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NPD Sales Results for November 2007


chris0701 said:
360 2006,USD 399 =>510K
PS3 2007,USD 399 =>466K

And? It had the mega-hit Gear of War and a $300-$400 price range, not $400-$500.

BTW if Uncharted did 117k (did I read that in this mess?) that's 4% of the US install base, Mass Effect is 5%, Wow, big difference for new IPs.

I guess Uncharted needed mega hype like the mediocre AC.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
jetjevons said:
:-( at Uncharted and R&C.

Sony are in a pickle that's for sure. The price is there, the software is there but the masses just aren't biting.

I used to believe there were millions of casual Sony-loyal PS2 owners waiting to upgrade to PS3 when the price was right but I'm just not so sure anymore. I think all the negative press has really hurt the public (mainstream gamer) perception of the PS3. PS3 isn't the "cool" system like PS2 was. It hasn't had any "social event" games on the scale of Gears or Halo 3. If my anecdotal experience is anything to go by, the constant negativity has really pushed the notion among the lesser informed that the PS3 is an overpriced failure.

I worry that when the real system sellers starting hitting en masse it will just be too little, to late, you know?

Of course I will be ecstatic if I turn out to be wrong.

Agree- to a certain extent its all about mindshare, and from my experience the casual Madden/GTA guy I know is 360 all the way. They think the PS3 "sucks" and when I ask them why they just say that's what they "heard". Sony has a tough road ahead in N.A
NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

flagship games are bombing

Somebody email Stringer, something just aint right
Lefty42o said:

Games and live

next the rrod is overblown. I had a launch 360 for a year traded it in for a elite and have not had one issue. same as my friends.

don't get me wrong. i know there was issues but some people act like they last a month or 2 when the fact is the majority have no problems.

I'm trumping your anecdotal evidence with my superior anecdotal evidence: I'm on my third, I have a friend on his SEVENTH, not ONE of my friends is still on their first - and this includes two friends that bought them in June and July and have both had to return theirs for RRoD.


NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

Yeah PS3s GOTY at 117k in a holiday month is totally ok...


isn't Jak 4 confirmed by naughty?

not that i know of

when gow 3 + jak 4 comes out = me buying ps3

btw, blame me for ps2 doing so well ... i couldn't resist anymore, so I bought the silver slim ps2 :D
Cheebs said:

Xbox 360 770K

so true :lol :lol :lol
Y2Kev said:
Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) - 34k

holy shit

Oh god, someone please save Little BIg Planet

MGS4....yeah I'm not going to comment....

If that's so of the trend I'll personally scrotum punch every PS3 owner I meet who don't have MGS4 next year.


jetjevons said:
:-( at Uncharted and R&C.

Sony are in a pickle that's for sure. The price is there, the software is there but the masses just aren't biting.

I used to believe there were millions of casual Sony-loyal PS2 owners waiting to upgrade to PS3 when the price was right but I'm just not so sure anymore. I think all the negative press has really hurt the public (mainstream gamer) perception of the PS3. PS3 isn't the "cool" system like PS2 was. It hasn't had any "social event" games on the scale of Gears or Halo 3. If my anecdotal experience is anything to go by, the constant negativity has really pushed the notion among the lesser informed that the PS3 is an overpriced failure.

I worry that when the real system sellers starting hitting en masse it will just be too little, to late, you know?

Of course I will be ecstatic if I turn out to be wrong.
I think the loyal PS2 owners are there, but they're just holding out until it drops to a even lower price. The PS2 did the majority of its sales below $200, not above.
NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

Dead Rising

Same userbase

August 2006


Saints Row
Fight Night Round 3
Call of Duty 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Gears of War
slaughterking said:
Software numbers (>#10) we got so far:

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics (Wii) - 330k
Rock Band (360) - 312k
Wireless Controller (PS3) - 282k
Wii Zapper incl. Crossbow Training (Wii) - 232k
Lego Star Wars (Wii)- 180k
High School Musical (Wii) - 180k
Resident Evil UC (Wii) - 130k
Uncharted (PS3) - 117k
Crysis (PC) - 86,6k
Rock Band (PS3) - 70k
Zack & Wiki (Wii) - 35k
Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) - 34k
Manhunt 2 (Wii) - 18,5k

What am I missing?
I included the Zapper und PS3 controller.

And I heard some talk about Ratchet numbers? What are they?


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
NeoUltima said:
It is in line with the userbases. 3x 360s sold than ps3s in America, 3x the software sales.
I expect the -total- software sales for each platform to follow HW installed base (assuming same attach rate). If all and every released title is multi-platform, the installed based ratio should show in software sales for each title.

However, given 360 users also bought a lot of copies of ME and Halo, not to mention PS3 owners did not buy that much software in last few months, I would say AC and COD4 numbers are not that high for PS3. Still decent.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah. Crysis and UT3 BOTH bombed. WTF @ the PC shooter market.

Do we have Orange Box 360 and PC numbers?

edit: BTW I explicitly remember 400k for DR first month.

But in any case, those are amazing numbers and Sony's games are bomba. It dropped off next month though.


NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

Pretty much, you'll get used to it. These threads are this kind of odd analysis for people who for good reason don't do it for a living, myself included.
diddlyD said:
the 360 really is turning into fortress america compared to its worldwide sales. man if they could only get 10% of that success in asia 50% in europe, they could take the lead in game consoles worldwide for good
Uh, I'm pretty sure the 360 is moderately successful in non-Japan asia. On account of it being made by Koreans and all.


tak said:
I think the loyal PS2 owners are there, but they're just holding out until it drops to a even lower price. The PS2 did the majority of its sales below $200, not above.
THey better drop it much more fast stat! before more move to the Wii or 360 then.


DeadGzuz said:
And? It had the mega-hit Gear of War and a $300-$400 price range, not $400-$500.

BTW if Uncharted did 117k (did I read that in this mess?) that's 4% of the US install base, Mass Effect did just under 5%. Wow, big difference.

Wait so Gears, a new ip, was just a known quantity for the 360 last November? It was only pushing the 360 because Microsoft was pushing it. Sony had Unhcarted and it only did 117k and didn't push the PS3.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
tak said:
I think the loyal PS2 owners are there, but they're just holding out until it drops to a even lower price. The PS2 did the majority of its sales below $200, not above.

I don't think there are a lot of "loyal" PS2 owners. If that theory was correct, Playstation would never have been able to capture the market share it did. Very very few people are devoted to a brand.

Darkman M

AltogetherAndrews said:
If anything is going to "save" the PS3 it will be Killzone 2. Yes, irrespective of quality. All other first party games are doomed to bomb because hey, PS3 owners LOL. Fuck you, PS3 owners.

:lol You ok buddy?

Hunter D

The fact that the PS3 could not do better than 360's numbers last year is pretty bad. The 360 went up against 2 console launches and still did better.


Clothed, sober, cooperative

I have never seen this picture before. For some reason I can't stop laughing. Nothing at all to do with Sales Age either.
another piece of the puzzle is to have that killer app that will really drive adoption, and that doesn't seem to have hit yet. Once it does, the landscape will change.

Wait for Metal Gear/FF ? Nah.

since the PS2 continues to sell so well it provides a nice foundation for the Sony brand

People who bought a PS2 this month aren't going to buy a cheap PS3 in 5 or 6 years. They're going to buy a cheap Xbox 360 in 5 or 6 years, or maybe a cheap Wii in 3-4 years.


AltogetherAndrews said:
If anything is going to "save" the PS3 it will be Killzone 2. Yes, irrespective of quality. All other first party games are doomed to bomb because hey, PS3 owners LOL. Fuck you, PS3 owners.

Funny how the only thing that can remotely save the PS3 is a game from a genre I did not buy a PS3 for! With the continual tanking of Sony first parties, it's like I have two 360s now -_-

I agree with AA lol screw PS3 owners (and the 360 owners that hated PGR4). So many top notch shooters, so few top notch other things, sigh.

Oh and with LBP's delay to fall 08, it looks there won't be a reason to turn on a PS3 for awhile.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Sony Bullshit said:
PS3 had the biggest October to November sales increase of any hardware platform.

Now, thats the best spin I have seen all year, in fact, ever, not only because it's total bullshit, but because it confirms that Sonys' marketing execs have truly lost grip on reality, brilliance.
NeoUltima said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

The PS3 beat hyper lowballed predictions. Beating mega bomb numbers to only bomb slightly isn't good.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Luckyman said:
Eh, december and Europe?

:lol @ Microsoft 2:1 claim. Not even close.

Wollan said:
Wasn't that Europe? (comment by Stringer)

Also, lol @ Uncharted sales. Undeserved for ND, deserved for Sony for not creating an event around the release.

I stand corrected I guess - my bad - I normally don't care for sales-age so yeah...

But the 2:1 sales thing was for the week of Black Friday, and definitely possible...

Damn this thread is moving fast...
h3ro said:
Hmm... I wonder how the PS3 will do once Prologue hits...
I seriously doubt Prologue will impact sales AT ALL. GT5 however...

h3ro said:
Holy shit at all the Ps3 trolling....Is it like this every month? Jesus, it sold higher than GAF and the so-called "analysts" predicted. Not to mention, its software sales are in line with the 360s when you take userbase into consideration.

It's amazing how everyone already knew it was gonna be something like this yet they all still act so surprised :p


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah. Crysis and UT3 BOTH bombed. WTF @ the PC shooter market.

I suspect the 360 happened to the PC shooter market. Sony still has fans who have stayed with them since PS2, but Microsoft is moving PC gamers over to the 360 on their big screen TV's.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Stop It said:
Now, thats the best spin I have seen all year, in fact, ever, not only because it's total bullshit, but because it confirms that Sonys' marketing execs have truly lost grip on reality, brilliance.

WTF do you expect P.R to say? They have to earn their paycheck and their product isn't giving them much to work with.

Hunter D

DeadGzuz said:
And? It had the mega-hit Gear of War and a $300-$400 price range, not $400-$500.

BTW if Uncharted did 117k (did I read that in this mess?) that's 4% of the US install base, Mass Effect is 5%, Wow, big difference for new IPs.

I guess Uncharted needed mega hype like the mediocre AC.
People used the same percentage argument for the halo games last gen and others argued that it didn't matter, but now it does matter?


dyls said:
Do 360 owners do anything else besides buy software? Just an unbelievably voracious crowd; the best kind of hobbyists MS could ever hope for.

That is what happens when you have TONS of great games


chris0701 said:
360 2006,USD 399 =>510K
PS3 2007,USD 399 =>466K

Yeh im sure publishers look at a year previous for PS3 vs 360 sales when looking to release a game in march 2008..

The 360's year head start was their free lap sony has to deal with that and compete in the present day no compared to historic figures


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah. Crysis and UT3 BOTH bombed. WTF @ the PC shooter market.
PC shooters won't bomb if they were released day and date with their Xbox 360 version.. cuz some ppl will buy the PC version, you know. ( i.e bioshock )


Bish loves my games!
UT3 - 34K
Crysis - 90K

Congratulations pirates! You've just killed non-subscription based, non-casual PC gaming!
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