People saying this is it for mature games on wii are really missing the whole picture. Based on actual game sales, for a mature game to succeed on wii, it needs to possess certain qualities:
Recognizable brand: Resident Evil 4, House of the Dead overkill, Call of Duty WaW, Resisdent Evil Umbrella Chronicles, House of the Dead 2/3 Return, Call of duty 3
If it is a port, it has to be high quality: Resident evil 4, CodWAW (missed some features, but was one of best online experiences on wii and controls were decent)
Moderate successes: The conduit will probably hit 400k within wiis lifespan, IMO madworld (deemed as a failure by Sega, but it outsold godhand in a few months which indicates to me segas expectations were off)
the only outliers to this trend are: No more hereos, in my opinion simply came at the right time. Red Steel had some hype and was launch game.
Failures: far cry, dead space extraction,
unknown but likely failures: godfather, scarface, manhunt 2, am i forgetting something... or is that it???
not many mature wii games have hit the wii, and none of them have been a high budget game that got unanimous critical acclaim and was not a rail shooter or a port. (many of those games were infact T for teen)
those are the trends that I can see from the data.
There has not been a high budget AAA mature game from a big publisher on wii yet, so it is really hard to predict how it would perform. Like opiate keeps saying, it probably will never happen.
Curious to see how No more heroes two and red steel two perform...