V_Ben said:
UK is more 360 focused, but everywhere else the PS3 appears to be more popular, based on my uninformed opinion. It's almost neck and neck with the 360 in Europe, apparently.
Gran Turismo 5 will surely have a big impact in EU this fall.
Cheech said:
All they really have is GT5 to push units, and who knows how relevant that franchise still is (speaking about the US only, being an NPD thread and all). LBP2 is not going to move hardware units at all due to being a Euro-centric game, and... what else does Sony have.
I'm curious to see how well it does in the US as well. The car scene has kind of faded away here lately, probably due to the economy. But it's still alive. But you never know what kind of impact a game like Gran Turismo 5 can have. The series directly molded the automotive industry here in the states, making automakers bring over cars they never sold here since they thought there was no interest here for them, but they got so many requests due to the GT series that they brought them over, been successful with them, and still sell them to date. GT also had an influence on the "car culture" here in the states as well, igniting it before, so hopefully it'll have the same effect again.
It may also sell based on how much content it has packed into it. So far from all that we know about it, it's the most content/feature packed game probably to release on consoles, and we still may not know about all the features yet. This game has been in the oven for a long time, but unlike many other games in said situation, this one is showing why it's been in there. I do expect media outlets to rape GT5 with ball gag in mouth though. It's been in development for so long, it's a racing sim, and it's a key Sony franchise.
It'll be interesting to see how it does. Obviously WW, which is more important, it'll be Sony's highest selling title, considering that GT5P maybe the highest selling exclusive still? It was at 4.5m or so last time they said, and that game was a demo.