What's up with the GAF guild?
Having troubles getting 5 people that are over level 15 online at the same time in Protectors Enclave.
I completely forgot, what server is the GAF guild going to be on?
What's up with the GAF guild?
I think you have to transfer them into the game, not sure how though.
Strange. I'll look into this later.
I can hop on for a moment if you need someone level 15 to help start the guild.
I want to say Dragon but i am not 100% sure.Having troubles getting 5 people that are over level 15 online at the same time in Protectors Enclave.
I completely forgot, what server is the GAF guild going to be on?
the gaf player list google doc shows most of us are in mindflayer though
am level 14 now, should hit more then 15 later on today, just send me a tell if you guys wanna create the guild
i'm @qvoth0
i think i added most of the guys who listed their names on the google doc list, check your friends' list
edit: forgot to ask, so the auction house only accepts diamonds as currency?
because if it's true then that's so fucked up
I think you have to transfer them into the game, not sure how though.
If you linked your cryptic account with the pw one, it should be there. I got Zen from back years ago in champions that showed up in this game without doing a transfer. The Zen also appears in star trek online.
Given this is set in the Forgotten Realms, are there any note able cameos?
Dang, was hoping Drizzt would make an appearance given he was so popular for a long time.From what I can tell it takes place between 1462-1500 DR. The main antagonist seems to be Valindra, who is from the books but doesn't seem to be exactly the same in this game.
I haven't seen anyone like Drizzt but he is relevant around this time so it's possible, I believe some characters show up as statues in Neverwinter the actual city.
There was a bug in beta that caused Guardian Fighters to become engulfed in green flames permanently, going to miss it.
Servers down?
Should have figured this would happen when I was about to finish that damn quest the second time
How do guys like the foundry stuff? I'm a big fan of user created content, since the first time I've played wow I thought that you should be able to create your own quests. MMOs seem to be the perfect genre for that stuff. This is a must have feature for future MMOs if you ask me.
I finally get the game and it doesn't work![]()
Bahhh why did the server have to be down
Servers are up.
I'm going to add people from the list.
Added everyone, but some came up invalid.
Is there a way to transfer items and currencies to other characters?
on mindflayer? had that as well
ppl, double check your @names on the list please
also, am I missing something in Cloak Tower? I get the flower and gem, but the chest wouldnt open. Something my group forgot?
nvm seems we did miss something. at least it seems I must have
Well my game is not loading past the NeverWinter loading screen. Anyone else with this problem? It has worked perfectly beforehand.
Chat Channel
While we wait for the guild to get up, I have set up a chat channel for us. To join, click on the gear on the left side of the chat window, go to the "Custom Channel" tab, and type in "GAF" where it says join channel. I will use this to help find people to help create the guild.
My wizard is lvl 7, but man I don't know if I want to continue him or make a rogue. Wizard seems somewhat...boring. Are there really only 4 at-will spells total for the wizard?
GAF Guild
Now live. Ask anyone in the guild for an invite. (Open the social menu, click find person, type in "GAF", look at the guild column.)