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NPD Sales Results for November 2007

One thing is for sure, any third party developer that is currently working on an unannounced PS3 exclusive will be having a long hard think over the holiday period.


Opus Angelorum said:
So I guess after the holidays we expect the monthly hardware sales to still be roughly what they have been this year?
I expect them to trend up. PS3 and 360 will be higher due to lower price/games, Wii DS demand will spill over a bit.


omg rite said:
Casuals no longer see MGS as a OMG HAVE TO BUY it game. Especially by the time it comes out. Kojima himself was disappointed with MGS3 sales and it was easily the best in the series.

MGS4 will NOT somehow "save" PS3 or even sell a shitload of systems. You're nuts if you think that.

Nobody said anything about saving it. Losing MGS4 was HUGE blow to PS3's Holiday lineup. They ran a poll on 1up that asked which game would get you to spring for a PS3 and it was almost unanimously MGS4. Again I am not saying it's going to "save" it, but It's exactly the type of game they need, and the sooner the better.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

BTW there is no way they make Jak 4. Little furry mascots having a tough time on PS3. :(
chespace said:
Here come the spinsters... :lol

PlayStation by the Numbers

November 2007

The PlayStation® platform is off to a great start this holiday season based on NPD November 2007 sales data:

Hardware Momentum (PS3, PS2 and PSP)

**For the month of November, PlayStation hardware unit sales reached more than 1.5 million units, an increase of 160% when compared to last month's unit sales (October 2007).

**PlayStation total hardware revenue was $373 million in November, sales dollars increased by 170% compared to last month's sales.

**For the month of November, PlayStation console sales reached 962K units.

**466K PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) hardware units were sold in November, a 285% increase over the previous month's sales. PS3 had the biggest October to November sales increase of any hardware platform.

**PlayStation®2 (PS2) also experienced great momentum in November, hardware unit sales reached 496K, a 170% increase over last month's sales. Since its release in North America on Oct. 26, 2000, more than 120 million hardware units and more than a billion units of PlayStation 2 software have sold worldwide, making it the best-selling gaming platform ever released.

**According to the latest Nielsen data (April – November 2007), PS2 is the most played videogame console averaging 42.2% usage minutes compared to 11.8% for Xbox 360 and 5.5% for Wii.

**PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) continues to experience strong sales momentum with new pricing and the availability of new entertainment packs. In November, 567K PSP hardware units were sold, nearly a 100% increase over last month sales.

Software Momentum (PS3, PS2 and PSP)

**PlayStation total software revenue in November was $414 million, sales dollars increased by 128% compared to last month's sales.

**In November, retail dollars from PS3 sales totaled $138 million, a 192% increase over last month's sales.

**PlayStation had three software titles in the top ten list across all consoles: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for PS2 sold 966K units, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for PS3 sold 444K units and Assassin’s Creed for PS3 sold 377K units.

PLAYSTATION®Network Momentum

**Just one year after launch, there are more than 3 million registered PLAYSTATION Network users worldwide who have downloaded more than 60 million pieces of content.

**In North America alone there are more than 1.8 million registered users who have downloaded more than 34.5 million pieces of content.

**A recent PLAYSTATION Network price promotion for Calling all Cars™, Everyday Shooter™, flOw™ and Pixel Junk Racers™ resulted in a combined 920% increase in total downloads.

The bolded one is ARROGANT AS HELL. WORSE then....no, better I shut up.

*Guaraná said:
Wii: 981k
PS2 + PS3: 962k

Nintendo family: 2.511.000
Everything else: 2.299.000

Vyse The Legend said:
Take it a step further. Dead Rising, a new IP, sold around 500-600k in its first month of release (August 06). At that time, the 360 was hovering around PS3's current userbase.

A low userbase doesn't automatically equate bomba numbers.

This is EXACTLY my point.

Duke Togo

So this is where the fanboys hide. :lol I'm enjoying the blanket statements about PS3 owners, I can only imagine the cleanup that will be required after this one.


PhoenixDark said:
*shitty image choices*



PlayStation 3 466K


PlayStation 2 496K


PSP 567K


Xbox 360 770K


Wii 981K


Nintendo DS 1.53 million


chespace said:
**According to the latest Nielsen data (April – November 2007), PS2 is the most played videogame console averaging 42.2% usage minutes compared to 11.8% for Xbox 360 and 5.5% for Wii.
Where's the average usage minutes for the PS3? ;-)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Gary Whitta said:
It's scary to think how different all this would be looking right now if they'd just got the pricepoint right at launch instead of squandering an entire year.

That would lead to a whole chain of different decision points in the past, including fundamentals like Blu-Ray. So yeah, scary how different the PS3 itself would have been had it come out at a different price point.


pswii60 said:
Same here. I mean, come on, no one expected it to do massive numbers, or even do as well as the 360, but it's still pretty decent considering, hardly been left out to dry anyway.

After a $100 price drop, a huge ad campaign and some triple-A games coming out, Sony needed the PS3 to do more than maintain the status quo relative to its competitors. They need to cut into Microsoft's lead. Hard to see how they made any progress on that front this month.


you can't put a price on sparks
A recent PLAYSTATION Network price promotion for Calling all Cars™, Everyday Shooter™, flOw™ and Pixel Junk Racers™ resulted in a combined 920% increase in total downloads.



chespace said:
**According to the latest Nielsen data (April – November 2007), PS2 is the most played videogame console averaging 42.2% usage minutes compared to 11.8% for Xbox 360 and 5.5% for Wii.


AltogetherAndrews said:
If anything is going to "save" the PS3 it will be Killzone 2. Yes, irrespective of quality. All other first party games are doomed to bomb because hey, PS3 owners LOL. Fuck you, PS3 owners.

For some reason i'm more inclined to think FFXIII is the true savior of the Ps3, but since thats not coming until like...fall 2009 hope might be lost by then.


Y2Kev said:

BTW there is no way they make Jak 4. Little furry mascots having a tough time on PS3. :(

Just imagine Ueda's next.
**According to the latest Nielsen data (April – November 2007), PS2 is the most played videogame console averaging 42.2% usage minutes compared to 11.8% for Xbox 360 and 5.5% for Wii.

And the PS3 Sony?

The omission says a lot...


Mrbob said:
The Wii hardware sales are really nice now, but I'm starting to wonder if the Wii will ever catch the X360 overall in the USA. I think we will have a nice battle brewing. Especially after the X360 gets another price cut in the spring to coincide with the release of GTA4.
You don't know what the Wii can sell and would've sold this month had it not been supply constrained.
Mrbob said:
Software wise X360 has already cemented itself as the king this generation.
In the US? Possibly, but it will get an increasingly hard time keeping up once the Wii installed base pulls ahead by significant numbers. (Which should happen soon worldwide even if it takes a while in the US.)


I'm actually not worried about MGS4 sales, I think that will do just fine. If there is one thing we have learned this gen is what kind of games sell on these HD platforms.

Viva Pinata, Kameo, R&C, Uncharted = No
COD4, AC, Resistance, Gears = Yes

MGS4 really falls into that second category I think.

BenjaminBirdie said:
But if Uncharted and R&C are performing as they are, where's the motivation to continue with stellar exclusives? What's something like Infamous going to do? These games aren't cheap to make, that's all I'm saying.

Well Sony has to have these teams doing something right?


Cheebs said:


PlayStation 3 466K


PlayStation 2 496K


PSP 567K


Xbox 360 770K


Wii 981K


Nintendo DS 1.53 million
You the man, Cheebs!

Now it's not so weird anymore - the previous one was like a bizarro version. :lol


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Opus Angelorum said:
One thing is for sure, any third party developer that is currently working on an unannounced PS3 exclusive will be having a long hard think over the holiday period.
Exactly, there's no reason whatsoever for 3rd parties to make any game released next year PS3 exclusive, there will probably be about 5 at max. What these sales should mean is more exclusives for the 360, hopefully it turns out that way.


Bish loves my games!
:-( at Uncharted and R&C.

Sony are in a pickle that's for sure. The price is there, the software is there but the masses just aren't biting.

I used to believe there were millions of casual Sony-loyal PS2 owners waiting to upgrade to PS3 when the price was right but I'm just not so sure anymore. I think all the negative press has really hurt the public (mainstream gamer) perception of the PS3. PS3 isn't the "cool" system like PS2 was. It hasn't had any "social event" games on the scale of Gears or Halo 3. If my anecdotal experience is anything to go by, the constant negativity has really pushed the notion among the lesser informed that the PS3 is an overpriced failure.

I worry that when the real system sellers starting hitting en masse it will just be too little, to late, you know?

Of course I will be ecstatic if I turn out to be wrong.


Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.


sparkle this bitch
Poor PS3 in general, Same price as 360 was last year. Except allot more value in the system. Even with momentuam of two prices drops also. Couldn't break that 500k mark. And the software sales, surprisingly good in some cases to make up 33% of the 360's in both Assassin's Creed and COD4. At the sametime underwhelming for Assassin's Creed with the PS3 exculsive marketing campaign for it. Not to mention thier first party entries falling for the most part.

Wii. Not much to say here, Impressive for the first month on both software and hardware side. Normally the software lacks. But this time it was on!!!

360. good hardware sales but fantastic software. Nice jump over last's year and only recieved a 50$dollar price drop and 20$. Leaves a good opening to price drop next year when they need it. Software...fantastic. This is what is going make developers keep those games on that system, pitch a few exculsives, and even steal some from PS3. When you are selling 3x more then PS3 for stuff like COD4 and AC, then 5x as much for Rock Band. It shall reward.


NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

AA is mad at you for not buying Uncharted.


NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.
Well, it's finally reaching Gamecube levels, so yeah, I guess it's as good as the gamecube then. :lol
GhaleonEB said:
BB, the reason hardware matters is because they lead to those software numbers, right there.

Top 10 PS3 software / Top 10 360 Software = 24%
PS3 installed base / 360 installed base = 31%

Software is by and large a function of hardware.
To an large extent, yeah. You are underplaying the 360's fervered pace though. The PS2 never had software numbers matching its installedbase ratio, nevermind surpassing it. As the installed base grows, the more likely it is that there are a bunch of gamers that will just not buy software on a consistant basis. This has yet to happen to the 360 and has even grown to some extent. It deffinatly is not guarenteed to happen to the PS3 and the Wii as their installed base grows to match the 360's. In fact if history is anything to go by, they probably won't
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