IIRC, there was a Plessie + Green Plessie quest in MHFU. Not sure if it's still in MH3U.
...and yeah..my Pierce Lvl 4 thunder bow came in damn handy in that quest.
Lol WTF at this Plesy + Lagi quest. Only thing worse would be a double Plesy one, haha.
LOL. Tigrex might be a nun in MHP3...but it's still a damn iconic and formidable mob. It was also one of the major walls for newbies in MH. I miss the Tigrex in MH3U.
But Rajang...damn that Saiyan Gorilla. I played like hundreds of hours of MH...and I met Rajang....and I felt like a noob again. Another major wall.
Hip check hitbox from MHFU...that's the where the fun is at! LOL
Oh boy, I haven't seen it but I'm sure I will want to thank you when I'm done with it. I'll get sharskins from in the rewards right?Do the 30 Shark arena in Tanzia.
Followed by Plesioth(s). Fuck that fish, its tailwhip that shouldn't hit that low and the forward charge that grabs me from anywhere around its feet.
Okay so I think I finally clicked with this game, I am about 14 hours into it, but I still feel a little lost reading some of your posts.
Anywho, I'm stuck trying to capture the giant bear dude on the two star quest.
Any tips?
What seems to be the problem? Killing it too quick?Anywho, I'm stuck trying to capture the giant bear dude on the two star quest.
Any tips?
Monster Hunter newbie here - got the game bundled with my 3DS and I'm completely lost because I didn't really pay attention during the initial few hours. Is there any beginners guide that also explains the terminology used in the game? (I might add that I play it in German)
just fought duram-w/e solo online and could not kill it in time. it is crazy, i was beating the shit out of him almost the whole time.
edit: bowgun seems more costly than i thought it would be.
What seems to be the problem? Killing it too quick?
If you do it right, he'll be captured at the second tranq bomb you throw at him. Just wait for him to limp (the animation makes it obvious) before laying he trap.I was killing the guy but I guess I didn't throw enough tranq bombs at him.
Ill try this tonight.
I was killing the guy but I guess I didn't throw enough tranq bombs at him.
Ill try this tonight.
I think I will farm some great jaggies until I can make their armor, seems to be an improvement over my Rhenoplos Armor.
The other obvious: watch dem openings!Any suggestions for a GS user besides the obvious "don't let him hit you"? I mean - holy crap they take off the kid gloves with this guy and it totally took me by surprise. I even had my Shakala's setup for support and everything.
I felt the same until I spent almost 200 hours playing MHP3rd HD - now I'm used to the predictability of the monsters' movement and regularity of flinching with all that playing on my own, plus I've soloed everything up to and including Alatreon, whereas in Tri there would have been monsters I'd have avoided fighting solo.Am I broken because I don't like playing by myself? MonHun isn't MonHun without other people for me.
Here are some annoyances with this game- why do decorations take up slots in the item box? They should have had a separate box for that, but instead I will probably create some equipment for the sole purpose of getting those gems out of the item box, but it's kind of bullshit that you can lock yourself out of equipment sets by not having enough empty slots in your item box.
Why do furnishings go into the item box? And there's no way of showing them off. Why? I'm definitely selling off all my furnishings after I get that stupid award for getting them all because I don't have space for that garbage.
I should have started going for the all poogie costumes award first. At least they don't take up slots in the item box while they're not being worn.
Managing the item box has to be one of the more tedious, non-fun aspects of the game. It should really just be a list that lets you keep up to 9999 of everything.
If you think(or have the perception skill)that the monster is ready to be captured,you can:
-throw a first tranq bomb while he limps,then throw a second one once he's in the trap.
-throw two tranqs bombs while he limps,once trapped,he'll be captured instantly,you have 5 seconds roughly before the effect of the tranqs bombs vanish.
So I've managed to solo ALL quests through level 8 and all but a couple of 9 star quests and thejust opened up. I figure, eh, I've faced him before in a couple of quests when he's shown up and learned to respect his enraged mode but I've never actually killed him. I've made it through every single quest the first time I've tried it except the first time I faced Duramboros (I forgot to bring traps and just ran out of time whittling down his health) and the first time I faced Ceadeus. I've never carted three times in any quest and failed it.urgent quest to fight Deviljho
Now, normally, I only ever bring the following to fights I expect to be tough:
10 pots
10 mega pots
10 honeys
energy drinks
dung bombs
tranqs, traps, and stuff to make new traps
I travel light and I've never had to bring a bunch of miscellaenous stuff with me like drugged meat, flash bombs, etc.
So I figure, eh, this should be a tough fight, but I just built my Rath Soul set that I took outEASILY with in the first try (that was a pushover fight) and I've got my Ancharius Sword which is about as good a GS as I can get at my rank but just in case I actually added a couple of Max Potions to the mix, figuring if I get carted then at least I can get up to max health again after a cart.Ivory Lagiacrus
Can I just say?!?!? What the HELL do I do against this guy? I haven't gotten slapped around that hard since MHFU days. Not only is his rage mode total BS but I have to keep my health topped off at all times in case he decides he wants toholy fucking shit.start EATING ON ME
Any suggestions for a GS user besides the obvious "don't let him hit you"? I mean - holy crap they take off the kid gloves with this guy and it totally took me by surprise. I even had my Shakala's setup for support and everything.
2 out of 4 Dire Miralis runs for today.
What's the effective way of killing him? We just kinda hacked its part until it's dead, with dragonator and ballista a few times.
2 out of 4 Dire Miralis runs for today.
What's the effective way of killing him? We just kinda hacked its part until it's dead, with dragonator and ballista a few times.
How much does "Coating Boost" affect a coating?
I'm thinking about whether to pursue the Daedalops Bow, a sleep SnS, or a bowgun for sleep bombing. Thoughts?
Was under Lucent Narga lancing and I was getting bum rushed by a sword mode Switch Axe, Long Sword spirit combos and Great Sword up swings.
I was either on my back, my knees or slowly floating to the ground
What is wrong with people?
Mark of a Hero is such bullshit. Clearly you're not supposed to be using dual swords, but any other weapon makes me want to through my GamePad through the window. Ugh. I think I might finally be done with this game.
Yup. as a hammer user, i'm constantly getting randoms spirit comboing me when i'm attacking the head.
Edit: Created a room in the usual place if anyone's about.
I just started getting into this game yesterday. Gave up Great Swords in favor of Long Swords and I can't really see myself looking back.
Any tips for someone starting out?
then you are playing with bad people... i am a long sword user since they joined the series, switched over from GS after MH (PS2). Back in the days on PS2, it was the same. Lance guys complained about GS, now it's the LS.
but it's only bad people. There are only 4 spaces on quest, and all of the monsters (maybe except the bird-wyvern xD) are big enough for all 4 hunters without getting too much in trouble with each other...
but, there are too many bad people around. people who are egoistic and people who have no heart of a hunter ... but, they exist since 2005 and they won't fade away ... that's the hunter's life, we've chosen![]()
Revisit the Great Sword after you get into the meat of the game a bit. Great Sword is a weapon with awesome power, but it's tough to learn if you're just starting out with Monhan for the first time because of how slow it is. Don't be afraid to try other weapons as well. I use Hammer, Hunting Horn, Switch Axe and Light Bowgun. No need to limit yourself, as the different play styles provide a lot of variety.
For just starting out, gathering everything and gather a lot. You'll need everything. Mushrooms, Herbs, Honey, Spider Webs, Ore. Carry Potions with you at all times and work on building up an inventory of capture supplies (ie; Thunderbugs to make Shock Traps, Tranqs). Spend a few minutes in Moga Woods to cook up some meat so you don't have to worry about it during Quests, etc.
If you want to see how other people play, don't be afraid to jump online (assuming Wii U) and do some of the easy quest. People are generally very nice when it comes to accommodating new players.
Yes, bad players are going to send you flying / tripping regardless of the weapon. Like I said before, Long Sword / Dual Swords seems really popular with the new players, so I see a lot more of those guys (when I play with randoms) tripping teammates. But you will occasionally run into someone like a new Hammer user that has just discovered the Super Pound and is spamming it in the middle of a group of teammates, or a Switch Axe user randomly discharging in a group.
If you join randoms and they're bad players just leave after the quest is over. Don't fret over it.
That's my girlfriend all the way. Weird thing is though. We got into a group with two randoms, and all of a sudden there's no more discharges or anything from her. I'm just getting upswinged and super pounded every 30 seconds from the others. Good thing I had kickboxer thoughI kicked the shit out of both of them.
then you are playing with bad people... i am a long sword user since they joined the series, switched over from GS after MH (PS2). Back in the days on PS2, it was the same. Lance guys complained about GS, now it's the LS.
but it's only bad people. There are only 4 spaces on quest, and all of the monsters (maybe except the bird-wyvern xD) are big enough for all 4 hunters without getting too much in trouble with each other...
but, there are too many bad people around. people who are egoistic and people who have no heart of a hunter ... but, they exist since 2005 and they won't fade away ... that's the hunter's life, we've chosen![]()
then you are playing with bad people... i am a long sword user since they joined the series, switched over from GS after MH (PS2). Back in the days on PS2, it was the same. Lance guys complained about GS, now it's the LS.
but it's only bad people. There are only 4 spaces on quest, and all of the monsters (maybe except the bird-wyvern xD) are big enough for all 4 hunters without getting too much in trouble with each other...
but, there are too many bad people around. people who are egoistic and people who have no heart of a hunter ... but, they exist since 2005 and they won't fade away ... that's the hunter's life, we've chosen![]()
You seem really angry at everything.
Yes, Mark of a Hero is doable with Dual Swords. This guy manages and he's not exactly a high level master player.