Best/Worst pickup for me today. I swear I'm going to exercise some self-control and not eat the entire jar...

Thanks! I debated getting two, one to keep sealed and one to open. Ultimately. I open all my limited/collector's stuff so decided to just get one
Seems like the guide is by Prima. Here's the table of contents and legal info:
Been meaning to post this. Finally got the guitar I've always wanted this month. A black Fender Jazzmaster. It's the Classic Player series so it was made in Mexico, but it feels, looks, and SOUNDS fantastic. I absolutely adore it. My other electric is an Epiphone 339, and this feels better in every conceivable way.
One day I'll get an AVRI Jazzmaster or an actual vintage 60's one, but this will do just fine for a long time.![]()
Been meaning to post this. Finally got the guitar I've always wanted this month. A black Fender Jazzmaster. It's the Classic Player series so it was made in Mexico, but it feels, looks, and SOUNDS fantastic. I absolutely adore it. My other electric is an Epiphone 339, and this feels better in every conceivable way.
One day I'll get an AVRI Jazzmaster or an actual vintage 60's one, but this will do just fine for a long time.![]()
I picked up some more stuff from Amazon. There were six items in this one...
Panasonic Eneloop BQ-CC17 Charger (Black)
JOTO 25W/5A 4 Port USB Charger
Logitech M500 Mouse
Logitech K120 Keyboard
A pack of 2 Cable Matters 5 Feet USB 3.0 Cables
A pack of 56 3M Self Adhesive Rubber Feet (Bumpons)
Nice, man. Where did you find the SSO bundle? Haven't seen those in stores for a while now.
Thank you! The '62 reissues are so good. I like them more than the current '65's. And the sparke JM signature is beautiful. Great choices yourself.I absolutely love Jazzmasters. I've got the '62 Reissue American Deluxe and the purple sparkle J Mascis signature and I couldn't imagine playing anything else. Great choice on the guitar man.
Yup, the Mexico Fenders are absolutely great guitars for the price. I'm very proud to own this one. Hell, even Squier's starting to get up there if you're willing to give them some care. The J Mascis Jazzmaster they do is fantastic, but it doesn't feel or sound very Jazzmastery.I have a fender classic 60s telecaster MIM and chose it because it sounded better than the American standard that was two hundred more. They make good stuff down in the Mexico plant, no need to be ashamed of it as long as it sounds good!
I will get an 60s AVRI telecaster...they sound soo good
Shoegaze and Radiohead songs. It's how I get by.Only play shoegaze. ONLY!
Fallout Pop Figures yessssss.
Picked up one of the new Xbox One controllers with 3.5 mm jacks. I was impressed by it, to be honest. It feels better built, more solid. When you try to squeeze it, it does not creak where the palm sections are joined together. The home button's light looks a bit lighter and nicer.
Today I picked up the final item of my June/July shopping from customs. Time for a group shot:
Brandish 2 (PC-9801)
Wanderers from Ys (PC-9801)
Dinosaur (PC-9801)
Ancient Ys Vanished (MSX2)
Sora No Kiseki SC (Windows)
Wanderers from Ys (Playstation 2)
Ys VI - The Ark of Napishtim (Playstation 2)
Dinosaur Resurrection (Windows)
I was really surprised by all the extras that came with Dinosaur Resurrection. Not only did it include 3(!) Soundtrack Cds and a notepad with blank graph paper, it also had an ad-leaflet for Sora No Kiseki FC, which was released two years later:
Been meaning to post this. Finally got the guitar I've always wanted this month. A black Fender Jazzmaster. It's the Classic Player series so it was made in Mexico, but it feels, looks, and SOUNDS fantastic. I absolutely adore it. My other electric is an Epiphone 339, and this feels better in every conceivable way.
One day I'll get an AVRI Jazzmaster or an actual vintage 60's one, but this will do just fine for a long time.![]()
Nice pick-up, where did you get all this if you don't mind me asking ?
i picked up a pair of these babies...
grabbed then on sale for 250..quickest impulse buy ever.
Brandish 2 (PC98) [private seller]
Dinosaur (PC98) [hit-japan]
Ys III (PC98) [gaijingame]
Ys (MSX2) [themsxshop]
Sora No kiseki SC (Windows) [beta_games]
Solaris Japan:
Ys III (Playstation 2)
Ys VI (Playstation 2)
I really like their friendly and helpful customer support, they speak German and English and they give you a 'customs-friendly' invoice if you want.
Yahoo Auctions (via proxy bidder):
Dinosaur Resurrection (Windows) [coliseum300]
Yes, it's in Settings under Devices. But with the new dashboard, it will be easier to reach manually. If you have Kinect it will be even easier with Cortana.How does it handle volume adjustment? With the adapter, you've got the ability to adjust overall volume and game vs chat volume right at your fingertips. I'm assuming you have to go into settings to adjust all that?
I ignored the 3DS for as long as possible, but it just seems like there are too many games on it to ignore
Just FYI because people apparently don't realize it: ALBW has a reversible cover with the green version of the artwork and without a ratings logo!
i picked up a pair of these babies...
grabbed then on sale for 250..quickest impulse buy ever.
i picked up a pair of these babies...
grabbed then on sale for 250..quickest impulse buy ever.
Today I picked up the final item of my June/July shopping from customs. Time for a group shot:
Brandish 2 (PC-9801)
Wanderers from Ys (PC-9801)
Dinosaur (PC-9801)
Ancient Ys Vanished (MSX2)
Sora No Kiseki SC (Windows)
Wanderers from Ys (Playstation 2)
Ys VI - The Ark of Napishtim (Playstation 2)
Dinosaur Resurrection (Windows)
I was really surprised by all the extras that came with Dinosaur Resurrection. Not only did it include 3(!) Soundtrack Cds and a notepad with blank graph paper, it also had an ad-leaflet for Sora No Kiseki FC, which was released two years later:
So much Falcom! Do you have an actual PC-98 to run the games? I've been thinking of getting one, and was wondering what your model is if you have one.
No, unfortunately I do not own a PC-98, but it is my top most-wanted gaming system, followed by a TurboDuo. It's a tricky proposition when you're outside Japan. They rarely show up on ebay, and when they do you have to pay a hefty 'enthusiast-collector'-mark-up. They're much cheaper and more common on Yahoo Auctions, but then it's not always easy to figure out if they are complete and in working condition. There is an irritating amount of Japanese sellers that apparently can't be bothered to check if their old hardware still works. And then there's the shipping cost, which is quite considerable. And if that isn't enough to kill your enthusiasm for buying one of these machines from Japan you have to keep in mind that you'll probably need to buy a Japanese CRT monitor as well. Maybe there are contemporary western monitors that are compatible, but I doubt it.
A much more feasible option would be to purchase a PC98 notebook, but as far as I'm aware they are useless for many floppy disk games because they only have one floppy drive. One workaround for that is to transfer a hdi file directly to the notebooks HDD via LAN, but this only works for games that can actually be installed to hard drive. Unless there is a way to attach a second external FDD-drive you can't play games that require 2 disks to be inserted simultaneously.
One day I'll own one of these machines, but until then I handle my PC98 games the same way I do with current titles: I buy the cheap digital versions to play them and then purchase the physical release to get all the manuals and goodies.
Yeah, I've looked at Yahoo! Auctions before, and ran into the same problems. By digital versions I assume you mean Project EGG, right? Guess I'll just have to stick with that and NP2. Maybe I should just get an MSX for now, since they're much cheaper. Most of the Japanese retro PCs are pretty expensive. It's the same deal for PC-88 and X68000 too.
Yes, I'm talking about Project EGG. I find their prices to be very reasonable and their emulator is much simpler to run than the free alternatives. I really wish Falcom would release their backlog as a compilation for modern systems, similar to Konamis MSX Collection.
I've also considered getting an MSX, but the problem is that the games really suffer in terms of performance and music quality. And since the MSX has a much more active collectors community the games are generally more pricey. Just as a comparison from my most recent haul: The PC98 versions of Brandish 2 and Dinosaur cost me €40 and €16 respectively. Ys I for the MSX on the other hand went for almost €60. And the prices for the Kojima MSX games are just bananas. 150 bucks for a loose cart of Metal Gear? Snatcher for over 250? I don't think so...