Don't forget AC Unity.November is just going to be nuts.
What fun will be had in the NPD thread.
Don't forget AC Unity.November is just going to be nuts.
What fun will be had in the NPD thread.
November is just going to be nuts.
What fun will be had in the NPD thread.
Don't forget AC Unity.
Totally forgot, thanks. November is nuts.AC Unity, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire etc.
We might be the only three on the planetThough honestly when I do pickup my PS4 I doubt I'll go out of my way to try it. Maybe if it were to come around in the free psplus rotation I'd give it a download. I'm just not the builder type.
Also that post from Nirolak up above with the link to that compilation post in regards to handheld gaming was a fascinating read. Makes me curious about when the end of this current generation comes, just how on point, or far off people are gonna be in their thoughts.
AC Unity, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire etc.
November is just going to be nuts.
What fun will be had in the NPD thread.
The way it sells every month...there is no way that will happen.
Month Winner
Nov PS4
Mar PS4
Apr PS4
May PS4
Jun PS4
So do we have any clear numbers yet for hardware?
3DS: -32% YOY
Happy now?
I think we already got 91k from someone else but thanks!
I've been going back to older NPD threads recently, and it's amazing the defensiveness (including myself) about how much handheld gaming had changed. It's only been a few years and now it's an indisputable fact. I wonder what we will be saying about the current consoles 3 years from now.
Oh man "superior" fashion? I gotta get in on that. Difference has got to be amazing I'm sure.still cracks me up that people act like the cross-plat games are ever gonna be extremely different from each other. showmethereceipts.gifEL OH EL
Those posters are insane.
3DS: -32% YOY
Happy now?
2014 2013 % Change
360 -56%
PS3 -68%
WIU 71%
WII -61%
3DS -32%
PSV -60%
MSFT 209 114 83%
SONY 223 104 114%
NINT 165 238 -31%
HAND 97 186 -48%
CONSOLE 500 270 85%
Console 2014 2007 % Change
360 277
PS2 202
WII 404
PS3 131
TOTAL 500 1,014 -51%
Handheld 2014 2008 % Change
NDS 518
PSP 253
Total 97 771 -87%
Yeah nothing is saving X1 this holiday thats for sure.
3DS: -32% YOY
Happy now?
I'm not sure if Amiibo will catch fire like Skylander or Infinity did. The idea behind it will confuse parents and their kids. You buy figures, but you don't play as them. In stead you train them to be your partner or your offline cpu opponent. It was already hard for me to grasp the concept the first time I saw the trailer and I won't be surprise if non-gamers don't understand it.
I'm lost. What does it mean?
Well I guess my thought process is more this.
What's releasing for the 3DS in the West after the New 3DS comes out?
It's not timed with Smash so anyone getting that in the first few months might end up finding they're fine with playing it on the system they have already been using it on.
And more generally, I actually am having trouble thinking of what games are coming out after that point. Maybe Bravely Second and Final Fantasy Explorers? Project STEAM? Am I forgetting anything else?
I'm lost. What does it mean?
what are the tricks to find clean hardware number in this thread? I can't find it.
and why it's not in the first post?
what are the tricks to find clean hardware number in this thread? I can't find it.
and why it's not in the first post?
Call of Duty Ghosts XBO vs PS4
Code:Month Winner Nov PS4 Dec XBO Jan XBO Feb XBO Mar PS4 Apr PS4 May PS4 Jun PS4 Jul XBO Aug XBO Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ouya and Amazon console numbers?We have clear numbers for EVERY hardware that's still alive and even a few hardware that's dead.
Gen over Gen
Code:Console 2014 2007 % Change 360 277 PS2 202 WII 404 PS3 131 TOTAL 500 1,014 -51% Handheld 2014 2008 % Change NDS 518 PSP 253 Total 97 771 -87%
Not so good but what about PS4/XBO?
Are they included in the totals?
Not so good but what about PS4/XBO?
Are they included in the totals?
So the industry hasn't grown then.
Are we seeing a shift to iOS?
Yea but staying with the hardcore base is not a safe plan because they can get very fickle and drop interest.
Do you think we are going to see a shift to iOS?
Edit: lol @ our edits.
Xbone version has often been available at a cheaper price. A lot of people were snapping up X1 copies of Ghosts at Target for under $4 recently by taking advantage of a promo and price matching their website. They're buying them cheap and then flipping to Best Buy and Gamestop.
what are the tricks to find clean hardware number in this thread? I can't find it.
and why it's not in the first post?
The "hardcore" are not fickle, relatively. The problems with focusing on the "hardcore" are this:
1) It's a relatively stagnant market. It isn't growing very rapidly.
2) It's low margin. Because "core" games cost so much to make, there's relatively little money to be made.
But there are benefits, too:
1) Very dense market. That is, a product that really appeals to the "core" can potentially attract 10, 20 or even 30% of the market at once. That's a lot, by the standards of most market segments.
2) Reliable. These "core" users have highly predictable tastes, which means publishers can more reliably predict how their games will sell. This makes the market safer for publishers who have an established presence there.
The "hardcore" are not fickle, relatively. The problems with focusing on the "hardcore" are this...
November is just going to be nuts.
What fun will be had in the NPD thread.
If CoD:AW bundle and MCC can't push Xbone unit pass PS4 in NPD chart, nothing can stop PS4 anymore.
Oh dang... a thought crossed my mind, are we (the hardcore gamers) a dying breed that won't be replaced?, kids now are growing up with them dang smart devices and seem to be ok with playing vapid hollow free (next to free) games. I fear for the future of the gaming market as we know it once we (the hardcore gamers) start pushing up daisies... oh well... i wouldn't possibly care about that in the afterlife now would i?.
If CoD:AW bundle and MCC can't push Xbone unit pass PS4 in NPD chart, nothing can stop PS4 anymore.
so what is current LTD in US?
Well, this isn't some new phenomenon. Do you know how everyone's Dad seems to have dated taste in music that no longer represents the mainstream? How 40 year olds of every generation think the new music that kids are listening to is "just noise?" How kids today read books like Twilight and Vampire Academy instead of Roald Dahl or Gertrude Warner? How kids today aren't interested in 2D animation films any more?
Yes, it is reasonable to assume that your taste in games will fall out fashion and eventually be replaced by stuff that you hate. That is not particular to you, or to gaming, though. Welcome to the wonderful world of "you're getting older."
Oh dang... a thought crossed my mind, are we (the hardcore gamers) a dying breed that won't be replaced?, kids now are growing up with them dang smart devices and seem to be ok with playing vapid hollow free (next to free) games. I fear for the future of the gaming market as we know it once we (the hardcore gamers) start pushing up daisies... oh well... i wouldn't possibly care about that in the afterlife now would i?.
There's a marketing deal ?Do you think the marketing deal with Disney Infinity Marvel will help push PS4's?