I want to play around with the Bow, what low rank armor set should I work toward for now?
Lagiacrus is pretty nice, rapid is one of the better bow charge types. Ludroth for Marathon Runner could work pretty well. Wroggi has some nice stuff.
I want to play around with the Bow, what low rank armor set should I work toward for now?
HR65 I believe, but I love helping out (and getting help) with whatever quests from 3 to G. I've only played in GAF rooms a handful of times but everyone's always been nice and fun to be around. If we can manage to line up the time zones we should definitely play a couple rounds together. ^^
thats not low rank
I'm still in HR6...don't think that 3x Lagiacrus is available yet.
So, Ivory Lagiacrus...Fire hammer or Slime hammer preferred?
Give yourself a week or two off from the game - it's what I did. Didn't want to burn myself out since I'm just about to cross the 300 hour mark.
Depends on the stats. What do you have? Also, group or solo?
Kinda hit a wall in single player... with that wall being C-Wordeus (five star) and Jhen Moron (eight star), so I'm tackling Tanzia solo.
GG Thammy.Good hunting MiniBoss, taybul, riposte, and Hattori!
Riposte, high rank is a low rank. ...relative to G rank.
Hattori, I've hunted with you before, right? I can never remember your GAF name.
You mean you're trying to grind them? Rule of thumb: if it's not fun, do something else.
Hattori, I've hunted with you before, right? I can never remember your GAF name.
GG Thammy.
I thought low rank was 1-4
high rank is 5-6
grank is 7 and beyond.
Good hunting MiniBoss, taybul, riposte, and Hattori!
Riposte, high rank is a low rank. ...relative to G rank.
Hattori, I've hunted with you before, right? I can never remember your GAF name.
I thought low rank was 1-4
high rank is 5-6
grank is 7 and beyond.
Thammy just meant to say high rank feels like low rank when you're used to g rank. He didn't mean it literaly.According to the game, LR is 1-2, and HR is 3-6, but I'm sure veterans dispute that.
Thammy just meant to say high rank feels like low rank when you're used to g rank. He didn't mean it literaly.
I'm still in HR6...don't think that 3x Lagiacrus is available yet.
So, Ivory Lagiacrus...Fire hammer or Slime hammer preferred?
So I have a regular 3DS without a circle pad pro, I am absolutely loving MH3U but it hurts my hands to play because I can't get a good grip on the 3DS. So what I'm asking is, would the circle pad pro provide comfort as well as utility?
Also I'm not very far, about 4 hours in almost done with the 2 star quests i've mostly been screwing around figuring out what weapons I enjoy using, so far I am in love with the switch axe. Is there anything that is easy to miss that I should look out for?
So I just learned about VE Tickets as a way to get some more difficult things I've been trying to farm. Unfortunately I only play with my fiance (3DS). Reading the faq here it seems that I need a VE Silver Ticket.
Now, it says to get silver I need to "Clear 200 different quests". Does this mean 'different' as in unique or can I repeat quests? It doesn't seem like there are that many? And this is just so I can start receiving silver cards? Or the person I'm with receives them because of me? (I'm a lot further in the game than her).
This is the part I do not understand:
"You get 2 VE Tickets for every multiple of 20000 HRP, and 1 VE Ticket Deluxe for every multiple of 100000 HRP
For every multiple of 25 unity level, you will recieve a VE ticket. It rotates as follows: Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Cosmic -> Bronze
Unity level goes up by based on the quest's HRP/2/1000"
What is 'unity level'? And HRP is XP I start receiving or can look at once I do what? I'm on 6* village quests and we're still on 2* multiplayer quests.
Yes, extremely more comfortable. The one thing I would recommend in the early days is to learn a weapon and start leveling up the farm and fishing boats when that comes available, I kind of skipped this stuff and could have had a ton of resources and money.
Unity level is a number that goes up when you tackle a quest together with someone who's received your guild card. You can check what your unity level is on the first page of your guild card, top right corner.What is 'unity level'? And HRP is XP I start receiving or can look at once I do what? I'm on 6* village quests and we're still on 2* multiplayer quests.
Unity level can be checked on the guild card itself; it's on the first page.
HRP is silently accumulated until you remove the limit by completing the 8-star urgent quest in Tanzia (Dire Miralis), which will allow you see the amount of experience you're getting and have gotten., so if you're still on 2-star, you've got quite a ways to go.
Unity level is a number that goes up when you tackle a quest together with someone who's received your guild card. You can check what your unity level is on the first page of your guild card, top right corner.
HRP I assume is hunter rank points. You receive a number of those for most quests you tackle. As far as I know, these points are hidden from you until you beat miralis. Once you have beaten miralis, your hunter rank is determined not by which is the last urgent quest you cleared, but based on the numbers of hunting rank points you've accrued so far. In addition, you're told explicitly of how many points you've earned at the end of a quest, and of what your total is.
So, since you're HR2 right now, to be able to see what your HRP total is, you only got 6 urgent quests to go! Godspeed you crazy carnivorous fish you!
Edit: aaaaaaaand beaten with a stick.
Guild card color/type --------------------Rank up requirements
Flesh --------------------------------------- Starting guild card
Wood --------------------------------------- Clear 30 different quests
Ore ------------------------------------------ Clear 50 different quests
Green --------------------------------------- Clear 100 different quests
Bronze -------------------------------------- Clear 150 different quests
Silver ---------------------------------------- Clear 200 different quests
Gold ----------------------------------------- Clear 230 different quests
Purple and Gold (Rainbow) ---------- Clear 250 different quests, and complete the 8* Tanzia quest "Black Flame of Calamity" (Dire Miralis)
I don't know, you could always get it the old fashion way.
So much for hoping to have a full Rathalos set to ease me into the higher rank.
Yes, I've gotten silver tickets way earlier than the 8* urgent. That being said, as a rule of thumb, I think I've always gotten whatever items I could procure with a ticket way ahead of time of getting one such ticket. I think they're more meant as a convenience than as a way to progress in terms of equipment ahead of time, if that makes any sense.It mentions that for Purple and Gold I need to complete the Tanzia Quest 8*, so does that mean I could still get a silver without being up that high? *crosses fingers*
I don't know, you could always get it the old fashion way.
Yes, I've gotten silver tickets way earlier than the 8* urgent. That being said, as a rule of thumb, I think I've always gotten whatever items I could procure with a ticket way ahead of time of getting one such ticket. I think they're more meant as a convenience than as a way to progress in terms of equipment ahead of time, if that makes any sense.
Good show. One thing I learned was you have to roll to shake off slime; the dual sword dodge is not enough. It's why I was darting all over the place trying to get it off.Good hunting MiniBoss, taybul, riposte, and Hattori!
Riposte, high rank is a low rank. ...relative to G rank.
Yeah I wouldn't get too hanged up on sets at this point, you're still "pretty early" all things considered, there's (some) more content to see and (many) more challenges to overcome! Lots (-ish) to see, lots to do!Cool, I'll have to see, I am having terrible luck with the drops. Thinking of just skipping it altogether as it's starting to feel like farming in WoW did (which burnt me out on an otherwise enjoyable game).
Gonna drop by, you still out there?Any Gaffers wanna play now? I have a room set up in Free C>Lobby 9, usual password.
Yeah I wouldn't get too hanged up on sets at this point, you're still "pretty early" all things considered, there's (some) more content to see and (many) more challenges to overcome! Lots (-ish) to see, lots to do!
Gonna drop by, you still out there?
Edit: welp, guess not, some other time then.
any belgian hunters here ? Nintendo holds a monster hunter event , May 15.
More info : http://www.nintendo.be/fr/News/2013...ans-de-Monster-Hunter-3-Ultimate--753556.html
You son of a...You guys should all ask Haunted to tell the tale of the "Legendary Jaggi". The tale is as grand as the village chief's accounts with Ivory Lagi. We had no idea Jaggi had a subspecies. The 3 of us others in the room were all busy taking out Volvi and Haunted was off on his own taking care of Jaggi but it turned out to be "Legendary jaggi" instead of the normal Great Jaggi.
I can only imagine based on the results of the fight that it must have looked like a Savage jho on steroids. I hope someday I'll get Legendary Jaggi to spawn.
You son of a...
That Jaggi still had some Deviljoe between its teeth. Probably its breakfast or something. And it was big! Like, this big! *vague hand motions indicating impossibly large size*
I think I've met that Legendary Jaggi before. Looked somewhat like this:
I call it Deviljhaggi.
Just give it a Duramboros Tail and a couple Diablos Horns and we'll have a true abomination.
I think we have the new cover monster for Monster Hunter 5.![]()
...what have i done...
...what have i done...
...what have i done...