AniHawk said:...I think it took SMS about 4 months to hit 1.1m, come to think of it. I know it couldn't break 1m before 2002 was up.
August/Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec sales of SMS < SMG Nov sales. Still went on to sell 3 million copies.
AniHawk said:...I think it took SMS about 4 months to hit 1.1m, come to think of it. I know it couldn't break 1m before 2002 was up.
You have no data to support your statement, you're just guessing. Do you know how many people downloaded the demo? Do you know how many of those people really played it? Do we have ANY hard data as to the effect of demos on the sales of console games? No.Lefty42o said:i based that off the demo released for the game. a demo i played and considering the hype for the demo, the crashing of the psn store i suspect alot of ps3 owners tried the game out.
and they spoke with their wallets
117,000 in november a holiday month.
Sean said:Just for comparison, past Call of Duty debuts on the 360:
CoD2 - 250,000
CoD3 - 333,000
CoD4 - 1,500,000
That's a pretty huge leap right there.
GhaleonEB said:Then next month, you should enter the software predictions. You'd do fabulous!
The GAF average for those who sacked up and made one was 757k, from about 50 participants - half what it ended up selling.
Tieno said:Like Splinter Cell, COD is basically now a franchise associated with xbox.
Your sarcasm meter really needs calibration. That second one was friendly banter with Tieno - we do that sometimes - and the first was a serious suggestion, as well as pointing out the size of the disparity between expectations and actual, so my comment about how extraordinary CoD4's sales really were had context. Relax.Matt said:I don't know what's causing the aggression. I never said I would have predicted it selling that well, my jaw just didn't drop when I saw the number.
Damn, people take this prediction business way too seriously
OK, now you are really taking this too seriously. I never said I called it, and I never particularly thought about what number the game would sell. I just wasn't shocked when I saw was it pushed. Maybe I should have been. It's not a big deal either way.
Sean said:Just for comparison, past Call of Duty debuts on the 360:
CoD2 - 250,000
CoD3 - 333,000
CoD4 - 1,500,000
That's a pretty huge leap right there.
Tieno said:Like Splinter Cell, COD is basically now a franchise associated with xbox.
Yeah PC is undoubtedly the best version by far.HK-47 said:It will always be PC to me =D
.AniHawk said:COD2 was a launch title during a month where the system was supply constrained
COD3 was awful
COD4 is the second coming or something
Yoboman said:PS3 will improve next year. It's just a matter or how much (or how little), and what 360 and Wii will put in the way to stop it
I guess we just keep misunderstanding each other. No harm doneGhaleonEB said:Your sarcasm meter really needs calibration. That second one was friendly banter with Tieno - we do that sometimes - and the first was a serious suggestion, as well as pointing out the size of the disparity between expectations and actual, so my comment about how extraordinary CoD4's sales really were had context. Relax.<---- important
Matt said:You have no data to support your statement, you're just guessing. Do you know how many people downloaded the demo? Do you know how many of those people really played it? Do we have ANY hard data as to the effect of demos on the sales of console games? No.
And since when is a demo enough for a person to form such a profound impression of a game?
GhaleonEB said:There's an article up on Gamasutra that lists some sales sourced from NPD I hadn't seen before, such as Shadowrun.
I'd love to see more participation in the software predictions. It's only the second month GAF has done an organized prediction, and participation is low. Probably because it's so much harder than software. I was a good 50% off - or more! - on nearly every one of my preditions. :lolMatt said:I guess we just keep misunderstanding each other. No harm done
But you're right, I should try to participate in the prediction threads. I always mean to, and then....don't. Maybe next time.
I know that. You read a stealth edit, made so fast your quote didn't even snag it.Sean said:It says at the bottom (asterisk) that the predictions and actual numbers are for the first two months of sales. So it's not LTD, just the first 2 months of each game.
I said improve, not dominateLefty42o said:i doubt it. it won't fold like say the dreamcast but it will be the gamcube/xbox of this gen. have big months here and there but expect it to bleed market share thru this gen, atleast here in the usa.
and with every price drop the xbox and soon the wii will follow. very similar to what hurt the original xbox last gen. every time they dropped the price the ps2 followed suit. when sony said 499/599 that was that.
JeStaH said:Fixed.
I'm not saying PS3 = Dreamcast. Just pointing out karmic justic. PS2 owners here on GAF back then were total Assholes!
Sweedishrodeo said:E-phonk said:
i am looking at something true and equally awesome.
Matt said:You have no data to support your statement, you're just guessing. Do you know how many people downloaded the demo? Do you know how many of those people really played it? Do we have ANY hard data as to the effect of demos on the sales of console games? No.
And since when is a demo enough for a person to form such a profound impression of a game?
E-phonk said:Thanks.. Besides the obvious Mario Galaxy / Pink Floyd Money crossover, it's a +40 layered photoshop with tons of money/bling bling added and references to zelda, mario&sonic, PS3, xbox360, halo3, Mass Effect, Fire Emblem, Guitar Hero, Assasins Creed, RROD, Keejn and liinch, ratchet, ...
It's a bit busy, but I like how it turned out.
Yoboman said:I said improve, not dominate
Again, you're jumping to some pretty massive conclusions (and also seem to have a personal axe to grind.) 117,000 people bought the game, that easily covers everyone in the GAF Uncharted thread several times over. Hell, that's many times the amount of people talking about the game across the whole of the internet.Robert R1 said:Oh I don't know. Since the demo that talked about endlessly by PS3 diehards over and over, in thread after thread across various gaming forums all over the net! Hell, if you followed the same people yelling and screaming about this game all over, you'd think it'd be selling hand over fist!
But hey, this is the case with PS3 exclusives isn't it? Hype the shit out of the game, watch it bomb, make excuses and move onto the next savior. Atleast it's a consistant pattern. The one day one of these games do sell and push some hardware, they'll forget all about the bombs and come back with "told you this would be the one!!!!"
Do I really need to find the "uncharted" thread prove my point?
Sean said:Just for comparison, past Call of Duty debuts on the 360:
CoD2 - 250,000
CoD3 - 333,000
CoD4 - 1,500,000
That's a pretty huge leap right there.
Just to back that up, the GC/XBox sold almost the exact same number of units in November 2002, and the PS3 is behind the XBox and GC LTD by about a million units and 500k, respectively.Lefty42o said:and i said it will be the xbox/gamecube of this gen. which is what its trending at right now. and my point was it will likely be this way clawing trying to get a hold till the next gen hits. very similar to the gamecube and xbox.
now explain what you mean by improve?
GhaleonEB said:Just to back that up, the GC/XBox sold almost the exact same number of units in November 2002, and the PS3 is behind the XBox and GC LTD by about a million units and 500k, respectively.
Matt said:Again, you're jumping to some pretty massive conclusions (and also seem to have a personal axe to grind.) 117,000 people bought the game, that easily covers everyone in the GAF Uncharted thread several times over. Hell, that's many times the amount of people talking about the game across the whole of the internet.
The fact that good amount of people really like the game doesn't make them delusional, and the fact that is sold poorly doesn't mean the game is bad.
Matt said:Again, you're jumping to some pretty massive conclusions (and also seem to have a personal axe to grind.) 117,000 people bought the game, that easily covers everyone in the GAF Uncharted thread several times over. Hell, that's many times the amount of people talking about the game across the whole of the internet.
The fact that good amount of people really like the game doesn't make them delusional, and the fact that is sold poorly doesn't mean the game is bad.
Robert R1 said:I simply described the process PS3 exclusives follow on the net and it's effect (or lack there of) on final sales.
Having bought the game, enjoyed it and recommending to other PS3 owners, I have no axe.
GhaleonEB said:I know that. You read a stealth edit, made so fast your quote didn't even snag it.![]()
Speevy said:You have an axe, and you're grinding it.
What I'm still kind of uncertain about is why so many people seem so hurt by the prospect of Sony coming up last.GhaleonEB said:Just to back that up, the GC/XBox sold almost the exact same number of units in November 2002, and the PS3 is behind the XBox and GC LTD by about a million units and 500k, respectively.
I mean that PS3 will actually have some reasons for people to buy it next year, and we'll see how it does then. It's a difficult thing to do, but it only takes a few things to change the flow of perspective. PS3 could be doing numbers like 360 is right now by the end of next year, if it's lineup is consistentLefty42o said:and i said it will be the xbox/gamecube of this gen. which is what its trending at right now. and my point was it will likely be this way clawing trying to get a hold till the next gen hits. very similar to the gamecube and xbox.
now explain what you mean by improve?
Yoboman said:I mean that PS3 will actually have some reasons for people to buy it next year, and we'll see how it does then. It's a difficult thing to do, but it only takes a few things to change the flow of perspective. PS3 could be doing numbers like 360 is right now by the end of next year, if it's lineup is consistent
For someone who enjoyed CoD3, the bar has been set way too fucking high for Treyarch to surpass those CoD4 numbers with CoD5. Especially with all the WWII hate. Hopefully Treyarch will rise to the challenge of those doubting their abilities. I believe.Sean said:Just for comparison, past Call of Duty debuts on the 360:
CoD2 - 250,000
CoD3 - 333,000
CoD4 - 1,500,000
That's a pretty huge leap right there.
You got banned for trolling this game in the Uncharted thread for a reasonLefty42o said:i said the game was bad imho.
i said after all the hype for the demo, the psn store crashing, which i guess alot of people decided to dl what that day and if they dl the demo just let it sit there?
many game sites had huge threads on the demo. not just gaf.
and in the end it sold 117k units in novemebr when it released. maybe you liked it but it appears not many did. when a game has a demo out and still sells like garbage something is wrong. a good game would have sold alot more with a demo don't you think?
but at this point i am done debating it. 117k units is all the data we need.
and yes as a ps3 owner i felt to much went into a garbage game. give me killzone or gow 3. for now i have ut3 which i suggest every ps3 owner buy.
Stantron said:For someone who enjoyed CoD3, the bar has been set way too fucking high for Treyarch to surpass those CoD4 numbers with CoD5. Especially with all the WWII hate. Hopefully Treyarch will rise to the challenge of those doubting their abilities. I believe.
Congrats, IW! Very well done. Can't wait to see what you do next. CoD6 or new IP? With numbers like those, Activision better let you guys do what ever the hell you want.![]()
That's awfully presumptious. What if it's like PSP and it's "normal level" continues to get higher and higher? Except it will have exceptional software to continue boosting itLefty42o said:which is why i compared it to the gamecube and xbox last gen. they both had upswings but always went back down to their normal levels. the trend appears the ps3 will do the same. the holidays may move alot of units but the other 9-10 months it will be in that gamecube and xbox range.
anything better would be great but at this point would also be wishful thinking i believe.
Yoboman said:You got banned for trolling this game in the Uncharted thread for a reason
Yoboman said:That's awfully presumptious. What if it's like PSP and it's "normal level" continues to get higher and higher? Except it will have exceptional software to continue boosting it
DarrenS said:Any numbers for **** & *****?
Trolls are defined by their attitude, not their opinionsLefty42o said:i wasn't trolling i was giving my impressions. in a impression thread. i believe very compliant i mentioned was also mentioned in tons of reviews. guess they were trolling as well.
E-phonk said:Thanks.. Besides the obvious Mario Galaxy / Pink Floyd Money crossover, it's a +40 layered photoshop with tons of money/bling bling added and references to zelda, mario&sonic, PS3, xbox360, halo3, Mass Effect, Fire Emblem, Guitar Hero, Assasins Creed, RROD, Keejn and liinch, ratchet, ...
It's a bit busy, but I like how it turned out.
speculawyer said:Yes . . . it sold ***** copies.
Yoboman said:Trolls are defined by their attitude, not their opinions