Can't wait to see how this statement holds up in September NPD.
Of course will sell in september. I'm talking about the present.
Can't wait to see how this statement holds up in September NPD.
Can't wait to see how this statement holds up in September NPD.
It doesn't matter whether a Call of Duty has $500 attached to it. Its one of the most massive brands in gaming and many last gen CoD fans will purchase a XB1 CoD bundle. They are not paying $500 to only play CoD, so I'm not sure what you're really suggesting.
They are paying to upgrade their last gen system, while CoD is packaged in the box. The deal is a fair value as it's not just XB1 + CoD= 500. It's a limited edition XB1 with a limited edition controller plus CoD and a 1 TB HDD, so it could be argued whether or not the Sunset or this is a better value depending on how big of a CoD fan you are.
Saying that it's indicative of interest in Sunset is silly as that bundle contains a new color for the Xbox One and an exclusive game. Many PS4 owners on here are interested in XB1 as a "secondary" system for exclusives and are going to purchase the bundle. There are also many looking forward to purchasing the bundle who have no current gen console yet.
Finally, I'm not sure how you can say that there's not much interest in Sunset Overdrive. Looking at retailer charts it's doing as well or better than many established brands like Far Cry 4, Forza Horizon 2 and Dragon Age on XB1. It seems to be doing very well for a new IP that's not a mass market shooter.
30k gap is considerable, considering the Madden bundle.
I guess the Destiny bundle will have quite the opposite effect next month.
I really would like to know what the hell is going on in Nintendo of America. For Mario Kart 8 to not be in the top 10 should be making them panic like nothing before and it's all of their own doing. Nintendo still has been horrible when it comes to advertising the Wii U in general and it's games. Where are the general ads about the system itself and the games already out for it on TV? On prime time channels and a wide range of channels. Not simply kids channels where they themselves do not have the buying power. Put ads there but not exclusively!!!! Where are the bill boards and posters on buses and trains? Where are the web ads on twitch and youtube?
In PS4 favor in Feb![]()
Oops. Just assume I was drunk-posting
These numbers are nonsense. Check out some real npd numbers from back in day before Sony shut them down:
Also if PS4 and XBO are really selling under 200k a month isn't that bad? Don't remember PS2 or X360 going sub 200k too often.
I'll be surprised if PS4 alone doesn't sell 330k in September. The Destiny bundle is doing insanely well for them.
It's close but all the while still too far away. Especially with the Madden bundle and promotions. PS4 could be being held back more by the Destiny/white bundle but still winning handily despite all that.
really from 2004, 4 years after launch?
I hope with vita failure Sony will learn from their mistakes
Wait is 30K difference is confirmed number?
That's what I assumed!
Definitely not Aaron Greenbergwho cares about pre-seasons?
Wait is 30K difference is confirmed number?
Smoky damn Dave!Can't let Smokey drink alone. That would be near alcoholic tendencies
They will, they won't make another handheld
Smoky damn Dave!
*kicks over a food truck*
Have you heard the phrase 'throwing good money after bad'?
None of what you are suggesting would be particularly cheap or have a guarantee of creating any significant difference in the market, at a time when Nintendo are struggling to get back to profitability.
I think you all have a different definition of "competitive" than I do?
The amount of money first parties are spending and will continue to spend to get a competitive edge because they launched at the same time and are close in sales is going to be good for the market. We are already getting tons of games out of it. And Nintendo will need to shake things up if they wanna still play. It's exciting. It's good to have options.
You just saw a monkey kick over a food truck.All right maybe I had one too many...
You just saw a monkey kick over a food truck.
Hallucinogens most likely.
I really would like to know what the hell is going on in Nintendo of America. For Mario Kart 8 to not be in the top 10 should be making them panic like nothing before and it's all of their own doing. Nintendo still has been horrible when it comes to advertising the Wii U in general and it's games. The E3 showing as well as live streams and directs have been good but actual outside and TV marketing still needs to be done and it's like they don't agree. Where are the general ads about the system itself and the games already out for it on TV? On prime time channels and a wide range of channels. Not simply kids channels where they themselves do not have the buying power. Put ads there but not exclusively!!!! Where are the bill boards and posters on buses and trains? Where are the web ads on twitch and youtube (those seem to have stopped)?
I hate being a Nintendo fan sometimes. I want the system to do well so I continue to get games from Nintendo. Yet I still feel Nintendo themselves don't care to do what is required to see their own damn product. I fear for Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, and even Smash Bros. Three weeks until the US launch and I've seen no TV ads for that game or the bundles in an attempt to build interest instead of just relying on the brand itself. That's going to be a mistake I think to take for granted that they don't have to push the game via traditional means.
I would love to buy a PS4 as well but nothing interest me at the moment to justify the purchase and I don't want another FPS that is trying to disguise itself as something else. O
30k diff is a good month for X1
The gap grows and grows it will only get worst from here.30k diff is a good month for X1
30k diff is a good month for X1
PS2 sold 322k on August 2001.
30k diff is a good month for X1
Why are people comparing Madden to CoD in terms of brand strength tied to a platform? You guys do realize that when Madden was at its peak, ALL marketing was for PS2.
Even last gen Madden was never really dominant on 360. The 360 to PS3 CoD sales were much more in favor of 360 in comparison to Madden. There was even multiple Madden PS3 bundles.
I'd say that Madden was barely stronger on 360 than PS3 last gen tbh. And If we're looking at history prior to that, it was obviously a PS dominant brand.
This was never the case with CoD. It was always tied to Xbox more because it released there first with CoD2. The later Microsoft/Activision deals also contributed to this obviously. There was a never a point and time where CoD was synonymous with PS, as it was with Madden for YEARS.
Would Activision jump ship with COD when that happens?
Not trying to stir the pot in any way but I gotta say the Xbox NFL partnership doesn't seem to be working out.
Yeah, and 7k is a good month for Vita.
Yeap... a good pre 300k gap30k diff is a good month for X1
Not trying to stir the pot in any way but I gotta say the Xbox NFL partnership doesn't seem to be working out.
If the monkey's good looking you've got a primo blotter. If he has disproportional testicles snakes coming out of orifices and a massive erection you've got a brown. In which case, buckle up, the rides only going to get weirder.He was also rambling on about the fate of consoles. Surely I hit on the good stuff
Have you seen Ray Rice?
Why is people surprised about the Vita?
You can't find any in the stores.
Yeah not seeing any good come from it yet.Not trying to stir the pot in any way but I gotta say the Xbox NFL partnership doesn't seem to be working out.
This was confirmed? If both were around 200K then yeah, that is pretty decent for August -- was expecting worse.
The gap grows and grows it will only get worst from here.
I dont see it people being saying this stuff for months now.I'm a PS fanboy and I don't believe that's true though. September will be good for Sony but October November and/or december is kinda in the favor of MS with Sunset Overdrive and the Halo. Microsoft is pushing harder and harder with price cuts and bundles. I think this christmas they are gonna have so much packs: COD+XB1, Halo+XB1, Sunset+XB1 all for 399 probably. I don't think Driveclub and LBP3 can excite as much people as the Halo fans...
Got a good chuckle out of me.Have you seen Ray Rice?