"God's Beard!"
One run at Jhen and I can already tell getting 5 Earth Dragongems is going to be miserable![]()
You don't need the whole Helios set, try swapping that part out
One run at Jhen and I can already tell getting 5 Earth Dragongems is going to be miserable![]()
Which Helios combination is recommended?
I've heard full Helios X except waist Helios Z. Then a friend used full Helios Z except waist Helios X...supposedly for sharpness.
Which one is better?
Is there some "magical seed" that a player can have? One of my friends that I play regularly with gets the rarest gems from each monster we kill 100% of the time.
Deus Obelisk (such a cool name):
Okay, is there any rhyme or reason to when the little masked assholes use their abilities? Because currently it seems to be "any time I don't need it".
Health near maximum? Health boost! Almost dead? No health boost!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOaCvz_kLFUMARK OF A HERO COMPLETE!
TLDR: I am a hunter.
Is there a rusted swaxe?I receive the same weapons over and over.(Lance,gunlance,GS,DS,hammer,light bowgun).I seem to get most of the rusted weapons, except Gunlances...which I mainly use '_'
Is there a rusted swaxe?I receive the same weapons over and over.(Lance,gunlance,GS,DS,hammer,light bowgun).
If a weapon has a elemental attack, and I was faced with a monster resistant to that element, would the bonus from the element be negated with me falling back onto the base attack value of my weapon OR will my attacks be even weaker than that?
That looked awesome. Speaking of which, how's the gun-lance in this game? I've been maining the DB and LS so far (and going as far back as the previous portable games), but I've been thinking of adding one class with a shield. So is it good enough for solo play?
That looked awesome. Speaking of which, how's the gun-lance in this game? I've been maining the DB and LS so far (and going as far back as the previous portable games), but I've been thinking of adding one class with a shield. So is it good enough for solo play?
I've done every village quests until Mark of hero with the gunlance(got heavily bored of it at this point,after 400 uses),it's a little bit too powerful in my opinion,the wyvern's fire reloads every 2 minutes so it's better to release it as fast as possible.Against fast/pressure monsters like the Bracchydios and the Sand Barioth,I'd suggest to take some dash juices,because things can turn quickly ugly if your stamina is depleted(and these monsters are extremely good for this).That looked awesome. Speaking of which, how's the gun-lance in this game? I've been maining the DB and LS so far (and going as far back as the previous portable games), but I've been thinking of adding one class with a shield. So is it good enough for solo play?
GL has a higher DPS than LS and DS, so it's more than viable for solo play. Need to pair with Artillery Expert (lowers Wyvernfire cooldown rate from 120 seconds to 90 seconds) and a Guard set to maximize the effectiveness of the weapon.
I'm sorry, what? How does it get more DPS? Super curious here. Is it the evades/guards that keep the attacks flowing?
Also, if you start using the GL I don't recommend getting used to the shield + poke tactic. Have to be aggressive with combos and shelling. Practice this combo: Charge stab > Stab > Stab > Upswing > Charged Shell > Reload > Slam > WF
I feel your pain.I seem to get most of the rusted weapons, except Gunlances...which I mainly use '_'
It's a fantastic weapon, imo. Along with the Hunting Horn and Switch-Axe probably the most interesting and versatile melee weapon to use. Lots of combo possibilities.That looked awesome. Speaking of which, how's the gun-lance in this game? I've been maining the DB and LS so far (and going as far back as the previous portable games), but I've been thinking of adding one class with a shield. So is it good enough for solo play?
The one you quoted is probably the single longest combo string (without a dodge move), so it's most suited to the scenarios where the monster is weak or trapped and you can really do your damage.I'd really like to see some good GL play on g-rank. I have no idea how you could get in more than a quick double stab with a shell before having to dodge or block. Especially against ADHD monsters like (B.)Diablos, Narga or Sand Barioth. I'm mainly using longswords and great swords, and of course I can go nuts when Diablos is exhausted or sonic-bombed, but in rage mode it's pretty much NOPE NOPE NOPE.
I seem to get most of the rusted weapons, except Gunlances...which I mainly use '_'
Anyone have any pointers for chopping off duramboro's tail? That thing will not break.
You can't actually severe its tail, just the casing/shell around it. Usually a good time to crack it is when it does its air stomp attack and lies on the ground for a few seconds, or try to trip it by attack its feet during the ballerina twirl.
How long is the I.Lagi quest going to last? Taking a MH breather atm (for the first time since release lol)
Only got one ticket so far
Thanks. I knew there must be something. I dont think on lower levels you get anything for breaking that or is horns, do you?
So much for only bringing Mega PotionsInventory:
Combo Book I
Potion x10
Mega Potion x10
Honey x10
Max Potion x2
Ancient Potion x1
Mega Dash Juice x5
Dash Juice x5
Antidote x10
Mega Demondrug x5
Mega Armorskin x5
Energy Drink x10
Bomb Casing x10
Exciteshroom x10
Demon Horn
Armor Horn
Shock Trap
Pitfall Trap
Flash Bomb x5
Pink Liver x2
Duramboros Horn
is this something to falls to the ground like a tear, or does it give me a chance of getting one as a reward?
It gives you a chance as getting as a reward.
How long is the I.Lagi quest going to last? Taking a MH breather atm (for the first time since release lol)
Only got one ticket so far
How does the data work? The gs has highest dps, is that with charge swings or just constantly combo swinging?
It's fun to switch it up. I use everything eventually. I'm not good with the "new" weapons, though. Except for the bow, which is one of the most brain dead weapons ever made. That thing needs to get more interesting, pronto.So, took down the Giant Jaggi last night. First real monster fight. Quite fun. Switched from my sword & shield to a lance just before accepting the quest and had a good time with it. May have to swap out to other weapons regularly to see how much I enjoy the variety.