And your last thread. Thanks for your meaningful input. Bye.

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You delete this right now. Nate is a loyal family man. At least put Aloy or someone else.
He just couldn’t help himself.Don't reply to the thread or post anywhere else, if you do you'll be banned with 69 posts and at least you'll have contributed something
Lol. SameI visited the ban list as soon as I saw this thread. Was not disappointed.
lol touche.Many of us have kids. I don't want a raising and yelling at a kid simulator.
I don't know what I'd have done without you. Thanks for opening my eyes.At least people will know... Playstation's gameplay is trash.
I agree with the OP sadly.
But that doesn't mean their games are trash otherwise they wouldn't sell as good as they do.
For me the last good god of war game was on PS3. And I didn't like the last of us either.
The new god of war games are 8 at best. And they are playable. But they are not epic. They made kratos a pussy.
Many of us have kids. I don't want a raising and yelling at a kid simulator.
But I still love PlayStation because the production value in their games is impressive. Proper animation and graphics and story telling. Dont like gameplay much that's on me. Personal individual opinion.
And they are the best company for these kind of games.
ok , OP might bet trolling but cmon not you tooTLoU gameplay is some of the best in all of gaming.
A lot of GAF users do that at every other occasion. No one seems to notice, unless it makes Playstation look bad?Acting as though your opinion is objective truth...
Hey, game is horribly optimized, it made me buy a third party CPU cooler because I was using the stock Ryzen one and it worked pretty well with other games, it made my CPU throttle so hard that a scene that was 70 fps started to drop to 40 fps just because of heat and the new cooler solved it, but the only "bugs" I got were some graphical bugs like twice I think? They were minor, like texture flickering for half a second when I walked towards a wall without noticing, but it never happened again.Uh oh
But I gotta agree that it's a huge drop overall compared to the titles they had on PSX and PS2 as far as diversity and fun went. (but not trash)
The titles are coming to PC, I buy them almost all (except TLOU because its bugged), but the more i play them, the more i don't understand the mega hype around their games. It's all presentation. Horizon zero dawn took everything from me to find the will to finish it. Boring. Spiderman remastered is boring me to death, who thought that open world gameplay ala ubisoft is a good fit here. Returnal is pretty fun. God of War daddy is less fun than the GOW i played on PS2. The map design is stupid, they were so close to hint at a metroidvania unlocking and progression with skills you unlock but the idea pretty much died in the egg, they barely used it in the map. Let's not go into the perpendicular map around the central hub where you basically backtrack what you went through back to hub, almost no intertwine. I have Days Gone on my library i have not opened yet and Uncharted 4 i got for free, not even installed.
I miss the Ico, Shadow of the colossus. I would give good money for ports of these on PC, along with The Last guardian. Gravity rush, Bloodborne. I wish those would come to PC, not the BLOCKBUSTER "Hey buddy! HaVe YOu sEEn thOse GraPHIx? We even put painted bird shit ledges so you don't get lost, grab the ledge! I heard you like open world ubisoft recipe games? Well you won't believe it! We DO TOO!"
Maybe I'm not just the public. But it's far too blockbuster'y for me.
You delete this right now. Nate is a loyal family man. At least put Aloy or someone else.