Man, the Japanese-focused management and approach to consoles is aboslutely KILLING Nintendo. The Japanese market doesn't really care much about consoles anymore, so taking a Japanese approach should be the LAST thing to do with a new console. Console gamers in general want GREAT online functionality, an achievement system, more mature IPs (ALONG with great family-friendly games like Mario); things like that.
I remember when the Wii U came out. I bought it on launch day. I know many gamers, both friends and co-workers (I work at a large retail store). NOBODY wanted the thing, and the ONLY game any of my friends and co-workers mentioned like they had somewhat of an interest in? Zombi U. That was it! Why? Because the console market has changed, and, whether we like it or not, those mature games are big, and they sell. But Nintendo's console theme collided with a game like Zombi U, which made console gamers not want to buy the system. They knew that games like Zombi U wouldn't be the norm from Nintendo (I know Nintendo didn't actually make the game but it was a Wii U exclusive). It's colorful, family-friendly UI, name, and marketing didn't help matters. It showed the system not as a console for core gamers, but a system for a demographic that no longer has interest in console gaming.