My hats off to you, sir. I got annoyed with unlocking stuff and gave the game to my brother.Koroshi said:![]()
I got what I wanted out of it. Awesome naruto game, shitty fighter.
My hats off to you, sir. I got annoyed with unlocking stuff and gave the game to my brother.Koroshi said:![]()
Thank you, Skilletor. It was definitely a bitch to get. The "all titles" trophy was just terrible.Skilletor said:My hats off to you, sir. I got annoyed with unlocking stuff and gave the game to my brother.
I got what I wanted out of it. Awesome naruto game, shitty fighter.
MrPliskin said:I think when you're playing locally, it's an awesomely fun fighting game. When you're playing online w/people who exploit each and every weakness in the engine, then it becomes a steaming pile.
I think substitution jutsu's should definitely cost more chakra, and they need to fix the ability to spam kunai throwing.
All in all, I don't think it's terrible or shitty by any stretch. It's certainly not competition worthy, but who honestly went into a Naruto game expecting SFIV levels of balance and what not?
Also: Going to be a long long time before I get a platinum in this. I do want to though, as I generally enjoy it (when I'm playing against people who play fair). Anyone got a list of all the titles and how to get them?
Skilletor said:I think the limited number of options at any given point in a match makes it a pretty terrible fighter. I don't want sf4/tekken/vf here, but even the gc and ps2 games had a larger variety of moves and options. I shouldn't have to play with people who say, yeah, i wont do this because it makes the game unfun. That's the developers job. For some people, winning by any means necessary is fun. More power to those people, uns2 doesn't have any way to counter such players. I mean...why can you knj a throw? They had a perfectly logical rock/paper/scissors gameplay system in place and took it out. Unless I renumber incorretky and you could knj throws in the first game.
Bebpo said:Eighting's Naruto games were much better in that respect. Too bad that series never made it to this gen with online.
Skilletor said:I think the limited number of options at any given point in a match makes it a pretty terrible fighter. I don't want sf4/tekken/vf here, but even the gc and ps2 games had a larger variety of moves and options. I shouldn't have to play with people who say, yeah, i wont do this because it makes the game unfun. That's the developers job. For some people, winning by any means necessary is fun. More power to those people, uns2 doesn't have any way to counter such players. I mean...why can you knj a throw? They had a perfectly logical rock/paper/scissors gameplay system in place and took it out. Unless I renumber incorretky and you could knj throws in the first game.
MrPliskin said:I'm not disagreeing that things are imperfect, but when playing against people locally, or folks who aren't going to use "spam" then it is fun.
I have tons of complaints about the game, but I understand that, just like any fighter, people who exploit certain things that aren't balanced can ruin the game. That said, I still run into a few good matches here and there online, unfortunately most of it is just people who want to use the same 4 characters to win.
People use either Minato, Sage Naruto, or Deidara. It's so annoying. They literally don't use anyone else.Skilletor said:Who are the popular characters online?
Does Killer B suck?Koroshi said:People use either Minato, Sage Naruto, or Deidara. It's so annoying. They literally don't use anyone else.
In my opinion, yes. His ultimate jutsu/ninjustu is lame and it doesn't reach very far. I don't like him too much. It's too bad, because he's pretty comical in the manga. :lolAkainu said:Does Killer B suck?
Skilletor said:Who are the popular characters online?
Koroshi said:In my opinion, yes. His ultimate jutsu/ninjustu is lame and it doesn't reach very far. I don't like him too much. It's too bad, because he's pretty comical in the manga. :lol
MrPliskin said:Right now, it seems like Diedara is pretty popular, only because you can spam him to no end.
Then there's Bee, who is only popular because his awakening mode is pretty powerful. Sage / Hokage Naruto is also a popular choice, along with Minato (the 4th). Both are, again, reduced to being used only for their awakening.
Taka Sauce is kind of common, but not too much. Most of the people that use him only want to go into awakening mode, then spam out Amaterasu (which is super effective if combined with a rush, as it'll stop players from running).
Lastly, I've noticed an increase in Madara (Tobi) only because his awakening seems to have an unblockable move (from what I can wager).
So, as you can see, most players are simply trying to widdle down your health until they can hit awakening and use these few select players to spam out specific moves in order to win.
That said, I agree that the game isn't a great fighter, competitively, but it's awesome fun locally (or online with people who want to have fun).
Chiyo is deadly in the right hands, but hardly anyone uses her.survivor said:What about puppet users like Sasori or Chiyo? I thought they were considered top tier characters.
Koroshi said:Chiyo is deadly in the right hands, but hardly anyone uses her.
udivision said:So... it's less of a fighter than Brawl?
Not that that's important or anything...
MrPliskin said:Both of the Puppet folks are really really good, if used right.
I've been using Kakashi exclusively online, and it seems to be doing okay I guess? I'm 25/39 right now :lol
I'd say they're maybe the same? If you turn items off in Brawl it isn't so bad. Likewise, if both players kind of 'politely' agree not to do thing like spam certain things, this is really enjoyable, lol.
I don't know, there are many flaws in this, but I still have tremendous fun with it.
I like Bee, not just for his awakening but I digging using Lariat and knocking off people's health. Bee is my most used character online but I'm gonna switch to pain or rock lee because I need to use someone who doesn't have a overpowered awakening. I might even switch back to kakashi who is my 2nd main.Akainu said:Does Killer B suck?
pro tip to people who wanna use Bee, don't use his awakening against and awakened Minato/rock lee/Guy. He's to slow and won't be able to counter, this apply's to choji as well.Randy said:Oh, and I love Awakening-mode from Lee/Guy. If you time your triangle-cross move ("chakra boost") right, it's just an epic scene from the anime, with Lee popping behind his opponent, giving him 3-4 hits, disappearing again when the enemy tries support/grab and popping back up behind him, again hitting him like crazy. Tricky part is the timing, but damn, it's so satisfying when you can pull it off. Really enjoying it so far.
Bebpo said:I only played the first one, but yeah I've always found CC2's Naruto fighters to be too shallow and limited in options to be a real fighting game. Eighting's Naruto games were much better in that respect. Too bad that series never made it to this gen with online.
Kind of a shame because visually they nail it out of the park, but I just don't think CC2 is cut out to be a fighting game developer. They should make a Naruto action rpg like .hack instead.
It's pretty much a waste of time. To boost, you need to find a partner and wait for him to start a lobby and then join it before someone else does (which is impossible) or vice versa. The only way to find a decent match online is to create a lobby yourself. By the time you do that over and over, you could have had 50 wins a long time before that.Hypertrooper said:Any method to boost the 50wins in the multiplayer. This isnt a game that I wants to play online. For me its just a offline game.
Hypertrooper said:Any method to boost the 50wins in the multiplayer. This isnt a game that I wants to play online. For me its just a offline game.
:lolbubnbob said:Yes there is a way to boost. You need 1 friend, who is hopefully on the same rank as you.
- Look at leaderboard, and find out when the next rank is
- Search on "Same Level"
- Trade wins, keeping in mind how many BP you earn
- When you both get to the limit, dont do a thing in the next match and draw. Both players will receive half of the winnings (ex. If you win 100 from a match, you both would get 50 instead).
- Both of you should rank up to the next title, and can continue the process. You may need to draw again, so you get enough points that you wont get knocked back down when you lose.
- If one of you goes up first, simply lose to someone and try to both rank up at the same time.
If you're talking to MrPliskin, he's clearly said that he avoids all of the spam characters.bubnbob said:u mad bra? Enjoy your Sage Naruto scrubmatches I guess
bubnbob said:u mad bra? Enjoy your Sage Naruto scrubmatches I guess
bubnbob said:If you're stat boosting yes it's dumb. I wanted the 50 wins and got the hell out of dodge.
MrPliskin said:...but why not just earn them? I didn't do it just for the sake of getting an achievement / trophy...did you?
Edit: Never mind, it's neither here nor there. Though, I will say I think cheating for your wins really robs you of any value the achievement / trophy would have otherwise held. But, I suppose if big numbers are your thing, more power to you!
bubnbob said:
You sound like my type of player. I didn't disconnect on anybody, because I wanted to keep my ratio clean, but the only person who had me hovering over the button was Deidara. Man, he shouldn't be so overpowered.MrPliskin said:Welp, finished out my 50 wins (Legit, mind you), and I can safely say I cant beat Minato and Sage Naruto most of the time.
I seem to have the most difficulty when Sage Naruto players throw a lot at me at one time (i.e. both support characters, ultimate jutsu, followed by Rassengan / throw).
I just D/C'd on Deidara players though. I don't have time to mess around with that.
I played a wicked good Gaara player though, man it was an INTENSE fight. Down to the very last sliver of health.
I played this one guy using Minato 4 times in a row (ranked) and he kept sending me "RM" as a message (rematch I assume). I kept trying to tell him that dancing around and throwing shurkins simply won't get him a win, but he just responded with "I fucked your mother". After 4 losses he stopped sending me messages.
You can turn voice chat off with R2, you know.Randy said:Neji is pretty much unbeatable as Rock Lee. Especially when there's a teenage American selling dumb trashtalk through the mic. Really, some people...
Randy said:Neji is pretty much unbeatable as Rock Lee. Especially when there's a teenage American selling dumb trashtalk through the mic. Really, some people...
Anyway, as soon as you come close, he does his whirly thingie, so close-combat is out of the question. It's a shame there isn't more balance, otherwise it would've been a pretty competitive fighter in my opinion.
MrPliskin said:If you're playing as Rock Lee / Guy, then I would suggest using your support characters to beat down your opponents defense / lure him into using that move (the defensive jutsu). Or, rush in, let him use it (BLOCK!) and then use a throw after the move.
Another good alternative is to rush in, let him use it (BLOCK!) and then use one support character. He'll block it, after that point you can do a rush, break his guard, and hit him with a jutsu.
Chio is really usefull to break down someones defense. You can use Chio, and then rush in while she's doing her move. This will break their guard (generally) and they'll take some damage. If you're fast enough or your timing is good enough, you can land an ultimate jutsu while Chio does her business.
Randy said:Ah, good thinking! Thanks, will certainly try those tactics.
And yes, I know R2 can shut down the mics, but I didn't encounter any problems with people until just a couple of hours ago. Lesson learned the hard way.NUNS2 does not have a deep fighting system, huh? Pliskin proves you wrong!
The Abominable Snowman said:Is the online scene better on PS3 or 360? Just ordered this game on Amazon, for 360, but I have a few days to trade back for PS3
Skilletor said:My hats off to you, sir. I got annoyed with unlocking stuff and gave the game to my brother.
I got what I wanted out of it. Awesome naruto game, shitty fighter.
It plays out the story with some extra stuff here and there.demosthenes said:I was looking at this a little, don't know much about it though. Does it play out in the story or is it solely a fighter?
:loludivision said:Time to shine