a Master Ninja
Zhuk said:Anyone got that drawing of the 360 and PS3 trucks at the finish line?

Zhuk said:Anyone got that drawing of the 360 and PS3 trucks at the finish line?
AniHawk said:Oh good, you found the sales-age threads.
SlipperySlope said:I see how some people can see it as derogatory. I don't personally. Just like calling people radical far right isn't derogatory, so long as the name fits.
I'm radical far right. But I'm not crazy far right. There's a clear difference. Just like I didn't call Ghalleon crazy far left.
It's the crazies that go around and start causing trouble and shouting matches.
PopcornMegaphone said:My guess is if you're title is going to bomb, my guess is its less expensive if it's a downloadable title.
Raist said:So basically Okami was a niche title and didn't actually bomb (and I'm talking both versions here)?
Danthrax said:I thought people generally considered both versions of Okami a bomb? It didn't light up the charts at all.
Basileus777 said:I don't think there is much to consider. Capcom has made it pretty clear that Okami failed to reach their expectations.
Well, at that point you can unlock Unzip Fly, which of course you need in order to perform the Dick Wave.d+pad said:It's funny that people are so obsessed with the 360 or even the PS3 pulling ahead of the Wii. What will it accomplish, exactly?
AniHawk said:I thought it did so well Capcom shut down Clover and let Mikami and Kamiya do whatever they wanted.
Sleeker said:So what is it about the 360 that makes it that stable?
Danthrax said:I thought people generally considered both versions of Okami a bomb? It didn't light up the charts at all.
As far as calling it niche, its art style isn't quite to the extreme MadWorld's is.
a Master Ninja said:
Raist said:So basically Okami was a niche title and didn't actually bomb (and I'm talking both versions here)?
Raist said:Of course it bombed. Just as MadWorld bombed. Justifying the poor sales with the "niche title" card sounds a bit silly. Especially if MadWorld gets its "niche title" status just because of the art style. Which in addition is not exactly from outer space. I think games like Killer 7 have way more chances to put people off because of its graphical signature.
jman2050 said:You haven't exactly specified what their long term goal is and why what they're doing is so much better than everyone else's.
yesjman2050 said:You haven't exactly specified what their long term goal is and why what they're doing is so much better than everyone else's.
360 sales are high?
I predicted this would happen two years ago..lawblob said:Wii is really slipping. Casual "fad" fans are finally getting bored?
CultureClearance said:I already explained what they're doing and what the other companies aren't doing. Most of it is smart investing. You break down business to its core and it's just taking money and giving it back in a way that will give you more. but here's some things that they have done recently mostly well for their long term outlook (and I'm not necessarily saying that the other two haven't done most of these things) -
Keep it steady. Get a long-term fan-base and don't take them for granted. Create a long-term brand aka let them know you're not going anywhere. Get lots of new ips that you can make sequels for in the future. Be a company people want to make games for. Show them there's money to be made by making products for them. They are your friends, not enemies or slaves. Keep a slow but steady output of old ips from the past and don't rely entirely on them. Keep the prices competitive. Pick up companies that have promise...be the first to shake their hands when they enter the party and last to shake their hands when they're leaving the party. Pick up companies that your competitors use against you. Reinvest into yourself. Have faith in your own future endeavors. Don't sit on your money. Invest in 3rd and 1st parties. Give your customers what they want by first listening to them - Updates, netflix, downloadable games, xbla arcade, avatars, things like that. market (aka reinvest). Dabble into the unknown but don't dive in, take advantage of the shortcomings of your competitors. When they trip, you froggy hop right over them. Don't trip! Don't let them hop over your back when you do. Show that you give a rats ass about your fanbase and the industry...be a "good guy" in the industry the best you can with the least amount of self-sacrifice. Play to win, don't play like you're already winning.
They're big miss-step this gen was and is the hardware issues. But they did a half-way decent job of keeping it quiet while appeasing the masses with the extended warranty. It was still a big big mistake for their brand loyalty. But Microsoft is keeping the eye on the prize regardless... nice steady improvements over time.
Mr.Potato Head said:I predicted this would happen two years ago..
Mr.Potato Head said:I predicted this would happen two years ago..
AniHawk said:PS2 24,112,000 (45-month mark) (June 2004)
PS2 18,080,000 (33-month mark) (June 2003)
Xbox - 9,361,402 (33-month mark) (July 2004)
Xbox - 12,500,000 (45-month mark) (July 2005)
GCN - 7,673,241 (33-month mark) (July 2004)
GCN - 11,122,000 (45-month mark) (July 2005)
360 15,683,786 (45 months) (July 2009)
360 10,749,000 (33 months) (July 2008)
PS3 8,035,896 (33 months) (July 2009)
Wii 20,817,781 (33 months) (July 2009)
Mama Robotnik said:*img of awesomeness*
Zhuk said:Xbox division has been profitable for a few years now.
Raist said:Do you happen to have enough data to make a decent LTD vs time plot? I'd be interested to see the trends for each consoles, especially Wii vs PS2.
damn, first 5 million will buy it without any games huh?AniHawk said:PS2 24,112,000 (45-month mark) (June 2004)
PS2 18,080,000 (33-month mark) (June 2003)
Xbox - 9,361,402 (33-month mark) (July 2004)
Xbox - 12,500,000 (45-month mark) (July 2005)
GCN - 7,673,241 (33-month mark) (July 2004)
GCN - 11,122,000 (45-month mark) (July 2005)
360 15,683,786 (45 months) (July 2009)
360 10,749,000 (33 months) (July 2008)
PS3 8,035,896 (33 months) (July 2009)
Wii 20,817,781 (33 months) (July 2009)
AniHawk said:PS2 24,112,000 (45-month mark) (June 2004)
PS2 18,080,000 (33-month mark) (June 2003)
Xbox - 9,361,402 (33-month mark) (July 2004)
Xbox - 12,500,000 (45-month mark) (July 2005)
GCN - 7,673,241 (33-month mark) (July 2004)
GCN - 11,122,000 (45-month mark) (July 2005)
360 15,683,786 (45 months) (July 2009)
360 10,749,000 (33 months) (July 2008)
PS3 8,035,896 (33 months) (July 2009)
Wii 20,817,781 (33 months) (July 2009)
AniHawk said:Oh good, you found the sales-age threads.
SlipperySlope said:Oh good, you again have nothing constructive to say about my post.
:lol story, please...a Master Ninja said:
AniHawk said:I'm too lazy. The PS2 has been outselling the Wii this year if you align them from launch. It's just that the Wii was outselling the PS2 by a much crazier amount much earlier.
The opposite happened with the DS. The DS started off -very- slow and really started to take off like crazy in the last two years or so.
SlipperySlope said:It wasn't last quarter.
Gouty said:As a gamer Im bored out of my mind right now so it doesnt surprise me sales are slow. Look for that trend to continue all the way through the end of the year, the 09 holiday lineup is a snoozefest as well. 2010 will be crazy mad money all the way around.
Gouty said:As a gamer Im bored out of my mind right now so it doesnt surprise me sales are slow. Look for that trend to continue all the way through the end of the year, the 09 holiday lineup is a snoozefest as well. 2010 will be crazy mad money all the way around.
Gouty said:As a gamer Im bored out of my mind right now so it doesnt surprise me sales are slow. Look for that trend to continue all the way through the end of the year, the 09 holiday lineup is a snoozefest as well. 2010 will be crazy mad money all the way around.
a Master Ninja said:
You truly are a visionary.Mr.Potato Head said:I predicted this would happen two years ago..
I think Wollan drew this after E3 '06 to show his personal feelings about the consoles - PS3 would be the obvious winner, 360 was just barely able to compete with PS3 graphically at the time, but didn't have long-term potential, while Wii was supposed to be a total piece of crap and loose even before the generation started..OuterWorldVoice said::lol story, please...
It's not really a prediction when you keep saying the same thing over and over again in the desperate hope that it will one day come true.Mr.Potato Head said:I predicted this would happen two years ago..