I wish Sony and (to a lesser extent) Nintendo would stop being cowards. Sony won't release their PS3 and PSP numbers and Nintendo won't release their Wii numbers (but did release their DS numbers).
The Nintendo Holiday effect that Nintendo has every year around the holidays. I dont think we will see the kind of holiday that we saw last year. Nintendo set a brand new record for sales last year.clashfan said:this is based on what?
Sony's number were shipped. Patcher is apparently talking sold (as least sold as far as NPD covers in sales) and he said he expected sales for September to be 300k; but the number was never confirmed.Gadfly said:Yes, this doesn't compute. Unless Sony's numbers are shipped and not sold -and- there is a big delta between Moves shipped and Moves sold.
Gadfly said:Yes, this doesn't compute. Unless Sony's numbers are shipped and not sold -and- there is a big delta between Moves shipped and Moves sold.
Megadragon15 said:I wish Sony and (to a lesser extent) Nintendo would stop being cowards. Sony won't release their PS3 and PSP numbers and Nintendo won't release their Wii numbers (but did release their DS numbers).
Kandinsky said:Are you serious?:lol
GarthVaderUK said:It was 1 million Move controllers shipped to NA + Latin America. Pachter estimated 300,000 sold in the US a few days before Sony released their shipped figure.
I don't think we ever found out if the Nav controllers or whatever count as Move sales.
GarthVaderUK said:It was 1 million Move controllers shipped to NA + Latin America. Pachter estimated 300,000 sold in the US a few days before Sony released their shipped figure.
I don't think we ever found out if the Nav controllers or whatever count as Move sales.
We expect Sonys U.S. sales to be around 1.2 million Move units by the end of GameStops January quarter, evenly split between standalone Move units at $100 and Move console bundles at $400; we anticipate international sales of 1.8 million units, also evenly split at the same price points."
Megadragon15 said:I wish Sony and (to a lesser extent) Nintendo would stop being cowards. Sony won't release their PS3 and PSP numbers and Nintendo won't release their Wii numbers (but did release their DS numbers).
Synth_floyd said:Why does it even matter? How is "PS3 - under 250k" really any different than "PS3 - 235k" or whatever the actual number may be. NPD gives you a basic idea of what sold. I don't really see what is so wrong with the new NPD stuff. You still get all the info.
And why would Sony or Nintendo officially state their disappointing numbers? It's all a PR game.
You should expect any company that does well to release their numbers to public. I am sure once MS numbers go down we will not see them releasing their numbers either.Megadragon15 said:I wish Sony and (to a lesser extent) Nintendo would stop being cowards. Sony won't release their PS3 and PSP numbers and Nintendo won't release their Wii numbers (but did release their DS numbers).
I think is a matter of wording.Mindlog said:Standalone Move controllers appear to be unaccounted for in those figures. It would be an interesting twist if we're actually getting Eyetoy numbers.
Yes and on that day, I will call them cowards, too.Gadfly said:You should expect any company that does well to release their numbers to public. I am sure once MS numbers go down we will not see them releasing their numbers either.
Mrbob said:Return of the King saved 2K basketball.
Nice New Vegas as well.Well above Fallout 3 first month!
Mindlog said:Further:
Standalone Move controllers appear to be unaccounted for in those figures. It would be an interesting twist if we're actually getting Eyetoy numbers.
sillymonkey321 said:Perspective i guess. It used to be a PR game based around the facts. Now it's just pretending there are no facts.
I don't get it. Why didn't Xbox 360 software grow month over month? *rolls eyes*PlayStation 3 has been building up tremendous momentum heading into the peak holiday season and we're seeing strong movement at retail for both hardware and software. PlayStation 3 software sales were incredibly strong in October and PS3 was the only platform that had growth in the software over September, to the tune of nearly 50%. With next week's launch of the industry's most anticipated title, Gran Turismo 5, we're sure to carry the momentum through the holidays. In addition, PlayStation Move continues to perform incredibly well. The PS3 Move Bundle had a 15% increase in sales since launch last month, and we're working hard to keep the inventory up across the country to meet strong consumer demand. We continue to add great Move software from both our World Wide Studios group and our publishing partners with titles across all genres for everyone in the family including SingStar Dance, The Sly Collection, The Fight: Lights Out, Time Crisis: Razing Storm, Toy Story 3, MAG and NBA 2K11. With the growing content and services options for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Network, including recently added Hulu Plus and NHL GameCenter, as well as the pending launch of Vudu on PS3, we're constantly adding additional value to the hardware and consumers are responding to the continuing proof that It Only Does Everything.
:lol :lolXenon said:^ I can not read these things without hearing Jack Tretton's voice in my head.
There's enough spin in that PR to make anyone dizzy.jvm said:Posted yet?
I don't get it. Why didn't Xbox 360 software grow month over month? *rolls eyes*
jvm said:Posted yet?
I don't get it. Why didn't Xbox 360 software grow month over month? *rolls eyes*
There are lots of PS3 games in the top 10NemesisPrime said:Or why don't these incredible PS3 software sales don't end up in ten top 10?
jvm said:Posted yet?
I don't get it. Why didn't Xbox 360 software grow month over month? *rolls eyes*
Yoboman said:There are lots of PS3 games in the top 10
There were 6 Xbox 360 games in the Top 10 and 4 in the Top 5. Leaving 4 positions for "lots of PS3 games in the Top 10"?Yoboman said:There are lots of PS3 games in the top 10
Yoboman said:There are lots of PS3 games in the top 10
What if you count them individually according to platform? That tells a different story... said:There are lots of PS3 games in the top 10
Gary Whitta said:Is Move confirmed as a bomb yet?
jett said:Sadly, Castlevania ended up being la bomba. I guess that's it for further CV games from MercurySteam.
EviLore said:New! Wii - At least 204k
a Master Ninja said:With Bayonetta doing just okay, Madworld underperforming, and Vanquish straight up bombing, how fucked is Platinum Games?
It probably is since it is required.supermackem said:I dont think we will ever know, the way all these skus are added up i mean is even an PSEye classed as a move sku at this point?.
Yoboman said:There are lots of PS3 games in the top 10
supermackem said:September and halo reach says hi,.
and we're working hard to keep the inventory up across the country to meet strong consumer demand
antonz said:So they saw a 15% increase in move bundle sales yet were flat for increase in hardware sales. So based on that move is not driving demand for the PS3
So the remaining four spots belong to PS3, and not all software sales are contained within the top 10.Megadragon15 said:What if you count them individually according to platform? That tells a different story...
Just Dance 2 takes 1 spot. So that leaves 3.Yoboman said:So the remaining four spots belong to PS3, and not all software sales are contained within the top 10.
Yoboman said:So the remaining four spots belong to PS3, and not all software sales are contained within the top 10.