ok European numbers aside because this is an NPD thread, could you guys let jcm update the Powerhouse™ vs PSP comparison
ok European numbers aside because this is an NPD thread, could you guys let jcm update the Powerhouse™ vs PSP comparison
What are you talking about? There's no need to play coy, I wasn't trying to bring the entire argument back, I was just referring to your differing statements. If you'd merely acknowledged that you went too far before then I would've let it be.It is something we've already discussed, don't try and play coy here. No one said anything about "winning" anything, but you certainly didn't win if that's what you're implying. I did not write them off entirely AT ALL.
I simply stated that slightly superior multiplats are not the basis of what wins a console generation. When is the last time that the most powerful console "won" a generation because of that reason. It's hasn't happened yet for as long as I can remember.
I do think it will happen with the PS4 though of course, but there are many reasons why the PS4 is ahead and the power difference is not one of the major reasons. It's amplified because of the other things that make the PS4 a more popular console.
The PS2 didn't lose because it was weaker than Xbox and GameCube. The PSX didn't lose because it was weaker than N64. The 360 wasn't bought just because of the multi platform superiority.(even though it can be argued that the PS3 was actually was stronger for games most notably the exclusives and the Wii actually "won" the generation)
These things do play a role, but are not the most important things in a console generation. Exclusives, where friends are playing, controller preference and so much more play a greater role in what happens in a console generation.
The DRM fiasco and poor PR are examples of things that have mattered more than the hardware difference in this generation as well.
And it shouldn't. The PSP had a much better library, particularly during the 2006-2009 timeframe.
PS4 GTA V bundle is Sony's card to fight off MCC in November
you know you're in a strong industry when the trump card for the pack leader's holiday season is a bundle with a port of a year old multi-platform game.
And when their competitor's trump card is a collection of old know you're in a strong industry when the trump card for the pack leader's holiday season is a bundle with a port of a year old multi-platform game.
3ds is 5 digits? what is Nintendo DOING with new 3ds? You need so much more than a stop gap! This is crisis mode come on
I didn't think we had any info on the 3DS number? Where's the 5-digit thing from? Not that it would surprise.
They probably wanted to differentiate from the already popular Skylanders and Infinity toys as much as possible.
Parents will need to be convinced to buy a completely new gaming system just to use Amiibos this year.
So promoting them as figures that can be used for multiple games as opposed to just one could be more appealing than having yet another Skylander/Infinity to invest in.
You're a marketing guy, right?
If they all start selling consistently more on PS4, why bother with the exclusive marketing and content going into next year? MS seems so willing to court EA as a whole and the CoD franchise.
I think this statement is very debatable.
I think this statement is very debatable.
This post reads like a big, yet not awkward, hug. I warmly return your hug and look forward to reading your impressions at a later date![]()
you know you're in a strong industry when the trump card for the pack leader's holiday season is a bundle with a port of a year old multi-platform game.
The quality of the PS4 exclusives like DRIVECLUB and LBP3 also remain to be seen just like with Sunset. We're not really sure what Sony is doing in terms of deals or Bundles either.
It has nothing to do with "conviction", I'm just not blind and won't make rash predictions.
you know you're in a strong industry when the trump card for the pack leader's holiday season is a bundle with a port of a year old multi-platform game.
3ds is 5 digits? what is Nintendo DOING with new 3ds? You need so much more than a stop gap! This is crisis mode come on
Lol, these European numbers for the systems are all over the place, in terms of both time frame and number sold...
There's also this:
Which is it? 42K Jan-Apr. 44K Jan-May. Or 44K Jan-Jun?
Germany was 160K through Sept 2013, according to BrunoMB. And at 350K, that leaves 190K for the last 3 quarters through June. XBO 170K since launch through June.
It is anecdotal but everybody I talk wants this GTAV next-gen version.
You guys can expect a record breaking salesfor a remaster.
on a side note, 99$ wii u coming in any day now
No, Canada had it as well, and Europe too, but I think retailers had exclusivity on the White bundle specifically in certain European countries -- but there was an alternative Black Destiny bundle as well.
PS4 GTA V bundle is Sony's card to fight off MCC in November
Of course it will. The Master Chief collection will sell incredibly well if it ends up being an amazing and polished product. LBP3 will do decent but DC will bomb here in NPD land.Just trying to be objective here but sales of HMCC will likely swamp both DC and LBP3.
It is anecdotal but everybody I talk wants this GTAV next-gen version.
You guys can expect a record breaking salesfor a remaster.
No, we can pretty much know LBP3 is going to be good given the foundation it's working off of in LBP1&2.
The question with it is how much it has improved over LBP2 and how much it appeals to people in the market for a $400 console. My guesses there would be substantially and not much respectively, but they are just guesses.
$99 Wii U will likely never happen outside of some clearance sale due to the GamePad. They'd have to drop the GamePad to make that work. Another reason the GamePad, as awesome and redeeming as off-TV play is, was a poor decision by Nintendo.I like off-TV play.
At Month 10 last gen:
360 - 4.8 (XB1 at 3.2)
PS3 - 3.4 (PS4 at 2.9)
if you include all 3 consoles on both gens would this gen actually outpacing the last gen consoles by so large a margin? i bet not.
True but in this case it didn't matter.
ok European numbers aside because this is an NPD thread, could you guys let jcm update the Powerhouse vs PSP comparison
Wii U really is PS360 level in hardware, they all can't/won't really drop the price.
How can the install bases be too far, it's not even 1 million apart?
I'm standing by. Just need some kind soul to drop some knowledge on me. I'd settle for a confidential PM.
There was a graph from which this could have been derived in Nintendo's IR briefing from early last gen. But they've updated and removed some of their older briefing materials. Not sure if anyone has a saved also says that Xbox One is tracking 76% higher than 360 up to that point, so if we have 360 numbers at the time we could reverse engineer XB1 here
So does 3DS. It's very debatable.I don't think it is tbh, PSP has a very strong and varied library of games.
'The Playstation family' went from an embarrassing phrase to domination.
Because the denominator isn't that large, yet. If the proportional difference remains constant as the denominator goes up (i.e. if PS4 maintains its ~25% LTD lead over XB1), then that absolute difference will grow much larger. For reference, that's about how much Xbox beat GameCube by (percentage-wise) in the U.S.
What is "Powerhouse"?
No, that won't be done anymore.Hate to be that guy, but can anyone review the numbers that have already been given out. thanks.
What are you talking about? There's no need to play coy, I wasn't trying to bring the entire argument back, I was just referring to your differing statements. If you'd merely acknowledged that you went too far before then I would've let it be.
I'm not sure why you think I was implying that I won anything, it just seemed to me like claiming that I was clutching at straws was an egotistical remark to make.
There are always numerous reasons, no-one said there wasn't. The question was solely over how important exclusives and multiplatform games were and while you may not have written multiplatform games off entirely, you really did try to diminish their importance. I mean really, you barely even acknowledged all the people who buy consoles solely for their CoD/FIFA/Madden (or whatever) kick and yet talked about people buying 360's just to play Forza, a series that has never been particularly big.
Also, in regards to the PS1 and PS2, you do realise that power played a huge role in killing the Saturn and Dreamcast, right? The N64 and GC/Xbox came out a year later, so of course they were going to be more powerful overall but they were also too late.
:-( ok.No, that won't be done anymore.
There was a graph from which this could have been derived in Nintendo's IR briefing from early last gen. But they've updated and removed some of their older briefing materials. Not sure if anyone has a saved copy.
Not sure if anyone has a saved copy.
Tried wayback, there are only like 3 snapshots of their IR/events pages all recent. Haven't tried Google cache.Google/Yahoo Cache
Wayback Machine
Not super unpredictable in a month where it does poorly and this time had no software. It has been around 100k for quite some time now.Did we ever get confirmation on the 3DS 5-digit thing? That is even more abysmal than usual.
Did we ever get confirmation on the 3DS 5-digit thing? That is even more abysmal than usual.