Seriously...look at the sw sales. Any logical business knows where the cash cow is.Speevy shouldn't.
Seriously...look at the sw sales. Any logical business knows where the cash cow is.Speevy shouldn't.
Vieo said:Sony fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a console war if Sega is supporting your hardware, but only slightly less well-known is, never get involved in a console war if Master Chief is out of cryostasis and Mario is wearing a bee suit.
Don't do that.michaeld said:MGS4 multiplatform basically confirmed
Wasn't Cod4 out a week longer?pDawg said:I'm trying to figure out how Galaxy being outsold by CoD4 = :lol
I don't see the funny. Both have fantastic numbers. In fact, I never expected Galaxy to be #1 for November.
Seriously, look at the hardware. Any logical business knows not to directly compare the two.michaeld said:Seriously...look at the sw sales. Any logical business knows where the cash cow is.
michaeld said:Seriously...look at the sw sales. Any logical business knows where the cash cow is.
michaeld said:Seriously...look at the sw sales. Any logical business knows where the cash cow is.
Please exclude me from that "all" you speak of. I think the 360 sold well, especially when compared to the Wii and PS3.cjelly said:I think we can all agree those 360 numbers are slightly disappointing.
michaeld said:Seriously...look at the sw sales. Any logical business knows where the cash cow is.
I would wager that it is outsold by the 360 version by 2x, maybe even 3xAlteredBeast said:I am not saying that DMC4 will sell necessarily better on the PS3, but it is going to sell much closer to the 360's numbers than AC or COD4 did.
It is a Playstation franchise and many of those people who bought a PS3 as a natural progression from the PS2 will also end up buying that. For much of the 360's userbase, it might be their first foray into the series. Fortunately for the 360, their userbase buys a ****ton of software.
avatar299 said:Wasn't Cod4 out a week longer?
cjelly said:I think we can all agree those 360 numbers are slightly disappointing. I wish we had an SKU breakdown.
AlteredBeast said:For much of the 360's userbase, it might be their first foray into the series. Fortunately for the 360, their userbase buys a ****ton of software.
Tiktaalik said:I really don't think there is much reason why Zack and Wiki was necessarily doomed to failure. An improved name (Treasure/Pirate something something) and box art and a big cover feature in Nintendo Power would have brought this title close to 100k easily.
AltogetherAndrews said:No. Seriously, if I wasn't personally so damned fond of them I'd say Sony should just pack first party development up because clearly, PS3 owners suck too much shit to appreciate it. Infamous is coming out next year, and it will almost certainly be a kick ass awesome game from a great developer... and despite a growing userbase it will likely struggle to reach 50k in its first month. Meanwhile, shit will continue to sell. God I hate PS3 owners.
cjelly said:I think we can all agree those 360 numbers are slightly disappointing. I wish we had an SKU breakdown.
I guess I'm not in this "All" Club you speak of. I thought the 360 did great.cjelly said:I think we can all agree those 360 numbers are slightly disappointing. I wish we had an SKU breakdown.
Personally, I love the game because it is a nice way to relax after a long day. There is very little stress involved in the game, you don't even get punished for dying. I also love the level design in the game. I still find new areas in levels that I have gone through multiple times. It does not get a lot of love from hardcore gamers since it is two things that hardcore gamers hate: cute and star wars.Segata Sanshiro said:They're a little better, but they aren't any less mindless. I dunno, it's a good game to play with casual friends and kids. That's a good selling point for some people.
michaeld said:MGS4 multiplatform basically confirmed
itxaka said:Casual? For me it´s a new-gen version of Decathlete, but waggle-mashing instead of button mashing. I don´t see the casual in there, I don´t really see a 14 year old waggling to death on the 4x100 event![]()
And Galaxies, and Wii Play and GH PS2.Tiktaalik said:Look at all the Mature rated games in the top 10. Goes to show that hardcore gamers are still driving sales in NA.
Though Guitar Hero 3 Wii sales show casual sales
Thermite said:Mass Effect. I don't think it will sell more than 250,000 copies within it's first month on the NPDs.
pooteeweet said:I'll bet you a chicken dinner you're wrong.
artredis1980 said:Sony has had 2 Price Drops, from 599 all the way to 399, thats $200 dollars in a matter of a couple of months
Microft has had 1 price drop from 299 to 249, thats 50$ in the first 2 years, if Microsoft makes another 50$ price drop early next year ... Game over
pDawg said:I guess I'm not in this "All" Club you speak of. I thought the 360 did great.
AD failed because it was unable to reduce it's operating costs to stay in line with the crowd it commanded and existed in a time when DVD sales weren't able to be depended on to prop up the cost.DevelopmentArrested said:That's like saying Arrested Development was a bad show because the audience didn't tune in. That argument holds no weight since quality isn't dictated by popularity.
avatar299 said:AD had an audience A large one. Sadly most of that audience were younger adults and teens, and decided to torrent the show instead of actual, you know watch it on Fox.
lockload said::lol
artredis1980 said:Sony has had 2 Price Drops, from 599 all the way to 399, thats $200 dollars in a matter of a couple of months
Microft has had 1 price drop from 299 to 249, thats 50$ in the first 2 years, if Microsoft makes another 50$ price drop early next year ... Game over
pooteeweet said:
Some amusing posts in there... with hindsight of course.Adam Blade said:should start looking for proxies pooteeweet
nutrition-free posts -->
chespace said:I think this sentiment may apply to more than just MGS4 if the next 6 months continues to be comparatively disasterous.
cjelly said:I think we can all agree those 360 numbers are slightly disappointing. I wish we had an SKU breakdown.
lockload said::lol
Judging by this thread, Resistance 2.Speevy said:What the hell is left?
:lolSpeevy said:What the hell is left?
Odysseus said:it's never too early for december predictions
1) i contend that this december will not see that same scale due to the extended holiday period sales of november. there are essentially three shopping weeks before christmas instead of the usual four. for giggles, i'm still keeping my multiplier at 1.8, which would look like this:
ps2 892.8k
ps3 838.8k
psp 1020.6k
360 1386k
wii 1765.8k
nds 2754k
cjelly said:I think we can all agree those 360 numbers are slightly disappointing. I wish we had an SKU breakdown.
That wasn't the biggest problem. I remember at the time AD was on I "worked" at a relatively large torrent site, and as a result we had been in contact with some of the studios about their shows.Tiktaalik said:I don't want to derail the thread, but we'll probably never know how popular Arrested Development actually was. The Facebook popularity rating while I was in college was #2 right after Grey's Anatomy. That's pretty damn popular. The problem is that Neilson didn't measure college campuses at the time, so among the folks they did measure it did really poorly. I think they're doing a few colleges now, but nothing significant. Really their entire system is suspect in my opinion.
That way it could sell as crappy as Ratchet and Clank Future.MPW said:i hope this means naughty dog making jak 4![]()
AlteredBeast said:Went up 50% over last years numbers, Better than PS2's November numbers from 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.
How were they disappointing, again? They are selling better than the best selling console of all-time almost ever sold in a November in the USA.
HocusPocus said:Wii is supply constrained. It won't get that high, but could if it was available.