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NPD Sales Results for November 2007


AltogetherAndrews said:
What? It's probably the deepest and most functional cover fire system so far, including one move that allows for fire while hanging over a ledge.

I don't know about that? Rainbow Six has an amazing cover system, but Uncharted's is good as well.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Loudninja said:
Agreed, its funny how it surpass neogaf numbers yet people still troll.

Cause NeoGAF obviously predicted it wasnt gonna do well...these numbers are disappointing


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Loudninja said:
Agreed, its funny how it surpass neogaf numbers yet people still troll.

Just because it barely beat our incredibly low predictions do not make it any less disappointing. If you want, feel free to argue why these sales are good. I don't see it, but I'll listen.
Opus Angelorum said:
You were all "How can they even think about competing against the Wii when they are having trouble with a system that last generation they utterly demolished?" when... you see... the Wii is a system that last generation they utterly demolished...


Tiktaalik said:
I know UT3 was a horrible bomb, but aren't those Crysis sales decent considering how hardcore of a system you need to have to run it? I feel like the huge majority of GAF isn't even looking at Crysis because they know they're system would never be able to run it well. I know GAF isn't a big PC game forum, but still.
I too was surprised by the Crysis numbers; however, I don't think they're going to get back all the money it cost to the develop the game anytime soon.


Loudninja said:
Agreed, its funny how it surpass neogaf numbers yet people still troll.
It's been happening since the PS2/DC days of yore, why are people still surprised?

Darkman M

Liara T'Soni said:
People are bull******** with this RROD crap....nobody gives a ****! Is it even an issue anymore? I haven't been hearing too much about it...except by trolls on GAF that is. The problem seems all but fixed far as I can tell.

You can swear freely on gaf :D


jett said:
Only thing I have to say is that PS3 owners are a fucking disgrace. Wii owners are better gamers than you fuckers. That's it.

VALIS said:
Yeah, that's definitely being overlooked in all the console warz here. Big time PC gaming is on its deathbed. :( It's gonna be mostly MMOs and Popcap type stuff from here on.

The Crysis & UT3 numbers are horrible but it's not the end of the world..most PC games don't sell in the USA anyway. Europe has been the home of PC gaming for years.
From the SW prediction thread:

What I've got right now.


[360 Assassin's Creed] 1.12 million
[360 Halo 3] 387K
[360 Mass Effect] 473K
[360 Rock Band] 296K
[PS3 Assassin's Creed] 377K
[PS3 Rock Band] 70k
[PS3 Uncharted] 117K
[WII Fire Emblem: Radiant]
[WII Super Mario Galaxy] 1.12 million
[WII Resident Evil: Umbrella] 120.7K


[360 Call of Duty 4] 1.57 million
[NDS FFXII: Revenant Wings] 48.6K
[NDS Zelda: Phantom Hourglass] 226.5K
[PS3 Call of Duty 4] 444K
[PSP MGS: Portable Ops+]


[360 Guitar Hero III] 367.2K
[PS2 Guitar Hero III] 967K
[PSP Silent Hill Origins]
[WII Guitar Hero III] 426K
[WII Mario & Sonic Olympics] 328.3K


castle007 said:
It is fucking crazy how Wii Play is the second best selling game of the year!!!

It is like Wiimotes are seen as something holy! "HOLY SHIT, it comes with a wiimote?? MINE"

It's basically another Wiimote controller.


Mojovonio said:
You can say the same for PS3.

Well I doubt that in the month Dead Rising launched the 360 owners also bought so much COD4 and AC as PS3 owners did this month.

Also Dead Rising needs a sequel ASAP dammit.


Bish loves my games!
Hellsing321 said:
WTF at R&C and Uncharted? Don't you PS3 owners want the exclusives that you supposedly bought the system for? God damnit!

Apparently they bought the system for Blu-Ray movies.


schuelma said:
Just because it barely beat our incredibly low predictions do not make it any less disappointing. If you want, feel free to argue why these sales are good. I don't see it, but I'll listen.

Who says they're disappointing? Fanboys? It did better than most predicted it would and that should count for something.



Jesus fucking crysis that's unreal. It may be that the console versions of these games will have to save them from an untimely death.

Yes even Crysis.

It IS coming.



I can't believe how personally some people take these sales, I can see developers getting upset or frustrated but for the average console owner... really?


Loudninja said:
Agreed, its funny how it surpass neogaf numbers yet people still troll.
It did better than the NeoGAF estimate, but the estimate was for underwhelming sales, by any historical measure. Clearing the bar when it's set that low does mean all that much. It *is* good that the PS3 got up to where it did, but it also had the benefit of a price cut on top of November arriving. And when this month is placed in the broader context (software titles doing poorly, such as R&C and Uncharted) the situation is not all roses.


Are you guys seriously criticizing PS3 owners for wanting the same games a 360 owner would? I mean sure it sucks R&C and Uncharted sold far less than it deserved, but I think this is an indication of what the market wants, not how shitty PS3 owners are on average.

I bought both, don't hurt me :(


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
AltogetherAndrews said:
Sony hardware and software rocks, that's not the problem. It's the userbase that sucks ass.

The userbase sucks because they're not buying software that doesn't appeal to them?

Sounds like it's Sony that needs a little reconnecting with their audience.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Crisis said:
It did better than most predicted it would and that should count for something.

Again, my point. Barely beating out incredibly low predictions does not mean the sales were good.


Mojovonio said:
You can say the same for PS3.

Except PS3 owners can (and do) buy a lot of Blu-Ray movies.

If I walk into a Best Buy around here, I see a PS3 games section as small as Best Buy can possibly make it (memo to Sony: buy some damn retail space for your games), but there's like a whole half an aisle dedicated to Blu-Ray movies.

That's where the money is going from PS3 owners.
jacobs34 said:
I can't how personally some people take these sales, I can see developers getting upset or frustrated but for the average console owner... really?

People not buying quality games, exclusives no less, I don't think you have to be on the development team to find that a bit troubling.


castle007 said:
It is fucking crazy how Wii Play is the second best selling game of the year!!!

It is like Wiimotes are seen as something holy! "HOLY SHIT, it comes with a wiimote?? MINE"
It's a $30-40 controller with a $10 mini-game collection. I still don't know why it's always listed in the charts. So if MS or Sony decided to bundle Geometry Wars / Stardust with their controllers, they would be considered full retail games as well? People are buying it for the controller. "Why spend $40 on the controller by itself when for $10 more I can it and some mini-games to try out my Wii?"
For all you people saying it's fair to compare how Dead Rising did versus Uncharted or whatever, just remember that the 360 didn't have any hugely popular mainstream third party games to compete with back in August.

AltogetherAndrews said:
People not buying quality games, exclusives no less, I don't think you have to be on the development team to find that a bit troubling.
But you see, the reason why nobody's buying them is because they are exclusive.
Nice showing of software by the PS3 . . . 2 titles in the top 10, that is pretty good. Kinda pathethic for Sony that both are 3rd party . . . both MS & Nintendo got 2 first party games in the top 10.

I'm surprised how well AC did considering the mixed reviews.

CoD4 is a monster holy crap, Activision really blew away ERTS this year.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
Nuclear Muffin said:
Oh yeah and UT3 PS3 numbers to go along with FE would be nice too!
UT3 PS3 was only released a couple of days ago. I guess the figures will be available in a months time.

mr stroke

VALIS said:
Yeah, that's definitely being overlooked in all the console warz here. Big time PC gaming is on its deathbed. :( It's gonna be mostly MMOs and Popcap type stuff from here on.

I never thought I would agree with that, but its looking more true each day :(
no more pc exclusive games outside of MMO's I guess :(


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
donny: How long until the GAF aggregate summary predictions?
SnakeswithLasers said:
What lonely, damp basement do you live in? I really like my 360 - if I didn't I would've just sold it after my first replacement - but there's no denying that that machine has/had big problems.
No no no, I'm not saying that there was no RROD problem. I've had 2 break, so I'm the last to say that.

But I believe that some people are trying to factor it into sales/image a lot more then it really is. From my own observations, the 360 seems to be the most popular console amongst teenage and young adult males. In todays America, this is a group that is decently consumer-savy, knows what they want, and will get what they want......I just don't see many young guys not buying this thing based on some ideas about quality assurance or not supporting "the man"......please, you can't get these fellas to vote, what makes everyone think that these guys are out their not buying 360's because "Microsoft released a defunct product"??? As big of a PitA as RROD is, people understand that they will indeed get their 360's fixed (Most probably know someone that went through it already), and most at least have some understanding that these consoles are different enough to warrent having a preference for one over another.

As funny as "things break" was to some people, I honestly believe that to be the general mentality of most consumers. With numbers like these, reaching close to 800 thousand, isn't the proof pretty much in the pudding at this point? The Microsoft Xbox 360 has not been shunned because of it's early hardware problems, don't know how, don't know why, but the thing is still here.
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