I've got a PS trophy question. I'm not sure if this behavior is unusual or happens all the time.
I played Vanquish on a disc on PS3 when it came out and got 91% of the trophies (still missing the last mission trophy). Here it is on my PS4 trophy dashboard.
I got the digital version through PS+ a while ago and I decided to fire it up again. When I was doing the tutorial sessions again, it started popping trophies again for me. When I exit out to the PS3 dashboard, instead of having 91% for Vanquish, I had 1%
Also notice how the order changed? Vanquish popped to the top of this list instead of being next to Wake-Up Club. Luckily my trophies did not sync.
I then factory reset my PS3, synced trophies and then tried again. It did the same thing, wiping my 91% in favor of 1%. What is happening here? Is it not treating the digital and physical version as the same? If I want to keep my 91%, do I have to use the physical and not use the digital version? Does this happen with other physical/digital versions of titles?
Syncing before playing should fix it. I remember my first sync after setting up a new PS3 taking ages because it had to download all those Trophies. So you don't have to start the games.
I thought it might be a sync issue as well. I did factory reset my PS3 last night and then synced trophies before doing anything else. It took about 15-20 minutes to complete. After that I verified that I had the 91% in the offiline mode. I then installed the digital version of Vanquish and then when playing the 91% disappeared replaced by 1%. Right now my PS3 is offline, I'm afraid to attempt to sync the trophies again.
I thought it might be a sync issue as well. I did factory reset my PS3 last night and then synced trophies before doing anything else. It took about 15-20 minutes to complete. After that I verified that I had the 91% in the offiline mode. I then installed the digital version of Vanquish and then when playing the 91% disappeared replaced by 1%. Right now my PS3 is offline, I'm afraid to attempt to sync the trophies again.
I thought it might be a sync issue as well. I did factory reset my PS3 last night and then synced trophies before doing anything else. It took about 15-20 minutes to complete. After that I verified that I had the 91% in the offiline mode. I then installed the digital version of Vanquish and then when playing the 91% disappeared replaced by 1%. Right now my PS3 is offline, I'm afraid to attempt to sync the trophies again.
Don't worry about it, I've done the exact same thing a ton of times and it always reverts back to the original list after re-syncing. Some PS3 games just don't detect the old list when installing after a factory reset, so they install the trophy list over the old one for no good reason, even though the old one is still saved on the servers. All you need to do is manually re-sync the list by pressing triangle on the Trophy Collection icon and selecting Sync with Server.
Does anyone have Playstation All Stars on Vita that could help me get the invite a friend/play a match trophy? I've tried twice with two different people already but we can't join each others party. Wanted to give this another go before I give up.
Got a super hard and totally not easy platinum trophy last night for The Order 1886. You guys have no idea how hard it was to go online and look up a guide and collect all the stupid trinkets I missed, it wasn't easy.
Oh and my platinum count is now 5.
5 this month are 5 in total? If it's 5 this month, and the month is only 5 days in, good job.![]()
Unless you are European, in which case 'FUCK YOU. HERE IS A PSP GAME.'BTW guys, the PS Plus game for this month Patton IS the Vita version (which I guess regularly goes on the store for $29.99 lol) and has 8 gold trophies and ps3trophies.org has it as only a 7-10 hour plat.
Finally going back to Borderlands 2, alternating between the Vita and PS3 versions. (If I plat this I may buy the PS4 version)
Anyone care to help me with the Revive trophy, and there may be a challenge related to trading? Or just wanna play co-op?
Unless you are European, in which case 'FUCK YOU. HERE IS A PSP GAME.'
Congrats, seems like a fun plat to get.Fallout 4 finally platinumed. Gg.
Platinum #123 - LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
I kinda disagree. It felt less tedious then most LEGO games, levels didn't require thousands of different characters for once. Chima for instance had that pointless open world so you couldn't find the next level. SHould really try to find the four I'm missing for Vita, Marvel Super Heroes, Batman 3, Shadow of Ronin and jurassic World to finish up the set.I did this one during December. Tedious trophy list and a mediocre game.
I kinda disagree. It felt less tedious then most LEGO games, levels didn't require thousands of different characters for once. Chima for instance had that pointless open world so you couldn't find the next level. SHould really try to find the four I'm missing for Vita, Marvel Super Heroes, Batman 3, Shadow of Ronin and jurassic World to finish up the set.
AC Unity co-op trophies are proving to be a pain in the ass -- my friends keep ditching me/losing interest. I wish I had more trophy hunting friends. Playing with random hunters is necessary sometimes, sure, but if my friends have the game, I'd rather play with them.
Oh well. The life of a trophy hunter is usually a solitary one. Guess I'll look for a PSNP gaming session.
Anyone on Eu PSN want to do the far cry 4 Co op trophies? My PSN is Silentscream128![]()
Platinum 124 - Tales from the Borderlands. That was a fun ride. It is really one of their better games, especially with the humor.