Oh, forgot to mention, I find the underwater bits terrifying ;_; I think Emerald Weapon from FFVII scarred me for life, whenever I go underwater I'm constantly on edge. 
Oh boy lol you are not gonna like one of the later level where you have to fight underwater the whole quest XDOh, forgot to mention, I find the underwater bits terrifying ;_; I think Emerald Weapon from FFVII scarred me for life, whenever I go underwater I'm constantly on edge.![]()
Oh boy lol you are not gonna like one of the later level where you have to fight underwater the whole quest XD
What about your girlfriend?
:lolI went through hell to get just one diploma? I need five!
Thumbs up, you're doing everything right. Defeating the Arzuros and Great Jaggi is just your first step into the world of monster hunting.Just started playing this game for the first time today. I have no idea what I'm doing, seems like there's a pretty big learning curve. So far I've cleared through the Jaggi(a?) boss quest, and unlocked the desert plains area. I've been dumping most of my loot into my item box because I'm not sure what to do with a lot of it - I've slowly purchased new armor and upgraded it (currently at the Hunter+) and I've played around with a few of the beginner weapons, so far I quite like the double blades - is there a general consensus on which weapons are better than others? I tried the katana type longer sword but it was a little unyielding for me.
Enjoying it though, despite being a little bewildered!
For DS and SnS, I'm all about one of Razor Sharp or Speed Sharpening (or both!).So i made the barioth g set and its matching DS and sns, only to realize i have no clue what to gem it for. So far all I've thought to do was get ice+2 and evade+2 and cancel out the minus stamp. Suggestions?
i just found a talisman with
crit draw +5
protection +9
no slots
i dont know what i want to use it for
Can't you dodge through all roars with Evasion+2?
Can't you dodge through all roars with Evasion+2?
Hmm, I think it would have been cool if there were some quests that took place in the arena with multiple monsters in the lower ranks. Those are probably my favorite quests to do in G-rank.
Some roars last longer than others. I know I've dodged through most roars with Evasion +1, but are you sure you can do all of them?Can even do it with Evasion +1
Can't you dodge through all roars with Evasion+2?
It's a good idea to emergency dive through it if you can't roll, because you'll still recover earlier and have more control over your character. Sometimes you can even get a hit in.If you time it right, yeah.
Though there's like one or two you can't roll through like Dire Miralis just because it lasts so long.
You just wanna beat up on lower rank monsters with G-rank gear in an arena setting, don't you
The only problem with two-monster fights is it makes certain armor skills mandatory, like HGE.Sort of. Kind of.
I suppose I like the challenge of fighting two monsters at once and not being able to dung bomb your way out of it.
Trying to get this Worn GL fully upgraded.
What's lifepowder do?PSA: When you get to G Rank, always bring LIFEPOWDER.
Sometimes, using just one is the difference between a successful and unsuccessful hunt for the team.
What's lifepowder do?
Hits so hard.Ugh, this Ivory Lagiacrus is harder than Alatreon.![]()
Okay, is there any rhyme or reason to when the little masked assholes use their abilities? Because currently it seems to be "any time I don't need it".
Health near maximum? Health boost! Almost dead? No health boost!
That's a nice, clean screenshot. Capture card?
I've managed to get over a lot of this game's more infuriating aspects, and even embrace some of them. But there's still one thing that makes me scream "bullshit!" every time it happens, and its the difference in the way it treats player and monster hit boxes. If my hammer swing is even an inch to the left of the monster's model, well, of course it doesn't hit. But if a monster charges at me and very clearly misses me by a good foor or so I still get knocked down for like three seconds.
I still fucking hate the fact that monsters can be outside of the zone borders/knock me out of the area.
Think of it as breaktime. You got knocked into a different area, so heal and sharpen before you go back on your way.
It sucks when I'm already sufficiently healed and sharpened.
Anyways, we ought to play together again sometime.