Kermit The Frog
Only slightly?! Try massively. They sold less than 2 million in their biggest market in their biggest month. The game is going to see a massive drop in the rest of the year and there is no way Europe or Japan(lol) are going to make up the deficit.Sho_Nuff82 said:I think US and uk sales are <2.4 million for the first week.
That 10 million shipped seems slightly optimistic for 2011.
On that note, didn't EA say BF3 sold 5 million to consumers? I find that hard to believe since I doubt the game did ~3 million in Europe and the rest of the world.
I doubt Sony will bother with Ratchet or Resistance any longer so that leaves an opportunity for them to try new IPs that will actually sell well this time around. Also I wouldn't consider games like Ratchet or Resistance as being well recieved anywhee, internet or not, at least compared to games like Uncharted, GOW or KZ.REMEMBER CITADEL said:That's what skews the perception somewhat - such preferences are a subjective thing. Most people clearly prefer their Halos, Gears and Fables to Sony's first party games, at least in the US. Sony does pump out a lot of games that are often perceived as great on GAF and some other corners of the internet, but their review scores and sales performances indicate that they're merely solid. Would money spent on Ratchets, Motorstorms, Killzones and Resistances have been better spent elsewhere? Not if you're a fan of those franchises, obviously, but from the business perspective?
Because when it comes down to it, for all its plentiful first party output, Sony has approximately as many standout franchises as Microsoft (I'm talking about this generation), but Microsoft has two huge shooters - a genre that's been very popular for a long time, especially in the US - and a couple of very successful motion controlled games, while Sony has none. It's not hard to see that the "but look at all the Sony's games!" argument does not hold up for many people.