtwo is awesome. It's a sign that you should pull more.
I'm not inspired enough to drop more money on the game to make more pulls.
Was thinking about getting another 14 energy pack, but the 4 leftover energy would be completely useless as you only get more energy in fives.
Edit: I'd be content with Zeera tho, boost up those coin runs~
Well, you get energy from the consecutive login bonuses. I worked it out to I think 4.75 energy / week. So the remaining 4 energy wouldn't be useless.
FWIW, I'm super happy with Gatz. Treasure Hunter is literally the only thing I'm missing that I couldn't live without.
When does Hunting Zone 3 open up again?
Because at this rate, I'm going to have to run Hunting Zone 2 about 52 times for all the money I need, assuming it drops an average of 4,000 coins.
My team now:
Basically, I'm thinking that unless I roll a fire or ice archer/swordsman/spearman, I don't have much reason two remove anyone from my main team. That's also making it hard to justify getting new jobs for my other characters like Nakupi, Djugan, Korin, Ka'pori, Sh'berdan, or Ra'prow. It's too bad too because I like all those dudes!
I'll make that my second squad. I like Ba'gunar and Bahamut because more often than not, their skill attacks are what's taking out enemies.I'd drop Ba'gunar and Bahamut from that team and add Korin immediately (job3 +20% frequency to sword users, job1 +20% def to sword users) and another spear guy to prepare myself better for chapter 18 (which is mostly all sword enemies)
That's really good for using just 4 characters. I barely broke ~300,000 once (or got extremely close), but that required having all 6 with me.I think i broke a new record
That's really good for using just 4 characters. I barely broke ~300,000 once (or got extremely close), but that required having all 6 with me.
His other characters is under the metal king.
His other characters is under the metal king.
Oh, whoops! But yeah, the patch gave me a few runs where I got about ~280-290k semi-consistently, but it's still mostly RNG depending on what enemies I get to pop up. (And got ~245k on the run right after that golden run). It helps when I get a lot of those annoying runners sandwiched in between my units and rack up the XP bonuses from killing them all in one turn.Yea I actually have 6 characters there. I think I could have gotten a bit more exp if I had been careful on the final level and gotten the metal king in the exp chain so I got a +30% bonus on him. Still though, 300k is really good. Will be hard to beat that.
i would trade 1/2 my team to have peprope as a playable character. dat skill set.
What kind of battle?New event's up! It's for farming tears as some of us were speculating
What kind of battle?
I'm running so low on energy. But it's only like chapter 7. Is this the game's micro transaction of choice?
Okay, I tried the new Arena Hunting Event.
They run away after one turn and two of them are usually enemies that leave bombs or trails of goo or cast that reduce time thing on your guys. There's four rounds of three enemies. The trails are respectable damage, I think it's 500 per drag so they're a bit more of a nuisance then the Hunting Zone ones.
I got 4 - 5 drops.
NOT ALL OF THEM TEARS. Elemental rings are in the rotation too.
This is 20 energy. I guess this is for low level folks who haven't unlocked the later hunting zones yet but would really like tears.
Yeah, but I think if you kill the special one, you're guaranteed a tear at least. HZ3, it's possible to get 5 or 6 rares but I've also gotten 35 common drops and runs with nothing but particles as the rares too.The rate of tears is still a bit higher here than from HZ3. It's still not too common to get 4+ tears in an HZ3, and i just got 5 and 6.
I don't have any good party members in the tearhunt lvl range. Im just gonna park a backup party at lvl 20.
Okay I acutally encountered the boss event monster, like the metal king, on my first run so I'm assuming that's where I got the animaton from.
Poor Grace/Bahl.I'll probably be able to get most of my characters to lvl 60 thanks to this event.
Poor Grace/Bahl.
It's poor Bahl then... or do you not have her?Actually used this event to get her job2/3 to lvl 60. Shes the only character I have that has Terabow and will probably be my main damage dealer if I roll with Manmer/Pahrl bow buffs.
Um, I'm not.Um, Bahl is awesome, don't hate.
Oh, I thought you meant he'd stop using Grace/Bahl once he had better characters leveled up.Um, I'm not.