The Elegant Parasol with a few choice skills is an absurd thing against thunder-weak foes.
The Elegant Parasol with a few choice skills is an absurd thing against thunder-weak foes.
The skills he uses are in the "show more" box under the view. Thunder Atk +2 is a 15% boost to thunder damage, True Shot Up is a 20% boost to internal shots, and Bonus Shot tacks on an extra bullet to rapid-fire shots. Even with my modest set of charms, Athena's A.S.S. gives me hundreds of combinations to get those skills. I used it to farm the heck out of Village Kushala Daora, for instance. Definitely worth upgrading to its final form.Awesome! I have the Black Parasol but haven't upgraded it yet. Looks like he used load up (or whatever the skill is) to get 4 RF shots. Smart.
I wish there was some sort of charm auction house so I could trade charms with other players.
I have a ton of +9/10 charms for gunner that i'm not going to use.
Here's a walkthrough on the quest chain needed. It's basically "The Wolf and Footbath" → "Steam and Smoke" → "Searching for the Secret Baths" but there are some more obscure requirements to get those quests to appear in the 7* hub which you may need.How do you unlock the mission to unlock the Toka armor? I've seen guys rocking it in a few hunts and it looks really solid for something like elemental IG, where I can get a bonus 30% affinity with a good speed bug.
Here's a walkthrough on the quest chain needed. It's basically "The Wolf and Footbath" → "Steam and Smoke" → "Searching for the Secret Baths" but there are some more obscure requirements to get those quests to appear in the 7* hub which you may need.
Ouch, that sucks about the bug gathering quest. The 'Old' varieties of bug nets and pickaxes have a really high chance of breaking. You can buy some better quality ones from the item vendor which will break less frequently. There's also an armour skill called Whim which reduces the chance them breaking. You can get the skill with the Leather armor set, which I think is given to you in your box from the very start of the game. It also has some decoration slots which you can use to increase Whim to a second, stronger version.I still feel a little lost! Did all the weapon tutorials (only in guild mode so far) and am going to try with the switch axe which seems nice and simple but cool... but I just feel like I'm not sure what to do right now. I'm doing the quests the main lady in the middle of the village is offering. But am I meant to be combining items at random to get recipes? Am I meant to be crafting gear? I can see at the smithy that you can craft but how do I know where to get the items? Do I need to collect recipes?
I got a bug collecting quest and brought along 5 old nets and also used the three old nets in the chest in the level and still ran out of nets before I even got the amount of bugs![]()
And I haven't even looked at buying gear, the other towns or the Palico cats which I have no idea on!!! I just feel like it's content overload :/
Deviants are the best part of the game for me. Love them.And I have some +9/10 blademaster charms that I'd love to trade for them
By the way, Silverwind Narga has just a shitton of HP. Fought him last night for the first time and it took a half hour, while regular HR Narga only takes about 10 minutes. Those deviants are flippin tough.
With the gathering quests, you can also eat for the felyne skills that will help- gatherer occasionally gains 2x items at resource spots, and woodsman reduces the chance of pick axes/nets breaking. Just talk to the cook to learn recipes, and sit at a stool to choose a meal. Check out different combos to see what's on offer before choosing one, and do it before each quest. You can also change to a prowler in your house, they don't need nets at all to catch bugs.I still feel a little lost! Did all the weapon tutorials (only in guild mode so far) and am going to try with the switch axe which seems nice and simple but cool... but I just feel like I'm not sure what to do right now. I'm doing the quests the main lady in the middle of the village is offering. But am I meant to be combining items at random to get recipes? Am I meant to be crafting gear? I can see at the smithy that you can craft but how do I know where to get the items? Do I need to collect recipes?
I got a bug collecting quest and brought along 5 old nets and also used the three old nets in the chest in the level and still ran out of nets before I even got the amount of bugs![]()
And I haven't even looked at buying gear, the other towns or the Palico cats which I have no idea on!!! I just feel like it's content overload :/
Level 1 Dreadking has as much HP as Silver Rathalos, and his hitzones are significantly harder than regular Rathalos. Deviants in general feel like the "postgame" monsters to tackle once you've upgraded your regular gear with Hyper parts and want some extra challenge.Lvl 1 Deviant monsters are suposed to have this much HP?
Took 20+ minutes to beat DreadKing with 4 HR50+ hunters
Maybe we were just bad
Lvl 1 Deviant monsters are suposed to have this much HP?
Took 20+ minutes to beat DreadKing with 4 HR50+ hunters
Maybe we were just bad
Level 1 Dreadking has as much HP as Silver Rathalos, and his hitzones are significantly harder than regular Rathalos. Deviants in general feel like the "postgame" monsters to tackle once you've upgraded your regular gear with Hyper parts and want some extra challenge.
Nice work! You now know the joys of Monster Hunter.Finally went through what feels like a rite of passage by farming my first monster for hours on end (Astalos) just in order to get some damn wingtalon+ to make the armor set and upgrade my voltaic axe. Seems like I've managed to get to the real meat of the game here now that I've finished all single player quests but the advanced ones and unlocked hyper monster fights. Deviants are fun to fight too and I managed to get myself a full dreadqueen set but the defense stats don't seem to come close to matching my current one.
I've been using this for focus + crit draw + high grade earplugs. (Also because I didn't want to farm grimclaw tigrex)Are there any decent non-blunt GS sets out there? I've been racking my brain trying to come up with decent mixed sets without blunt so I can use my new Tigrex GS, but I can't come up with any decent skill + Crit Draw and Focus, even with my Focus +5 000 charm.
I don't want to spend all the time farming for a Grimclaw set, even though I know that would be the best seeing as adding Focus to it is easy, but I can't even come up with a way to add anything more than Atk Up S for mixed sets. God Forbid they add Hyper S. Rathalos to the game or anything so getting Crit Boost would be an option, but nope.
Nice!Just finished probably my most successful day of MHG to date. Got the Hayabusa Feather, the Toka set, and a charm that lets my combine the two to get Crit Eye +2 alongside the Toka skills. With SnS and affinity oil I get to rock ~80% affinity on my non-draw attacks, which is insane with bonus crit damage and elemental crit. Manged to max out the Hyper Rathalos and Kirin SnS' as well, meaning I'm dishing out crazy elemental damage.
Right now though I really need Heavy Armor Spheres because the lack of proper headgear just kills my defense. I've been farming Hyper R.Ludroth but after a bunch of hunts I've gotten one. I really wish you could mine or buy the spheres like you can do with all of the others, or at least they could've made it so that you only need one for the last upgrade or so. I need one for each of the last 3 upgrades for each piece!
I want to try aerial CB. Is there some etiquette online about mounting? I imagine with aerials I'll be blowing the mounts pretty early in the fights. I don't know how many you can do per fight but I imagine it's similar to stunning a monster.
I mostly agree with DrArchon, but I would add that you should at least wait until everyone is at the monster to do the first mount. It's always baffling to me when people mount a monster when there are 3 other players in the hunt who haven't arrived at the monster yet. It's not a major deal, but it's a waste to have one player teeing away at a monster when it could be four.I want to try aerial CB. Is there some etiquette online about mounting? I imagine with aerials I'll be blowing the mounts pretty early in the fights. I don't know how many you can do per fight but I imagine it's similar to stunning a monster.
I want to try aerial CB. Is there some etiquette online about mounting? I imagine with aerials I'll be blowing the mounts pretty early in the fights. I don't know how many you can do per fight but I imagine it's similar to stunning a monster.
I would also use the Buccaneer J set gemmed for miraculous luck if you can.Took tuffy's advice and tried out The White Brute subquest to try and get easy Heavy Armor Spheres. The good news is that it's incredibly quick to do and requires zero effort, but it sucks that the quest appears and disappears from the quest book seemingly at random, meaning I'll still have to fill the gaps with H.R.Ludroth. Ugh.
Also, I got zero armor spheres so far, but I did get a Golden Egg, which apparently has LESS of a chance of popping up than a Heavy Armor Sphere. The Desire Sensor is 100% real.
OK, so I was getting tired of constantly re-upping oils on my SnS because holy hell those things don't last long, so I'm going to start playing around with DBs even though I can't get the sick +30% bonus affinity. I figure the stupid number of hits that I'm doing with my attacks will make up for it.
I've already made a set of Kirin Bolts, because hooray for high elemental and long white, but I'm wondering which other DBs I should build. I'm aiming for the Agnaktor ones, the Mizutsune ones, the Zamtrios ones, and the S.Magala ones (mostly because slicing up dudes with big claws sounds badass). Are there any better elemental ones I should know about and focus on instead?
Also, just as a quick PSA to anyone out there: if someone in your party is packing a sleep weapon, they're probably sleep bombing, so don't keep attacking like a fucking moron when the monster passes out. One my hunts against HR Kirin saw the Kirin wake up immediately after being put to sleep 3 times because some asshole with his SA couldn't help himself. And everyone else on the team, myself included, were just sitting there with Barrel Bomb L+'s that weren't getting used. Unbelievable. It's a miracle we ended up breaking the horn.
For Ice, I just looked it up and the Lagombi ones, Daora ones (requires worn DBs), and the snowbaron are all good for ice. For dragon, the best ones are not available (I think it's hyper Deviljho), but most monsters weak to dragon are weak to something else.
Just looked up your suggestions. The Daora ones look nice, but the tiny blue worries me. The Snowbaron ones look pretty good as well, so if I ever get off of my butt and start farming deviants I'll keep them in mind. For now I think I'll stick with the H.Zamtrios DBs because I don't need any slots and they have a decent amount of blue sharpness to work with.
It's a pity there's no H.Deviljho fight yet though, because the Savage Jho DBs look pretty badass.
Another option if you are looking for one is the Snow Sisters have the same raw and better ice (since both blades will do the 30 ice damage), if you need something for a monster weak only to ice. I ended up making Snow Sisters and the Evening Dawn for my Ice and Water weapons specifically, some day if I get worn DBs I'll make the Daora once.
Another option if you are looking for one is the Snow Sisters have the same raw and better ice (since both blades will do the 30 ice damage), if you need something for a monster weak only to ice. I ended up making Snow Sisters and the Evening Dawn for my Ice and Water weapons specifically, some day if I get worn DBs I'll make the Daora once.
I started Snowbaron, but I was thinking about just getting Snow sisters because I don't see a big plus from SB, and Snow Sisters look very easy to make. And yea, Evening Dawn is great.
I wasn't sure if the double element meant that each blade did one and not both, but if that's the case then yeah, the Snow Sisters seem like a better choice for a pure ice set. I wish the blue sharpness was longer, but I'll make do with Absolute Readiness helping.
I also wish they looked better, or that the Hyper Lagombi DBs were better. It's weird to see that the Brawlagombs have both lower raw and lower elemental damage. Usually its one lowered at the expense of the other.
I think if every case of dual element or element/status it's one blade does one and the other does the other. But the dual elements would cover more ground, that is to say they are acceptable in more fights, just not optimal in many. Unfortunately for hunting arts, I enjoy aerial DBs a lot, and I can't pass up Maw.. so it's either get Razor Sharp or keep a lot of whetstones around.