Someone help me out here. Why do people keep bringing up Sunset Overdrive?

Someone help me out here. Why do people keep bringing up Sunset Overdrive?
Someone help me out here. Why do people keep bringing up Sunset Overdrive?
No I don't think anyone is saying that.
Its sure as shit not going to sell 500k in a week.
No, it went back up after December and they brought it back down to $350 halfway through January, (sales most likely tanked hard). Made sense that the PS4 outsold it in January but February too? Surprising.
No, it went back up after December and they brought it back down to $350 halfway through January, (sales most likely tanked hard). Made sense that the PS4 outsold it in January but February too? Surprising.
Xbox One has been $349 since November.
Well thats very mature...Because they want to mention a game that sell worst than The Order.
Someone help me out here. Why do people keep bringing up Sunset Overdrive?
How is it surprising? Sony has market leadership, many will want the system there friends are on. I doubt folks are willing to pay for 2 subscription models, and Sony have proven themselves to offer great value with PS+.No, it went back up after December and they brought it back down to $350 halfway through January, (sales most likely tanked hard). Made sense that the PS4 outsold it in January but February too? Surprising.
Haven't participated in these in a while.
Who is the new leaker? Does creamsugar still come in here or no? Just wanna know PS4 numbers.
Someone help me out here. Why do people keep bringing up Sunset Overdrive?
The remaster of the game pretty much polishes all the painful N64 rough edges and limitations and allows the core game to shine.
As time goes on and gaming matures, we're probably going to see more and more of this; extremely well-made games don't age, outside of technical details that can be upgraded. In the same way that a classic film receives an HD scan for blu-ray and sells fine to a new generation.
One could also view it as proof of the value behind Nintendo's philosophy of making evergreen games. 15 years ago they invested in that title. And it's still paying off today.
This thread is too salty. We need more sugar
And cream!
Didn't some people said that the fact the price of the XBO went up 2 weeks in January was the reason the PS4 won January NPD?
How can you be so sure? Dark Souls 2 did 1.2M in three weeks even with people waiting on the PC version....
I'm not saying it will or will not do 500k but it's not out of the question. There is a good market for these hardcore action games on console, combine that with the people who have no clue and will buy Bloodborne on hype/PS4hasnogames. It could happen.
It went back up to $400 for like 10 days.
We need the experts for measure angles.
It still wouldn't count towards the rankings though. NPD doesn't include software bundled with hardware in the software top ten.Guys, MH4U is pre-installed in the SE New 3DS XL. It's not a download code, like ALBW back in November 2013.
PS4 close to 50% WOW
That means ~350k
15 days (half the month) or 10 days, is irrelevant. I'm just surprised the cheaper console isn't outselling the PS4.
Microsoft had a marketing deal with Evolve no? I highly doubt The Order was the main reason, but hey anything's possible.
Here we go...
PS4 close to 50% WOW
That means 350k or more.
Because they want to mention a game that sell worst than The Order.
New exclusive TPS IP, like The Order.
Good reviews, but failed to chart as high as The Order (which got shitty reviews).
Alrighty then....because both are new ip console exclusives that are not first party games with tons of hype
An October game and a February game seem like apples and oranges on a top 10...New exclusive TPS IP, like The Order.
Good reviews, but failed to chart as high as The Order (which got shitty reviews).
From the naked eye I'd say closer to 370kPS4 close to 50% WOW
That means 350k or more.
An October game and a February game seem like apples and oranges on a top 10...