Oh man... I wonder what the budget was
Oh man... I wonder what the budget was
Can you name these MS second tier franchises that sell over a million in their first month?
Guy is obviously trolling. Has Microsoft had anything besides Halo or Gears break 1M in a month? I can't think of anything.
As for Nintendo, there's Pokemon, and Mario, and Mario Kart. That is about it.
1M first month is pretty rare for an exclusive title.
Super Smash Bros.Guy is obviously trolling. Has Microsoft had anything besides Halo or Gears break 1M in a month? I can't think of anything.
As for Nintendo, there's Pokemon, and Mario, and Mario Kart. That is about it. They are only the three biggest franchises in gaming, so I suppose they must be getting close to second tier.
1M first month is pretty rare for an exclusive title.
Gears and halo, duhCan you name these MS second tier franchises that sell over a million in their first month?
Gears and halo, duh
its so bizare, they made a 3ds version which is similar in power to the wii so it cant have been that difficult to make a wii version
Gears and halo, duh
its so bizare, they made a 3ds version which is similar in power to the wii so it cant have been that difficult to make a wii version
Super Smash Bros.![]()
The combination of Pokemon, Mario and Mario Kart (plus others)
Fable II was 790k and Fable III was 580k during their first months. Both broke 1M the next month. Fable is also Microsoft's third biggest series.
I wonder if this means the Wii will also have disappointing December sales. If so, will Iwata admit that the Wii is done for?
I wonder if this means the Wii will also have disappointing December sales. If so, will Iwata admit that the Wii is done for?
They BG&Ed it. It's like Ancel's contract demands all games he makes release in the middle of the holiday season on the same day as one of Ubi's biggest releases.Ubisoft also really chose basically the worst time slot ever for Rayman Origins. Could they choose a busier holiday season?
December sales will be just great with all the price cuts and bundles going out for Christmas
It'll sell more than the PS3.
I wonder if this means the Wii will also have disappointing December sales. If so, will Iwata admit that the Wii is done for?
Hilarious, really.
Across three platforms too.
Games like these are only feasible as download titles these days. It's a real pity because there'll be less and less variety on store shelves.
Seeing comments like this are depressing.
Well you guys can say goodbye to ever getting Beyond Good and Evil 2, or more beautiful, 1080p, 60fps BRILLIANT 2d platformers for the next few years. Time for more Rabbids and shooters!
I hate all of you.
Well, maybe when they're from Ubisoft, but 2D platformers still have a very big roll in consoles.
Rayman Origins had a really moronic retail strategy. Ubisoft are masters overshippers though and RO was made by like 4 people so it probably wasn't a financial disaster.
Rayman Origins had a really moronic retail strategy. Ubisoft are masters overshippers though and RO was made by like 4 people so it probably wasn't a financial disaster.
Yeah but only if it's called Mario.
RO by 4 persons ....
Yeah but only if it's called Mario.
It doesn't help that the last time they put any real muscle into Rayman was when they spun off the Rabbids into their own series shortly afterward.
I'm exaggerating but I've always read that it was a really small team that worked on Rayman.
Apparently Zelda is a third tier Nintendo franchise.
Let's not fool ourselves, Rayman is a MUCH smaller brand. Rayman is also a lot weirder than Donkey Kong and wasn't backed by its company the way DKCR was. Even if Rayman didn't have competition from a new Mario game it would've bombed, but with a new Mario game it was commercial suicide.
While I don't think Rayman Origins is as great as the reviews might make you believe, it certainly didn't deserve to do this badly.
November hardware sales
2006: 476k
2007: 981k
2008:2.04 million
2009: 1.26 million
2010: 1.27 million
2011: 860k
Xbox 360
2006: 511k
2007: 770k
2008: 836k
2009: 819.5k
2010: 1.37 million
2006: 197k
2007: 466k
2008: 378k
2009: 710.4k
2010: 530k
I think you are messing some things.
The new gamers don't like yearly iterations of the franchises. We have seen this with EA games for example. They buy Just Dance games because they have new songs, but they are happy playing golf with a last year game. The old gamers are happy buying yearly iterations of the franchise and that's why the EA games sell very differently on the HD twins.
So Nintendo can try to sell one or two iterations of their franchise to everyone or try to sell five iterations of their franchise to the old gamers. I believe the first one is a better approach because they can add enough differences and not just new levels. They can sell them to a much larger pool of clients. And they can add the "new thing" the last console has.
On the other hand I think Nintendo needs the third parties. Yes their games sell like nothing else, but they can't keep a console alone. Becuase if they fail, Wii Music, they would need a very strong software to come back. But if they have the third parties, they can fail and the console won't dive.