I feel bad for everybody having trouble getting Palliums and Brachy Gems.
My luck has been nothing short of incredible.![]()
I feel bad for everybody having trouble getting Palliums and Brachy Gems.
My luck has been nothing short of incredible.![]()
So I've managed to solo ALL quests through level 8 and all but a couple of 9 star quests and thejust opened up. I figure, eh, I've faced him before in a couple of quests when he's shown up and learned to respect his enraged mode but I've never actually killed him. I've made it through every single quest the first time I've tried it except the first time I faced Duramboros (I forgot to bring traps and just ran out of time whittling down his health) and the first time I faced Ceadeus. I've never carted three times in any quest and failed it.urgent quest to fight Deviljho
Now, normally, I only ever bring the following to fights I expect to be tough:
10 pots
10 mega pots
10 honeys
energy drinks
dung bombs
tranqs, traps, and stuff to make new traps
I travel light and I've never had to bring a bunch of miscellaenous stuff with me like drugged meat, flash bombs, etc.
So I figure, eh, this should be a tough fight, but I just built my Rath Soul set that I took outEASILY with in the first try (that was a pushover fight) and I've got my Ancharius Sword which is about as good a GS as I can get at my rank but just in case I actually added a couple of Max Potions to the mix, figuring if I get carted then at least I can get up to max health again after a cart.Ivory Lagiacrus
Can I just say?!?!? What the HELL do I do against this guy? I haven't gotten slapped around that hard since MHFU days. Not only is his rage mode total BS but I have to keep my health topped off at all times in case he decides he wants toholy fucking shit.start EATING ON ME
Any suggestions for a GS user besides the obvious "don't let him hit you"? I mean - holy crap they take off the kid gloves with this guy and it totally took me by surprise. I even had my Shakala's setup for support and everything.
When do you see the end game CG?
Wait, this game ends?! =[
I am so sad right now. After I repelled Ceadeus for the first time, I figured id go again to get some more items from it. With 10 minutes left, his beard destroyed, and almost done, I used a farcaster instead of a mini oxy supply. It takes me 7 minutes to swim back and I destroy his horn as time goes out.
So basically, never carry farcasters. Ever.
That charm table thing is confusing the hell out of me, which table should a Bow user want?
I am so sad right now. After I repelled Ceadeus for the first time, I figured id go again to get some more items from it. With 10 minutes left, his beard destroyed, and almost done, I used a farcaster instead of a mini oxy supply. It takes me 7 minutes to swim back and I destroy his horn as time goes out.
So basically, never carry farcasters. Ever.
Bring Meat. Drugged, Poisoned, Tinged. The one fight in the game where those are really useful, imo. He's always hungry and he'll always go for it eventually. Also bring max potions if you know it's going to be tough, brings your health bar back to 150 after fainting (and is good for completely healing you in a pinch).
As for the actual fight, I'm not a GS user, so I don't have any specific tips for you. I stay below his feet with my GL and Guard+2 and just block everything.![]()
Dung bombs interrupt his pin attack. Make sure you're eating food that gives dragon resist if you insist on wearing azure los armor - iirc it has MASSIVE negative dragon. You shouldn't be getting hit by his breath but shit happens.
As was already mentioned, bring paralyze/sleep meat. As a GS user, sleep meat in particular will be a huge benefit. It'll most likely only work once though.
The fight will still be tough, so go in prepared. Max potions and the like. Pitfall him when he drools, etc.
Thanks guys. I *thought* he used Dragon element damage in his rage mode but wasn't sure. I only got hit by his rage-mode Dragon sparks only once but it wasn't bad. Generally I run around or leave the area to heal if he's in full on rage mode anyway. I mainly use the Rath Soul set so I can get (with gems and talisman) HG Earplugs and Critical Eye +3 so combined with my 30% affinity on my GS I think that means I have a 50% or 60% critical rate so my plan was to do as much damage as quickly as possible before he could cart me three times. I got him close on my first run. His tail was chopped off and the textures on the monster model look all scarred and damaged. I'm surprised I didn't finish him off before he did me in.
I'll try this again soon and let you know! Maybe all I need was to get some extra hits on him while trapped/sleeping - might give me enough of an edge...
That would have been very helpful. Time to go get some Ceadeus armor.At the base camp, there is a boulder blocking a jump point closer to the wall. When you reach the final area, that boulder disappears and you can jump right outside of the final area.
I was helping out in a low rank room a few days ago, and we did that quest. The three of them wanted me to gear up and kill Rathian for them while they killed Rathalos. I've found that it's a good way to keep the monsters away from each other so that they're easier to manage.
Ok, so... Armor Spheres... do i use them on "halfway" armor? should i be storing them forever? i just took a Duramboros set all the way to lvl8..... now i feel dirty.
Hmm, I'm struggling with soloing Alatreon.
Hmm, I'm struggling with soloing Alatreon. I completed the Mark of a Hero without much of a problem, but this thing is giving me some trouble. It barely flinches, doesn't get tired, and often counterattacks whenever I'm hitting it during the small openings I find. Any tips? Should I use a different weapon (I'm using a hunting horn)? I can dodge its attacks, but I don't feel like I'm doing enough damage to it. I failed my first attempt since I ran out of time. lol
hi guys, I have a noob question. I bought some items from the captain or whatever to increase boat levels. How do I use them? Or is it just an event that happens as I progress? I'm not that far, only to the quest to kill lagi.
hi guys, I have a noob question. I bought some items from the captain or whatever to increase boat levels. How do I use them? Or is it just an event that happens as I progress? I'm not that far, only to the quest to kill lagi.
Hammer worked for me. You can get a lot of openings when he turns, taunts, roars, gets his horns stuck in a wall, or when you flashbomb/binder him out of the air. Farcasters and materials to make more help a lot since you can rest in the bed to recover hp/status and revive your helpers.
If you got the item, they're now upgraded. You'll notice that boat can now go to an additional destination.
Having Tremor Res is amazing on Jho too. When he stomps or jumps it gives you a ton of extra time for hits.
The thing about Deviljho is he actually becomes more vulnerable when he's enraged, so get in there and nail him in the chest.
The thing about Deviljho is he actually becomes more vulnerable when he's enraged, so get in there and nail him in the chest.
B-b-but.... he's so....*gulp* SCARY when he's enraged... 8(
That's actually nice to know. I assumed he would be just as tough when enraged as normal mode.
Good stuff - thanks guys! I'll give this another go tonight probably. As wierd as it sounds for a video game about hunting and killing make-believe dinosaurs and dragons I usually feel a little guilty about killing certain monsters but Jho has ruined several of my quests before so that bastard is goin' down!!!
Post a picture of your Guild Card.
Serious question? No. It's not even the end of the village quests, there's a few more after the ending. And the village content is barely even a drop in the bucket.
First one after killing. The second "end game" one after killingCeadeus.Ivory Lagiacrus
I'd like to play with some gaffers if people are going to be on soon. If someone who is barely HR4 with low rank armour is good enough.
Cool. I made a room called GAF HR4+ on 03 Free C > Lobby9, with the password. I'm a gunner tooI can help you out. I just picked up bowgun so I could use some practice against high rank monsters. G rank Brachy wasn't having any of it earlier![]()
Cool. I made a room called GAF HR4+ on 03 Free C > Lobby9, with the password. I'm a gunner too
About to jump on. Anyone at G rank level want to join my room and take turns clearing random quests we still need?
Am I broken because I don't like playing by myself? MonHun isn't MonHun without other people for me.
I have fun on both single and multi, so yes you're wrong.
(I do admit the game shines in a different light when on multi though).