How many people are going to be shocked after SO craters?, people have placed a huge burden on that game's back...
To the contrary, the only one of those that is big is Halo. Forza Horizon didn't do anywhere near as well as a mainline Forza entry, and Sunset Overdrive is a complete unknown at this point. Like others here I think a GTA5 PS4 bundle would kill anything Microsoft can pull out of its hat dead.
Don't be surprised if DriveClub does better than Forza Horizon 2 and/or Sunset Overdrive either.
It'll be saved by the White One bundle.How many people are going to be shocked after SO craters?, people have placed a huge burden on that game's back...
Are you replying from your alt account or just fellow poster with similar concern?
And again, what are YOU going to do about it? What do you want us to do about it?
When GTA V for the old consoles has better legs than MK8 this month, that's when you KNOW MK8 legs are disappointing.
So, you think the PS4 having sold 10 million consoles... has tapped its selling potential? I seem to recall the PS2 selling 120 million, and the PS3 selling 80 million. But you know.. the PS4, being the fastest selling console of all time, is tapped out at 10 million. Flawless logic.What does Sony have coming out this Holiday? It's really not that much of a jump to think Xbox One could do better than the PS4 for Q4. Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection. That's a baller line-up no matter what side of the fence you're on. There are only so many people interested in gaming consoles and at some point, the number of PS4 buyers will peak where you could argue that the Xbox One market hasn't been completely tapped. Of course, a lot of this is my own opinion and speculation, but there is no speculating on which platform has the better holiday line-up right now.
It'll be saved by the White One bundle.
As always you would have to define craters because there's middling sales and then there's things like TW101 and Tearaway
Would you say the holidays will be very interesting?
Why do you say that?
what? I don't even... what?
You'd make a great analyst, you should see if you can intern with Pachter.
If this isn't sarcasm then what makes you think this way? Sony does have LBP3 as well.
I really want to get an Xbox One just for MCC and possibly Sunset Overdrive. It really boils down to what the deals are on Black Friday. If I can get the SSO bundle for $349 or $399 with a $50 gift card then it's an instant purchase for me.
If not, then I guess I can just settle to play MCC on systems owned by friends and family members. But I am really wondering how SSO will do. Even though I am a huge Halo fan a single game (well ok it's a collection of three excellent games and a disappointment) doesn't really justify a $399 purchase for me.
In terms of exclusives in 2015 Sony is WAY ahead of MS for me. Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 are from two of my favorite developers ever. Meanwhile at MS, Halo 5 sounds good so far but 343 have a lot to prove. Quantum Break isn't really doing anything for me personally, I do not like the direction Fable Legends is going in at all, and I'm not a big Tomb Raider fan and am disappointed that ROTTR is cross gen.
As for the mainstream market and overall sales, I am very curious as to how
much the MCC will sell and how much it will actually boost Xbox One sales.
Nice one. LOL
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or delusional
digital only games weren't a prominent thing on the early years of ps360, and let's not even talk about "free" games from ps+/gold.
People may be buying less retail games that back then, but I'm sure they have actually more games to play nowadays.
That's why I said Q4. And yes, I do. It's not out of the question to think that some people will buy both consoles. Just by the shear number of people with a PS4, it's not unreasonable to think at some point the numbers will drop while the X1 numbers will increase.uhhh..what?
ps4 also has bloodborne + the order in a couple of months after holiday, and xbone doesn't have anything.
lol @ ps4 peak and xbone untapped. you do know they're competing for the same consumers, no?
You can't say anything positive about the X1. It will never sell well because it's complete trash. lol.Can yall tell me why it wont? Looking at the sales it looks like its closing a gap. Not overall but just for the holidays. If it dont its gonna be real close. Closer than now for sure.
Yeah, a RAPID MK8 drop from June to July to August.
Disappointing legs.
It's probably worth noting there's an inverse relationship between the rate of hardware growth and the rate of tie ratio growth.
pretty much. I think they(MS) would be happy if SO sells 1.5 isn WW(unbundled). Its a new IP on a system that probably will have just shy of 6 million units out there
but of course people will continue to move goal posts and consider that a flop.
Holy shit, what?
Track my post back, it had nothing to do with console sales. I talked about the attatch rate being higher for Madden 15 on XB1 somehow being "spin".
When GTA V for the old consoles has better legs than MK8 this month, that's when you KNOW MK8 legs are disappointing.
When GTA V for the old consoles has better legs than MK8 this month, that's when you KNOW MK8 legs are disappointing.
Like I said many times before GTA5 HD is going to do very well.When GTA V for the old consoles has better legs than MK8 this month, that's when you KNOW MK8 legs are disappointing.
If Ubisofts sales are representative of other publishers, digital only accounts for around 10% of console software sales.
Look at their release schedules.
Look at their pricing.
Flying a bunch of games journalists to Paris and giving them all Nexus Ones gets you good previews in the enthusiast press.
The only people who read the enthusiast press are the people contributing to the contraction.
Considering that I'm the CEO of Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to solve this problem...
GTA V sold more than 66K copies? I'm guessing that's 2 versions combined, though.
And wow really LBP 3? I would not bank on that to support PS4 this holiday.
Like I said many times before GTA5 HD is going to do very well.
So, you think the PS4 having sold 10 million consoles... has tapped its selling potential? I seem to recall the PS2 selling 120 million, and the PS3 selling 80 million. But you know.. the PS4, being the fastest selling console of all time, is tapped out at 10 million. Flawless logic.
How many people who have a Wii U and want Mario Kart haven't bought it by now? How many who don't have a Wii U and want Mario Kart haven't bought it by last month.
Multiplats will drive PS4 sales more than any of their holiday exclusives
Same for Wii U and in my opinion same for XB1
I agree with everything except the Driveclub part. I predict retail sales will be abysmal chiefly due to the PS+ edition.
wait what
And wow really LBP 3? I would not bank on that to support PS4 this holiday.
Multiplats will drive PS4 sales more than any of their holiday exclusives
Same for Wii U and in my opinion same for XB1
I'm confused though. Why is this surprising Aqua? GTAV was selling ~100K fairly regularly in the early months of the year right? I can't say it's a fair comparison imo...
ps2 sold 155m units. kind of besides the point, but worth mentioning since it's so unlikely to ever happen again.
the problem with the ps4 isn't that it's tapped out - it's that it experienced extremely frontloaded sales. even when the wii and ps2 reached the point where the ps4 ltd is right now, they were still selling up to double and more what the current market leader is doing. so the trajectory of the system over the next couple of years can't be based on the first very successful months, but more likely the more recent mediocre ones. will the ps4 hit 80m in five years? can it sell 14m a year until then? it's possible, but i don't know where those sales are going to be coming from.
No, I'm saying Titanfall and Madden bundles don't cancel that out. Wii U has far more bundled software than Xbox One.Unless we have bundled SW numbers for PS4 and XB1 as well as previous systems that doesn't mean much of anything. All of the numbers provided were unbundled.
Yes the white 8GB basic launch system was the only one with no game bundle. They sold something like 15% versus the black 32GB deluxe with Nintendo Land. In early summer 2013 they were delisted and recalled because they sold so badly......yikes the Wii U has had so many bundles this whole time?
this doesn't really make it look much better you know (also I'm sure by this logic we can add a decent chunk to the Xbox One)
And wow really LBP 3? I would not bank on that to support PS4 this holiday.
Despite a weak first party, Sony's strong marketing push of Destiny and Far Cry 4 will help push consoles. DriveClub/LBP3 are solid second purchase games imo, and are not made up to be system sellers. I think Sony knows this.
In addition, nothing on Xbox side screams system seller either. If anything, Smash is the biggest exclusive of the fall on any console.
What is this "SO" that will crater. I'm so out of the loop.
The PS+ edition is so gutted compared to the full game that it's hardly worth mentioning.
Despite a weak first party, Sony's strong marketing push of Destiny and Far Cry 4 will help push consoles. DriveClub/LBP3 are solid second purchase games imo, and are not made to be system sellers. I think Sony knows this.
In addition, nothing on Xbox side screams system seller either. If anything, Smash is the biggest exclusive of the fall on any console.
Ahh that's for this month not overall.A 30k sales cap between XO and PS4 is really marginal. I'm surprised it's that small in such a short time. Kudos to Phil Spencer for the quick turn around.
As always you would have to define craters because there's middling sales and then there's things like TW101 and Tearaway
Thank you for the correction. I apologize.
I don't see gap closing in other than the small bump this month.Can yall tell me why it wont? Looking at the sales it looks like its closing a gap. Not overall but just for the holidays. If it dont its gonna be real close. Closer than now for sure.
They'll be coming from people who still have Wii's/360s/ps3s that want a new gen console for Christmas. Christmas is gonna be giant this year for both PS4 and XB1
Guessing Sunset.
I'm thinking Tearaway bad levels.