The cops are ruining the game for me, it's like the Far Cry 2 of racers.
Just started the game over the weekend, panicked when trying to head back to one specific hideout, I think the first starter one in the north, as I couldn't find where I was supposed to go to get the bank prompt.
In the heat of a chance it gets very frustrating circling around trying to crash into the building trying to figure out where to go.
The cops are ruining the game for me, it's like the Far Cry 2 of racers.
No pause in sp?
Wtf is this
Was thinking of buying it but man that seems like a deal breaker
This was noted in the EGM review. The engine just can't keep up.
I'm very curious to hear if anyone has seen this problem on the XB1 version.
The cops are ruining the game for me, it's like the Far Cry 2 of racers.
The cops are ruining the game for me, it's like the Far Cry 2 of racers.
I want to get this game so bad, but, ugh, I just HATE the cop system. I just want a game like Burnout Paradise where I can cruise around for hours at whatever speed I want.![]()
I want to get this game so bad, but, ugh, I just HATE the cop system. I just want a game like Burnout Paradise where I can cruise around for hours at whatever speed I want.![]()
Well f*** me, I just had a crash during Rivals and now I am back to driver level 3 (previously 21). WTF?
I find that there is no specific way you have to go into them, just pull up to one from any direction and come to a near stop.
The cops are ruining the game for me, it's like the Far Cry 2 of racers.
The only time I've had a problem with the cops is when it's another player chasing after me. Every single time there's a player cop, they have the most agonizingly laggy connection coupled with such ridiculously BS teleporting/speed warping cars. I've only played as a Racer, so I don't know how cop mechanics work, but the human cops keep respawning right behind me after I've driven far past them, and all they do is warp right on my ass and shock blast me into walls. There's no way to try and dodge or evade them when their cars are literally jumping all over the screen, off rails, walls, and trees.
The only time I've had a problem with the cops is when it's another player chasing after me. Every single time there's a player cop, they have the most agonizingly laggy connection coupled with such ridiculously BS teleporting/speed warping cars. I've only played as a Racer, so I don't know how cop mechanics work, but the human cops keep respawning right behind me after I've driven far past them, and all they do is warp right on my ass and shock blast me into walls. There's no way to try and dodge or evade them when their cars are literally jumping all over the screen, off rails, walls, and trees.
Also, shockblast and emp's are such weak game design when there's no counter play to it other than "don't be near people". 20% unavoidable instant car damage from Overwatch just stupid.
On the lighter side, my cop helicopters have a weird habit of spazzing out and doing the Harlem Shake when they chase me. Looks just like this. IN PURSUIT OF CODE-3
You can do that. Play as a cop.
Use the weapon that charges your car with electricity to avoid EMP's.
Also, I've seen computer helicopters do the same. I think it's connected to using a weapon such as the shockwave or electric charge. I actually thought it was going to crash at one point!
You equip your car with two 'pursuit techs' from which you have a selection of 6 items, 4 unique to cops and rivals. They're basically weapons, yeah.Wait... there are weapons in this game??
Yes, you see it happen in game too, your EMP lock on drops, you lose the 1 EMP and it states Lock-On Blocked.Does the description of ESF actually state that it is a shield from EMPs? I guess I missed that part, might change out shockwave for it then.
Okay so I want to play this with my friend in a public server but I'm not sure how. I can't seem to ever join his games because it always matchmakes you in a full server and when someone drops it seems like they're replaced instantly. We can join a friend game but then it's only us and no public players can join.
Is there a way to party up together then join a public game?
Just going to repost this and hope I'm missing something would love an easy way to play in a public game with a friend
I have no friends ;_; but here's a guess? Make a friends only game, have your friend join, then change settings to public?
Yeah, I often see gaffers on my friends list playing this but their servers are always full.Thanks for the suggestion we did try this though. Both set matchmaking to public and clicked apply after we were in the same game. No one else ever joined after a few hours of play. Assumed it didn't work
It's because it defaults to public and those games are almost always instant packed. Maybe we all need to come to an agreement to ONLY play "friends" games, then we'd usually be stuck playing along until someone shows up. Or so I hope.Yeah, I often see gaffers on my friends list playing this but their servers are always full.
So I was cheesing the cop AI, there were probably 5 or 6 chasing me, (eventually getting over 750,000 SP) and I completely broke the framerate, it was down to single digits for a few seconds:
Not to mention it seems like half the time the racer I'm chasing is lagging and looks like they've stopped and are ready to turn around and lag warp away. Or get far enough away then leave the server.
You equip your car with two 'pursuit techs' from which you have a selection of 6 items, 4 unique to cops and rivals. They're basically weapons, yeah.
Shockwave- PbAOE dmg + push
Turbo- Speed Boost (until runs out or hit something)
Stun Mine- Mine with EMP Effect
Jammer- PbAOE other side can't use techs
EMP- Lock On ranged causes DMG, messed up screen, slow down, can't use tech
ESF- Shield, breaks EMP LockOn, Dmg to others on contact
Shockram- Front Column dmg + push (slight range)
Spike Strip- Rear Dropped causes slow + Dmg, lasts for a set time even if others already ran over it
Roadblock- Cars summoned block road ahead, higher levels include spike strips, difficult to manuver through patterns, and cars assiting pursuit after racers pass by
Helicopter- Helicopter hovers over racer, keeps visibility and at high levels can blind with spotlight and drop spike strips
EMP- Lock On ranged causes DMG, messed up screen, slow down, can't use tech
ESF- Shield, breaks EMP LockOn, Dmg to others on contact
coolYou can easily go into a hideout or command post.
Thanks for the intel. Might have to check this out if people are having fun with this.
Hah, whenever I pay I try to involve myself with other players, even if not by chat. As a racer I'll find other racers to challenge to a head-to-head or even cop players to speed right past. I imagine them spilling their coffee and donuts as I honk and scream past them at mach 3Honestly with the interactivity I saw with others it practically doesn't matter that there's other players, at most it might even more annoyance than not as some asshole cop guns you dow nwhile you're just trying to complete objectives.
The only thing I find rage inducing in this game is losing your entire score whenever there's a host migration, which is often.
That needs a fix, big time. Its the biggest hole in this game's multiplayer model and it should never happen.
Although I wouldn't mind seeing some actual risk added to the cop side of things (deduct points for property damage/civilian car damage?), but then we'd need a new risk-free way to simply drive around the world for kicks without worrying about an NPC or player mussing with your mood.
To complete the single player as a cop I just turned off the public gameplay option and went with single player until I finished it today. Host Migration is a terrible tempo breaker.
I agree with all of this. And for all the talk we've heard this year about cloud servers allowing for more immersive worlds, more AI, and more players on a server, the Rivals style of play is a perfect candidate for it.I really love this game, but my god was it frustrating as all hell tonight. I was on a cop assignment to earn 100,000SP in one session, and time after time I would reach around 70-80k and the host migration would kick in and wipe me back down to 0/100k for the assignment. I finally went in and changed it to a single player game, and the game crashed as soon as I left the garage, yay! They have a really cool concept here that is being kicked in the balls by just a couple of design choices, and some clear tech limitations.
A few things that are driving me nuts;
- Whenever the host changes, you are pretty much screwed no matter what you are doing. This will instantly kill any event, and wipe any point based assignment progression. I have been trying to get the trophy to drive a Ford for 50 cumulative minutes, and still don't have it after spending close to 2 1/2 hours of actual driving time in a Ford. I think the timer is being reset whenever the host drops.
- Repair Shop dancing (people will just find a repair shop during a chase and circle it until the other player gives up) is absolutely ruining multiplayer chases.
- The amount of cops out in the wild is absolutely insane, and I say that as someone who has only played as a cop. Even as a cop they just get in the way, and have screwed me out of a chase far more times than actually helped me, and they are absolutely everywhere.
- Eight players per game is not nearly enough, it needs to be double that IMO.
Rivals is a cool game that shows a lot of promise. I really look forward to what they put out next after learning from this game. I'm sure they are just as aware of the issues as we are, and I hope they take the steps to fix them. My only worry is that there is one core NFS team now, and if they are going to continue putting out yearly games, then it could spell disaster for the series.