Saty said:
Tony Hawk Shred : 3,000
DJ Hero 2 : 59,000
MOH: a bit more than 1M
EA MMA: 45,000
NBA 2K11 : 1.15M (doubled it sales from last year).
Laguna said:Some people here seem to not know that last-gen there was a period when the Xbox outsold the PS2 in the US and how this didn´t matter all that much in the whole picture. But many are very quick to start the doom and gloom talk especially about Nintendo systems even the NDS wasn´t safe from this. The X360 had a relaunch with it´s slim a few months ago and games with big marketing campaigns like Halo and a huge marketing campaign for Kinect so it´s no surprise that sales got better. But we have also to keep in mind that even these sales are far away from what Wii did the last 3 years and the Wii sold more than 30mio units in the USA.
It will be interesting to see how the sales will look like next year, how a possible new system in 2012 or even the 3DS next year will affect on current gen hardware sales and if Microsoft really intends to give their competition a more than one year headstart for the first next-gen system.
TheSeks said:So basically:
-People like Oblivion with Guns in Vegas.
-More people bought it on PS3 (despite it being gimped) over PC, while 360 continued to lead (not really a shocker)
-Hardcore gamers on PS3 can't give two fucks about waggle (WHAT A SHOCKER!</sarcasm>)
-Console games are moving toward online play as that's where the money/playerbase is wanting to go.
Well, gee. You didn't really need to be Pachter to be able to tell this.
The worst trend above is the shift from single-player games. I can understand older/30+ gamers wanting games like Call of Duty for quick 10 minute sessions and I can't blast them for it, but paying $60 for the "flavor of the month shooter" that is online-only doesn't sit well with me on consoles when their servers can be shut down without any notice and there is no back-up plan to let owners on the console verison play it elsewhere. :|
That, and I like singleplayer games.
There's no information on digital downloads -- the PC version may have sold more in reality.TheSeks said:-More people bought it on PS3 (despite it being gimped) over PC[...]
szaromir said:Kirby and Wii Party came out in October. October might seem a bit skewed towards 360, but there's really nothing in future to reverse the trend in Wii's favor.
Archie said:How long until Activision pulls a Bizarre on Robomodo and Freestyle Games?
edit: 100k retail for the PC version of New Vegas just at retail seems like alot in my opinion. I remember Borderlands PC selling something like 10k at retail during its first month.
Laguna said:and since you are about talking trends and X360, the most obvious trend is that besides the most marketed games like Fallout and Ego Shooters more and more games sell rather poorly like Vanquish, Castlevania, Enslaved all games with a more than decent budget and little chance to have "long-legs".
Laguna said:Kirby especially with its style in epic yarn isn´t exactly a game with mainstream appeal (I´m talking about videogamers here) and games like Wii Party and many high selling Wii games aren´t known for immediate big numbers but for their persistent performance in the 80k-150k range and especially Wii Party will benefit from the holiday season no doubt about that.
and since you are about talking trends and X360, the most obvious trend is that besides the most marketed games like Fallout and Ego Shooters more and more games sell rather poorly like Vanquish, Castlevania, Enslaved all games with a more than decent budget and little chance to have "long-legs".
Never heard of that site b4. Wonder how their numbers compare to NPD in general.ICallItFutile said:Is Industrygamers a reputable source?
CadetMahoney said:Never heard of that site b4. Wonder how their numbers compare to NPD in general.
Road said:There's no information on digital downloads -- the PC version may have sold more in reality.
Robomodo aren't owned by Activision.Archie said:How long until Activision pulls a Bizarre on Robomodo and Freestyle Games?
edit: 100k retail for the PC version of New Vegas just at retail seems like alot in my opinion. I remember Borderlands PC selling something like 10k at retail during its first month.
just tray said:I'm basing this largely on Kinect. It has sold 1 million in 10 days BTW.
just tray said:Also assuming that the Wii will never surpass the 360 in sales again(only with a price cut)
just tray said:Kinect is like the equivalent of a new system launch. But it already has proven legs and Nintendo went from the Gamecube to the Wii which is amazing.
Anything is possible
It's very unlikely RB3 is going to get some massive boost next month.storybook77 said:Meh. As far as RockBand 3 is concerned, I think the November numbers will be closer to the truth of whether it really bombed or not seeing as it was out for a total of 6 days in October.
Castlevania not being on the list really makes me sad though.![]()
Jexhius said:Not calling it Halo 4 was probably bad. As pretty much everyone has said, people probably think it's not a "full game" a la ODST.
It's also foolish to expect it to slow down in December.MrNyarlathotep said:Worldwide, which the NPD doesn't track.
I'd also suggest it would be foolish to expect that to be a linear sales trend; it won't have sold 2 million in 20 days, or 3 million in 30.
True, I am a believer in Wii's strong perferomance in December, PS360 have nothing for younger audience which is going to be Wii's strong selling point. After that though...marc^o^ said:Apart from Christmas.
Lakitu said:Wow. Fantastic sales for Fallout: New Vegas. Makes me happy.
Cheech said:It shouldn't. What it tells the industry is, "Buggy shitpiles are A-OK!"
szaromir said:It's also foolish to expect it to slow down in December.
marc^o^ said:Apart from Christmas.
butter_stick said:It's very unlikely RB3 is going to get some massive boost next month.
Ultimately the real story is told over a less glamorous 12 month period.
Elios83 said:There is also a marketing problem with those titles. Most people don't even know of their existence, how can they perform well.
Publishers should also invest to let people know about their products.........I know that it's difficult having limited budgets and all but it's necessary.
Is xBox sold in all toy chains in US? In France only Wii is, and that makes a huge difference in a period where these resellers make >40% of their annual sales.1-D_FTW said:I'm sure it'd do good numbers, but people need to keep their eye on the 360/kindle 299.99 bundle. It's only 100 dollars more, and unless my micro-world is an anomaly, this is the new hotness. I expect Wii numbers to drop significantly.
france is a different marketmarc^o^ said:Is xBox sold in all toy chains in US? In France only Wii is, and that makes a huge difference in a period where these resellers make >40% of their annual sales.
marc^o^ said:Is xBox sold in all toy chains in US? In France only Wii is, and that makes a huge difference in a period where these resellers make >40% of their annual sales.
What I'm really curious about is how New Vegas got through two separate certification processes where two console manufacturers said "You know what, this is okay, this can ship."Cheech said:It shouldn't. What it tells the industry is, "Buggy shitpiles are A-OK!"
marc^o^ said:Is xBox sold in all toy chains in US? In France only Wii is, and that makes a huge difference in a period where these resellers make >40% of their annual sales.
Psychotext said:No-one seems to have done it yet, so here's the hardware figures with YoY change:
NDS - 342k (-25.3%)
360 - 325k (+30.2%)
PS3 - 250k (-22.0%)
WII - 232k (-54.3%)
Pretty horrific all told. Wii is in deep trouble.
2009 2010 %Chng
NDS 458k 342k -25.3
360 250k 325k 30.2
PS3 321k 250k -22.0
WII 507k 232k -54.3
Laguna said:I doubt that´s the only reason, just look at Blur it had a big marketing campaign was developed by a popular developer but sold poorly. But the trend on X360 (and to an extant also US) is clear Ego-Shooter/sports games or games with big marketing campaign like Fallout or bust. And it´s not like Castlevania wasn´t hyped/marketed in the press with good coverage either.
ShockingAlberto said:What I'm really curious about is how New Vegas got through two separate certification processes where two console manufacturers said "You know what, this is okay, this can ship."
Elios83 said:I wouldn't blame the 360, although it's true that their audience loves first person shooters it's not like on PS3 whose users are more oriented towards the action/adventure genre things go considerably different.
Just to put it straightly...........when God of War sells 1.1m in its first month, Uncharted 2 around 600k and Castlevania about 100k (guessing the PS3 SKU), it's clear that being a popular and recognized IP plays a huge part.
Road said:Those were fun. haha
- If the Wii stopped selling, the 360, at this month's rate, would catch up with it in 26 months (December 2012).
- If the Wii stopped selling, the PS3, at this month's rate, would catch up with it in 68 months (June 2016).
- If the Wii and the 360 continued selling at the same rate, the 360 would catch up with the Wii in 91 months (May 2018).
- If the Wii and the PS3 continued selling at the same rate, the PS3 would catch up with the Wii in 940 months (February 2088).
jcm said:MS and Sony split about $10M in New Vegas royalties this month in the US. A failed certification might have meant missing the holiday entirely, since production schedules are so tight. Worldwide sales through the end of the year will probably be in the neighborhood of $50M in royalties. Would you fail it? Especially if you didn't believe the other platform was going to do so?
When push comes to shove, all three companies care much more about money than about the quality of blockbuster third party games.
HK-47 said:Why not read before you derp? Thats retail only.
Curufinwe said:At this point I'd rather see leaked Steam sales figures than leaked Half Life 3 information. An Excel spreadsheet with unit sales for every game sold on Steam in 2010 would be so awesome.
Laguna said:Some people here seem to not know that last-gen there was a period when the Xbox outsold the PS2 in the US and how this didn´t matter all that much in the whole picture. But many are very quick to start the doom and gloom talk especially about Nintendo systems even the NDS wasn´t safe from this. The X360 had a relaunch with it´s slim a few months ago and games with big marketing campaigns like Halo and a huge marketing campaign for Kinect so it´s no surprise that sales got better. But we have also to keep in mind that even these sales are far away from what Wii did the last 3 years and the Wii sold more than 30mio units in the USA.
It will be interesting to see how the sales will look like next year, how a possible new system in 2012 or even the 3DS next year will affect on current gen hardware sales and if Microsoft really intends to give their competition a more than one year headstart for the first next-gen system.
I doubt a strong month/period with some big marketed games for one side and a extremely low one for the other side shows the whole picture and it sure doesn´t support your generalizing claim.
oh TonySaty said:
Tony Hawk Shred : 3,000
DJ Hero 2 : 59,000
MOH: a bit more than 1M
EA MMA: 45,000
NBA 2K11 : 1.15M (doubled it sales from last year).
:lolCheech said:I imagine the certification process goes something like this:
Does the game boot---------Y------Ship
Does the game boot---------N------Put on production schedule a week later than planned
Massa said:And you think Steam is outselling retail 3:1? Are you from the future?