Again? He's now also due for his HS will outsell Bioshock ban bet... or is this the same thing?Visualante said:Bannings across the board for many including PhoenixDown.
I admit I was totally wrong on AC being a bomb. And I delighted to admit I was wrong too, since it's a great gameVisualante said:From the amusing Predict November's biggest disaster thread: As you can see GAF has it's finger on the pulse of the industry
Blimblim said:I admit I was totally wrong on AC being a bomb. And I delighted to admit I was wrong too, since it's a great game![]()
Visualante said:From the amusing Predict November's biggest disaster thread: As you can see GAF has it's finger on the pulse of the industry
Unreal Tournament III - 4
Assassin's Creed - 19
Mass Effect - 19
Crysis - 4
Viva Pinata (PC) - 20
Blacksite: Area 51 - 24
**** and *****: Dead men - 27
Sim City: Societies - 4
Rock Band - 11
Haze - 38 (unreleased)
Raving Rabbids 2 - 3
Soul Calibur Legends - 2
Trauma Centre: New Blood - 6
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - 3
Uncharted - 11
Fire Emblem - 6
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics - 5
Beowulf - 6
Ghost Squad - 6
Scene It - 1
This thread - 1
Special mentions: Titiklabingapat for saying Mario will outsell Call of Duty 4. Bannings across the board for many including PhoenixDown.
Actually it's more like 2-3 of the Wii million sellers that could be considered of questionable quality.Zzoram said:The difference to gamers is that the 360 million sellers are generally good games, whereas like, 3 of the Wii ones are.
your welcome guyssiamesedreamer said:Just did...check out this shit:
alright guys this whole NPD thing is a big scam. Its something created by gaffers to bring sony fans down, and make it look like they are losing. Notice how when its posted on gaf it comes WITHOUT A SOURCE, and the poster is named "SonyCowboy" if you look at his tag it says "Xbox 360 to sell 500 million units this year" indicating that he is clearly a fanboy. Also another thing, Uncharted sales were low. This game should have kicked halo's ass in sales, and it suspiciously it sold 117K units. Notice how that is what spartan number master chief is in the halo series. Hell even Jack Tretton said himself that PS3's don't sit on the shelves longer than 5 minutes, so there is no logical explanation why it is selling so low. Clearly gaf has played us like fools. Unite PS3 warriors and take down gaf!
:lol :lol :lol
Who from here posted that?
(still have only made it to page 21)
First day sales:
PS3 GT5P: 50k (30% sell-through, downloads unknown and not included)
Wii Chocobo Dungeon: 30k (30% sell-through)
Wii NiGHTS: 7k (10% sell-through)
Wii SC Legend: 5k (10% sell-through)
Wii WE LOVE GOLF: 4k (10% sell-through)
PSP Slim (Deep Red): Near sellout
Visualante said:Wii NiGHTS: 7k (10% sell-through)
TunaLover said:PS3 in America is the 360 of Japan.![]()
WasteLand Soldier said:sony under 500k![]()
where's uncharted? ratchet? omg 360 software! ps2s reign seems over![]()
mr_bishiuk said:You think they will try and write it off sooner? I doubt it companies are always looking at short term profitability in their accounts because the directors dont know if they personally will be around in the next year.
The problem will be if the auditors decide that the 10 years is too long and that it would be correct to write it off quicker.
Altenatively they may have said that we will sell 100m PS3's so we will divide the R&D by 100m and charged it on a per console basis.
ziran said:Sony's recent 1st party games on PS3, exclusives designed to sell the system and push its unique qualities over the competition, have been fairly disastrous. Uncharted, Lair, Ratchet and Heavenly Sword don't seem to be performing well (certainly not from the figures we've seen)
mr_bishiuk said:You think they will try and write it off sooner?
so should we start considering every game that averages in the 80's killer apps now? On what basis are you calling them killer apps? Reviews don't prove them to be. Sales don't prove them to be. I've played all of them except Uncharted which is probably the best of the bunch, and I haven't personally found a killer app yet, though I have certainly enjoyed the games for what they are.Panajev2001a said:Lair aside, which I have not played yet, those other first party titles do not deserve the flack they are getting from some people... they are all killer-app quality titles...
-_-DiatribeEQ said:The only person who mentioned directly the SDF I indirectly mentioned them, but more directly targeted....*gasp* Sony PS3 fans/owners. The SDF'ers aren't the ones not buying the's the people who OWN the system that's not buying the games.
A person buys a PS3 in March of this year. 9 months later they've only bought 4 games. The trend is seemingly repeated over the entire systems userbase. SDF'ers, if anything, might be the people buying 7-8 games, but they only represent a far, far smaller % of the userbase than normal PS3 fans.
The facts are still the same: It's like a person having this great hotrod. Man, it's god a billion horsepower, can go from 0-60 in no time flat. Does a 1/4 mile under under 7 seconds, yada yada yada.
But they only take it our 4 times a year.
While the OTHER 2 people in his neighborhood, they have other cars they show off ALL the time. One guy, he's got a freakin' sweet car too. Does just about as much as the 1st guys car, sure, it's got some mechanical issues, needs to randomly go in the shop for repairs, but man, since he takes it out, ALL the time, he gets all the chicks. They LOVE his car, service problems or not. The 3rd guy, drives a zippy little 2 banger, not much to look at, has a little "Meep Meep" horn, and all in all, isn't much different than any other budget car out there...but man....EVERYONE wants one. And I mean...EVERYONE.
But the 1st guy....he's the guy that just breaks out his car a couple times a year, is always seen washing and waxing it, checking tire pressure, vaccuming out the interior....then he starts it back up, revs the engine a couple times.....then backs it slowely into the garage and then he's done with it till who knows when again.
Wanna guess who is who?
I heard their PR team committed suicide.koam said:did sony issue their PR yet?
REV 09 said:On what basis are you calling them killer apps?
Nameless said:Perhaps the most impressive thing the 360 has accomplished thus far this generation is the amount of new IPs it has birthed, and how many of those new IPs have ascended to AAA/Killer App status for the console: Lost Planet, Saint's Row, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Crackdown, Mass Effect, Bioshock etc..
IMO thats the most telling evidence about how this generation is shaping up. In generations past thats been the Playstation brand's trademark--not only having the proven franchises do well, but creating new & unique system sellers along the way.
ziran said:Sony's recent 1st party games on PS3, exclusives designed to sell the system and push its unique qualities over the competition, have been fairly disastrous. Uncharted, Lair, Ratchet and Heavenly Sword don't seem to be performing well (certainly not from the figures we've seen) and some of these must be heading for huge losses.
This adds to PS3's troubles in NA because it's struggling to distinguish itself from the 360 even to its existing owners.
Penguin said:I'm curious if all of those franchises can maintain stellar numbers over the generation.
I would guess there would be a point where they reach some form of saturation but the 360 seems to be a different type of beast at times.
I would say happy that most of the new IPs are stellar games though.
squicken said:Playstation Family: Flawless Victory
siamesedreamer said:Did we ever get Haze numbers?
I'd say HS is probably debatable too going by it's critical reception. Uncharted and R&CF do seem sort of overlooked though... I'd definitely get both if I had a PS3 anyway. :/Panajev2001a said:Lair aside, which I have not played yet, those other first party titles do not deserve the flack they are getting from some people... they are all killer-app quality titles...
[Nintex] said:I heard their PR team committed suicide.
What's your definition of a killer app?Panajev2001a said:Lair aside, which I have not played yet, those other first party titles do not deserve the flack they are getting from some people... they are all killer-app quality titles...
I agree.captscience said:It's amazing how quickly what was perceived as a market strength for Sony, game and genre diversity, has turned into a bit of a weakness. With Microsoft catering heavily to the hardcore, and Nintendo creating a gaming frenzy among the causal, Sony has been left standing alone in the middle without a clearly definable market persona. A position I think, that has made the platform all too easy to be dismissed as a $600 blu-ray player.
jarrod said:I'd say HS is probably debatable too going by it's critical reception. Uncharted and R&CF do seem sort of overlooked though... I'd definitely get both if I had a PS3 anyway. :/
It's sort of amazing... almost a bit like a complete reversal of their 32bit rise (with Microsoft stepping in for SEGA).ziran said:I agree.
And I think with Sony fumbling both 360 and Wii's market are in for some overlap. Sony's mistakes this generation are going to ring through the annals of gaming history like nothing before. It really is a dramatic turnaround in fortunes, thus far Sony has done everything wrong.
Lefty42o said:only way to go![]()
It's a new and unknown IP to the mass market and probably to the most PS3 owners, Sony just failed at promoting it right...TheKurgan said:I don't get why R&C and Uncharted don't sell on the PS3. It's not like PS3 owners don't buy games - COD4 sold 450k and AC sold almost 400K. I would think a AAA game like Uncharted would be at least up there with AC.
As soon as the ShockAxis is packed in with the PS3 here in NA I am picking up a 40GB and Uncharted ASAP.
Hellraizer said:It's a new and unknown IP to the mass market and probably to the most PS3 owners, Sony just failed at promoting it right...
Ehhh, I can't afford it.AstroLad said:Yes, yes, yes! It feels so freaking good to finally be completely bias-free. Kinda fun to sit back and observe the insecurities of those who don't own every console rather than being mired in that mess (even if you are just one console short, or one portable console short as I was for too long). It's like a weight off my back.