I just tested it by setting my PS3 to output only 480p or 1080i over HDMI, and while the XMB was in 1080i when I launched the game it reverted to 480p, so unfortunately there's no 1080i mode in the game.Docpan said:Does the PS3 version support 1080i mode?
The box says only 480/720, but there are plenty of examples on PS3 of games that support it despite not explicitly saying so.
Hate to break it to you but if you are going for trophies then you'll eventually have to have 50 online ranked wins. 10 wins is the trophy, 50 wins is the last online title you have to win because of the all titles trophy.Sai said:I could only get two wins in. That trophy's going to have to wait, I guess.
Suprised me too, i thought for sure that they chose him in part because of Tobi, the silly/goofy voice. If North voices Madara in the next game odds are it would it will be a lead role if going by the manga.Crewnh said:Except Tobi and Madara have different voice actors. Nolan North only voices Madara.
I can't remember where the final chapter's battle records were, but the ones for Fragment can be found inRawkHawk2010 said:@ZAnimus: Thanks.
One last thing...where do you find the story and battle records for Fragment? And what about battles 3 and 4 for the final chapter? I can't find them anywhere.
If they do release a 3rd game in a couple years I bet the manga will be over or almost over (but the anime may still be ongoing.)DihcarEM said:Hate to break it to you but if you are going for trophies then you'll eventually have to have 50 online ranked wins. 10 wins is the trophy, 50 wins is the last online title you have to win because of the all titles trophy.
Suprised me too, i thought for sure that they chose him in part because of Tobi, the silly/goofy voice. If North voices Madara in the next game odds are it would it will be a lead role if going by the manga.
While it was very well done, the anime and manga are much better. It also really bothers me that the scene that you mention was heavily censored.Ferrio said:So not having seen any of the shippuden manga/anime, how close is it to the game? Played through, and I know the story is pretty much the same since I've kinda spoiled myself on plot points through the years. How is it on the actual fights etc? Also I thoughtJiraiya's death was handled really well in the game, was it similiar to the anime/manga?
There are tons of details left out. In the anime, the Jiraya/Tsunade thing was very emotional.Ferrio said:So not having seen any of the shippuden manga/anime, how close is it to the game? Played through, and I know the story is pretty much the same since I've kinda spoiled myself on plot points through the years. How is it on the actual fights etc? Also I thoughtJiraiya's death was handled really well in the game, was it similiar to the anime/manga?
DihcarEM said:Hate to break it to you but if you are going for trophies then you'll eventually have to have 50 online ranked wins. 10 wins is the trophy, 50 wins is the last online title you have to win because of the all titles trophy.
Charge up shuriken into Demon Windmill Shuriken. Keep spamming that. And then just learn his pattern. He usually starts off with the triple blast in three directions, follows up with about four fireballs, then goes for a giant smash, and then does the whole tentacles from underground thing. When he's on fire, just jump around everywhere. He just does the triple blast and fireballs at a more frequent rate. Do not attack him when he's on fire.diglyd said:How did you guys get past the Hidan and Kakuzu fight when kakuzu wraps himself around the tree inj his monster form and you have to pull him out? This part seems really difficult to me. I can't seem to do enough damage before I get obliterated by the walls of fire and jutsu and stuff.
I figured out the pattern to get him out but when he catches fire and goes crazy I can barely touch him before he goes back into his monster form.
Any suggestions?
Crewnh said:Charge up shuriken into Demon Windmill Shuriken. Keep spamming that. And then just learn his pattern. He usually starts off with the triple blast in three directions, follows up with about four fireballs, then goes for a giant smash, and then does the whole tentacles from underground thing. When he's on fire, just jump around everywhere. He just does the triple blast and fireballs at a more frequent rate. Do not attack him when he's on fire.
yeah its bullshit when you run in to those assholes. Here I am mashing liking a madman and they get it perfect every time.Sai said:Played eleven ranked matches earlier. I can safely say that only three of those matches were against players that were playing with a standard controller.
The rest were using instant KnJ's far too consistently, especially when factoring in the lag. Turbo button controllers... :lol
I could only get two wins in. That trophy's going to have to wait, I guess.
_tetsuo_ said:The fact that you can substitute out of a throw is silly. Makes it a little too mash happy.
It's Why I always preferred the GNT(gamecube/wii) series, it was fighting game first, anime game second. It seems CC2 just wants to make party games. From what I've seen, if you want to play competitively, the emphasis is more on throwing shit & using your supports than actual fighting.Dreavus said:Haven't played the second one, but I always felt like in the first game the substitution move should take up a lot more meter. I think it took a TINY bit, but it was so little that it only really mattered when they were completely empty... which never happened. I'm guessing it's the same in this game too? =/
agreed on all frontsSai said:Man, how the heck do you get an S Rank against? It's the only one I haven't gotten an S on. Highest I've been able to get is A. The key seems to be keeping your health high, but he's huge--hard to evade even with speed boostin' items in effect, and he has attacks with crazy range that I can't even block!the Hachibi
Seems like I only stand a decent chance when I'm awakened, spammin'like there's no tomorrow. :lol But I have to lose more than half my health to get that mess goin'.Amaterasu
-Harder KnJ's. Greater chakra cost, or more difficult execution that relies more on timing and position, or both.
-Chakra dashing to the side, or back diagonally
-Bring back selectable Ninjutsu.![]()
Hehe, dude i could have told you that you don't need to get S on all fights to get a title. What you do get a title for is replaying all the fights and succeeding all bonus rules.Sai said:[EDIT] - Oh, and no title for getting all S on the story battles? Booo!! Did get one for clearing all the bonus conditions though.
Also, I think I missed out on the letter correspondence trophy because I told Tenten to stop being a lazy waste of space in my first reply to her. :lol Guess I'll have to do that thewrongnice way on my next playthrough.![]()
Combos are do able but they are dangerous. Ideal situation would be that your opponent is low on chakra so he/she can't sub j all the time and be aware which support they have. Pain,Hinata,Neji and some others are perfect combo breakers up close.BentMyWookiee said:I thought I was at least a decent player online, but I just lost 9 matches in a row. I was even beaten by somebody who was 18/47. :lol I guess my wins must've been against other people who were just brand new to the game.
Does anybody have any tips to not suck at this game online? One thing I've noticed is that I can't combo anyone anymore. Everybody just seems to mash block and will use substitution jutsu into a throw after my first hit.
Thanks for the advice! I guess I do need to pay attention more, I've never noticed how much or how little chakra substitution uses. I'll mess around a bit and keep my eye on it so that I can be aware of when to combo my opponent.DihcarEM said:Combos are do able but they are dangerous. Ideal situation would be that your opponent is low on chakra so he/she can't sub j all the time and be aware which support they have. Pain,Hinata,Neji and some others are perfect combo breakers up close.
There isn't a single way to play this game, different players have different strategies. Play smart and adapt to your opponent.
always keep distance since you're pretty vulnerable if they get up close. Neji, Hinata and Pain are the best to keep someone off of you if they get up close.BentMyWookiee said:Thanks for the advice! I guess I do need to pay attention more, I've never noticed how much or how little chakra substitution uses. I'll mess around a bit and keep my eye on it so that I can be aware of when to combo my opponent.
Also, does anybody have any tips for playing as any of the puppet master characters? I haven't used them all that much since I seem to get raped when I do. If an opponent gets past my puppet and my support characters aren't recharged, I pretty much get destroyed. Should I just keep my distance and play very defensively? Are there specific support characters that benefit a puppet master more?
Yeah, I did get a response. But, I figured I could've gotten more if I wasn't mean to her in the first place. Maybe I'm wrong.DihcarEM said:No i think you would still get a response from her.
Pein said:yeah its bullshit when you run in to those assholes. Here I am mashing liking a madman and they get it perfect every time.
But damn online is still good I've played over a hundred matches and I still wanna keep playing. Also fuck sage naruto as he turns 6TK its guaranteed you're fucked.
^ So, apparently it was my last reply to Yamato that I was missing. :lolSai said:Yeah, I did get a response. But, I figured I could've gotten more if I wasn't mean to her in the first place. Maybe I'm wrong.
'cause I honestly don't know what else I'm missing. I've exchanged letters with everybody else, even with those anime filler characters that you trigger by buying those four books near Konoha's gates that're based on their stories.
Skilletor said:/sigh @ needing to collect shitty colectables to unlock characters.
Urge to play dying...
Sage naruto is hot. Why can't I use him in adventure mode after I beat the game?
MrPliskin said:Who? I don't think there are many (any?) characters that you have to collect lots of things for. Aren't they all unlocked through the story or by earning storm points?
Skilletor said:I finished the main story and don't have all the characters. The game told me collecting curse dolls will unlock a 'certain character.'
I don't want to do pointless stupid quests to earn more storm points. I've played through the entire main story and still don't have everybody. Stupid.
I'm missing bee, minato, hokage naruto, akatsuki sasuke, and Lars.
MrPliskin said:B and A. Sasuke are unlockedby finishing "Fracture" which isn't unlocked until you finish the Dolls quest
H. Naruto is unlocked at Mount Monbyoku (spelling is way off, but you know what I mean). Prey to the statue there.
Lars and Minato are both unlocked by acquiring a fixed amount of BP, I believe around 600K+ you'll have both.
Skilletor said:Yeah...single player is annoying me after 12 hours. I'm just going to download a save. :lol
MrPliskin said:I tried to copy my save to a friends, and it didn't work. Good luck with that.
The SP isn't really annoying me. I actually am having a lot of fun, it's a good break from all the extremely silly "mature games" that have saturated the market as of late. This is much lighter. The only thing I could ask for would be better fast travel options instead of buying items and such to do so.
Skilletor said:Yeah...single player is annoying me after 12 hours. I'm just going to download a save. :lol
Edit: D'oh. Didn't work.![]()
Damn my irrational fanboy love for Sasuke.
/me goes after more curse dolls. :'(
If you hated that Deidara fight, wait till you get online. They all play like that. :lolKaako said:Pretty solid game overall. That last doll Deidara fight @ urochimaru's hide-out was a bitch though...fuck that keep away game of his. I thought thewas much much easier. Got that sucker on the first try. But not the Deidara one. Fuck that guy haha.last ultimate doll/ninja (dark naruto)
OneMoreQuestion said:I was just wondering if those online turbo controller battles are prevalent on the PS3 as well, I thought Sony released a firmware which blocked most third-party controllers recently...
OneMoreQuestion said:I was just wondering if those online turbo controller battles are prevalent on the PS3 as well, I thought Sony released a firmware which blocked most third-party controllers recently...