Yeah, I'll still be on in an hour.
I'm getting on now. Where you at?
Yeah, I'll still be on in an hour.
I'm getting on now. Where you at?
I'm just finishing off some stuff, but I'm going to hop on in a bit for some HR Wroggi farming. Let me know if you're interested in joining.
I play it with just one other person, and I think it's a blast.Guys I think I am going to pick this up. Let me give you some background I played some MHFU on PSP and some tri on the wii but never more then a few hours with each. (I feel like I am in a better place in my life where I can actually spend some time with games and put the time into MH that it needs) I am loving my 3ds right now and think this would be a great addition to my library. Would it be pretty fun playing with only 1 other friend?
Huge shout out to Za Warudo, Maya, and Edayan for helping me through a bunch of 4 & 5 star quests today. You guys are awesome.
MonHun GAF is always super polite and willing to help anyone.
WTH :lolFunny, had a Delex (sand fish things) kill black diablos for me while he was underground. He was burrowing down and I was in the process of sheathing my hammer so I could sonic bomb it and all of a sudden the victory music started playing and b.blos popped up out of the ground dead and a Delex swam by.
I play it with just one other person, and I think it's a blast.
Ugh, after the Village's "Fell Dragon" Lagiacrus mission, Shaka disappeared. Is this normal or did he... die?
I miss him already. :'(
All four before he's back?for his return:
1- do the carry eggs/powderstones OR capture lagiacrus
2- duramboros
3- volvidon OR ??? (i forget)
4- ???
and cha-cha's back
I finally took the Gigginox down after forging the Wroggi gear, without his poison he wasn't much of a threat. But without a fire weapon, it still took me a bit to take him down.
... 0 Pale Extracts though. FML.
All four before he's back?![]()
Guys I think I am going to pick this up. Let me give you some background I played some MHFU on PSP and some tri on the wii but never more then a few hours with each. (I feel like I am in a better place in my life where I can actually spend some time with games and put the time into MH that it needs) I am loving my 3ds right now and think this would be a great addition to my library. Would it be pretty fun playing with only 1 other friend?
Hell yeah. My wife and I are making our way through G-rank just fine with just the two of us.
Where is the best place to farm bathycite ore and hercudromes without being accosted by a large beast? Just trying to do some quick farming.
Almost done with my Selene all the Z parts...except for X waist. Damn you 2 Lagia Sapphire!! I'll probably need to farm 50 Ivory Lagiacrus for the 2 Sapphires...
I think I only killed 4-5 Goldbeard Ceadeus for those Selene materials.
High Rank Flooded Forest gathering for both. The ore can be found in the underwater nodes.
Is there a Harvest Tour for FF HR, or should I just do one of the gathering quests?
You should do these quests asap.All four before he's back?![]()
Funny, had a Delex (sand fish things) kill black diablos for me while he was underground. He was burrowing down and I was in the process of sheathing my hammer so I could sonic bomb it and all of a sudden the victory music started playing and b.blos popped up out of the ground dead and a Delex swam by.
Just want to say Thank You to Haunted, Beats, Ultratech, Finn and Jaceface for coming today!
Hopefully we gonna play again tomorrow![]()
Been trying to get Brachy Pallium, but even with Ultra Lucky Cat, I had no luck.
In other news, I'm loving Evasion +1. Most charge attacks I find devastating can just roll through.
Yes there is.
A simple Arzuros hunt in Moga Woods turned into a Rathalos, a Pink Rathian, and a star-making performance from Ivory Lagiacurs for me.
Did I put those three 7-star rare commodities from Lagi to good use? You bet your ass I did.
*high-five*Just want to say Thank You to Haunted, Beats, Ultratech, Finn and Jaceface for coming today!
Hopefully we gonna play again tomorrow![]()
good times.
<3What rank are you now? I've always wanted to play a game with you, but it's never happened. Would love to play some MonHun with you.
I think the 3x Lagiacrus quest will give the best chances for Sapphires. Capture one, kill the other two and cut all of their tails.
I'm willing to join if anyone's interested. (HR3)
join up!anyone low rank need help?