None of these are July purchases but I'd figure I'd share anyway.
Funny thing is, I NEVER intended to collect these, it just sort of happened:
- Got the OoT 3DS as a early Christmas gift from my girlfriend.
- Randomly walked into a Gamestop to ask about a DS Lite to replace the old one I dropped and damaged and the guy shows me the Zelda one so I say "why not" and buy it.
- Wanted to upgrade to a 3DSXL so I hopped onto Craigslist, lo and behold some guy was selling a sealed ALbW Bundle near me at a pretty good price. Bought.
- Sold my original launch Wii U to a family member and a few months later just when I was contemplating getting a new one, the Wind Waker bundle comes out right around the time my income tax money came in. Bought.
- After the New 3DSXL Majora's Mask sold out fiasco, I figured I was shit outta luck. Walked into GameStop the day they had a restock and dude was unboxing them as I approached the counter. Had like 3 total so I buy one.
yeah but do you like zelda?

None of these are July purchases but I'd figure I'd share anyway.
Funny thing is, I NEVER intended to collect these, it just sort of happened:
- Got the OoT 3DS as a early Christmas gift from my girlfriend.
- Randomly walked into a Gamestop to ask about a DS Lite to replace the old one I dropped and damaged and the guy shows me the Zelda one so I say "why not" and buy it.
- Wanted to upgrade to a 3DSXL so I hopped onto Craigslist, lo and behold some guy was selling a sealed ALbW Bundle near me at a pretty good price. Bought.
- Sold my original launch Wii U to a family member and a few months later just when I was contemplating getting a new one, the Wind Waker bundle comes out right around the time my income tax money came in. Bought.
- After the New 3DSXL Majora's Mask sold out fiasco, I figured I was shit outta luck. Walked into GameStop the day they had a restock and dude was unboxing them as I approached the counter. Had like 3 total so I buy one.
yeah but do you like zelda?