Do yourself a big favor and DO NOT watch Return of the Jedi. :lol :lolGhost Leviathan said:The Empire Strikes back.
Do yourself a big favor and DO NOT watch Return of the Jedi. :lol :lolGhost Leviathan said:The Empire Strikes back.
OrigJake78 said:Hey, call me a fanboy all you want. But at least try and challenge my facts.
If you can't do that then you're the only fanboy here, matey.
You're doing it wrong. Here:pswii60 said:YTD 2009...
360: 2,390k
PS3: 1,942k
EviLore said:Data care of NPD Group
PlayStation 2 146.0K
PlayStation 3 491.8K
PSP 190.4K
Xbox 360 352.6K
Wii 462.8K
Nintendo DS 524.2K
HALO 3: ODST (360; Sep-09) 1.52M
MADDEN NFL 10 (360; Aug-09) 289.6K
THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (360; Sep-09) 254.0K
MADDEN NFL 10 (PS3; Aug-09) 246.5K
GUITAR HERO 5* (360; Sep-09) 210.8K
(*includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)
AnIco said:It's over for Microsoft, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of the 360's hopes and dreams.
It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for 360. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a 360. Except if they want to play Bungie's titles. Which will also come to the PS3 anyway once their Halo contract is up at some point.
The age of Microsoft in the US is done.
OrigJake78 said:The PS3 has finally broken the streak! The PS3 has been outsold by the Xbox 360 and the Wii for the past 13 months straight.
Sony is losing $108 per console. At 491,800 consoles that's a loss of $53,114,400!
So for a lead of 29k over their closest rival Sony lost $53 Million Dollars. And that's in the American market alone.
Sony losing $100 on every PS3 Slim sold
Will PS3 sustain these sales? Maybe. The release of the 250GB PS3 will help (Early adopters am cry).
Will PS3 sustain these sales? No? The PS3 Slim dropped over 2/3rd in only its second week on sale in Japan.
Price cut = Small Increase, New Hardware + Price Cut = Larger Increase
Only one PS3 game in the top 10.
BrokenSymmetry said:So what are the thoughts on the ODST numbers? Good (for an expansion pack) or bad (less than half of Halo 3)?
Flying_Phoenix said:Wow and the PSP improved that much?
BrokenSymmetry said:So what are the thoughts on the ODST numbers? Good (for an expansion pack) or bad (less than half of Halo 3)?
I blame the large influx of noobs since then.Amir0x said:i was wondering when someone would quote the source. Damn that's a lot of confused posters!
Safe Bet said:*le sigh*
How do these people make it past GAF's QA?
AniHawk said:Actually, PSP sales declined. It was averaging 40k/week in August and in September it did 38k/week.
SanjuroTsubaki said:Knock it off nerds. Ruining it for the OTezz.
It seems you've lost good sir.TheGreatDave said:PS2 numbers to make up the difference. I AIN'T GIVIN AWAY MAH MONEY.BenjaminBirdie said:YES!!!
Anita Frazier said:We know all eyes are going to be on the Rock Band and Guitar Hero sales since the music/dance genre has been so closely followed by many this year. Both titles captured a spot in the top 10 for the month and at the item level, across all platforms, The Beatles: Rock Band came in third behind Halo 3: ODST and Madden NFL 10 while Guitar Hero 5 came in fourth. The Beatles: Rock Band achieved this level of success with an average retail price premium of 130% to the average retail price for software overall.
Safe Bet said:*le sigh*
How do these people make it past GAF's QA?
OrigJake78 said:See Also: Exclusive Joker Content
Getting outsold for 13 months straight is a bad thing no matter how you spin it.
Losing $53 million dollars to win one month of NPD sales is even worse.
Dash said:There's an OT forum?
Actually I said the 500s would be delayed a few daysFirestorm said:This was worse than any Thursday. Get the hell off my neogaf people.
And grandjedi said there'd be less 500s this way.
Tannhauser said:Nah, it wasn't the exclusive joker content..
But why are you reporting on trite things that are already known? Getting outsold every month for over a year is a bad thing - obviously. Those losses were incurred before the price cut and model revision, so your other statement is inaccurate let alone baiting.
Looks like as previous PS3, Slim also sells well in Europe. And here is 299, not $299.OrigJake78 said:Losing $53 million dollars to win one month of NPD sales is even worse.
HA, YOU GOT ANIHAWKED!Plinko said:Release Date: October 4
NPD through October 3
No, it's like when Microsoft launched Halo 3 and their sales exploded for a short ammount of time and Nintendo was in the same ballpark without any new releases.CoG said:"I thought the PS3 would do better" = new meme of the haters?
Taurus said:Do yourself a big favor and DO NOT watch Return of the Jedi. :lol :lol
AniHawk said:Actually, PSP sales declined. It was averaging 40k/week in August and in September it did 38k/week.
yeah boyyyyyyyyyyyyyDevelopmentArrested said:I love how Rock Band fans shit all over the milking of the Guitar Hero series.. irony much? As if there won't be a Rolling Stones RB, Led Zep RB, Rock Band 3, Lego Rock Band 2, etc etc. Let's just be done with the whole fucking franchise.. the same game repackaged over and over and over again.
And the scoreboards are updated:MikeE21286 said:OH wow,
PS3's first NPD console win?
fernoca said:Didn't both the Xbox 360 (Elite) and Wii had price drops last month?
People are like "Good PS3 numbers, but not that great and too close" if the other consoles sales weren't affected by their respective reductions...
OrigJake78 said:And these losses are on the PS3 Slim. I'm not including any losses incurred before the PS3Slim launch. They're losing an estimated $108 per console. That equals a loss of $53 million dollars in the North American market.
I hope the Wii sales of RB and GH are lackluster for the rest of the year. The $10 HD tax the Wii versions picked up this year is annoying. Way to kill the golden goose Activision.Y2Kev said:I think music games are seriously fucked.
Amir0x said:of course, I don't see how anything that occurs in this month changed the central truth of what I said, but I suspect it'll be the end of the generation before the Sony warriors admit I was completely right in my assessment.
| 09/09 | 08/09 | % Change | 09/08 | % Change (compared to 09/09)
PS2 | 29K | 27K | 7% | 35K | 17%
PS3 | 98K | 53K | 85% | 46K | [B]113%[/B]
PSP | 38K | 35K | 9% | 48K | 21%
NDS | 105K | 138K | 24% | 107K | 2%
360 | 71K | 54K | 31% | 69K | 3%
Wii | 93K | 69K | 35% | 137K | 32%
nib95 said:Great results for the PS3. Was predicting 400k, so it's a bit above my personal expectations. On a side note, the surprising news for me was this...
MADDEN NFL 10 (360; Aug-09) 289.6K
MADDEN NFL 10 (PS3; Aug-09) 246.5K
Given the install base difference, AA not even charting in the top 10 for the 360 (perhaps to do with the Joker DLC?) and NFL sales being so close.
EDIT: On a side note, I very much doubt Sony is losing $100 per PS3 slim.
*blush*Flying_Phoenix said:How can you not detectsarcasm?obvious
Thanks for the clarification.Paracelsus said:The first one is a joke, born from a serious post into the FFXIII on 360 thread of last year, the second one is blatant trolling.
freitax said:September NDP was overhypedI was expecting a lot more drama:/
PSP Go anticipation.Minsc said:not sure why the DS fell so much.
Count Dookkake said:PSP Go bye-bye?
Htown said:Interesting top ten software. Surprised to see Mario & Luigi that high. I'm guessing the rest of the top twenty contains:
Wii Guitar Hero 5
PS3 Beatles
Scribblenauts (at 18 or so)
360 Batman
and for the rest I don't know