s4 is drafting now
Shake, y u ignoring me bro >> ?
s4 is drafting now
aui_2cozy cast![]()
fu big boss your face is dumb #getrekt
DS4.You using a wheel?
Got rid of my wheel a little too soon.
Not playing on the ps4, but yea. The Logitech wheels don't work on it because they lack a security chip in them.Doesn't the PS4 have a really limted amount of wheels that are compatable?
Not playing on the ps4, but yea. The Logitech wheels don't work on it because they lack a security chip in them.
Man I am hovering over a set of Ping g30's right now. I am using the same PING ISI copper berillium's since high school (what a gift those were!!) Probably time to get a new set....
I think you sold me on Project CARS, Brent. I missed having a good career mode.
That's the good thing about Ping's. I can just get the same black dots and they are still using a similar steel shaft to the ISI BeCu's that I have. I got them when I was a sophomore in high school so.... 17 years ago.
They are still a sort of sought after collector's item and supposedly sell for $300 on eBay.
The career mode you choose where you start. If you don't want to start with karts, you just select something else. Then you do the seasons as they come and accept contracts for smaller series in the middle of a race season.Man I am hovering over a set of Ping g30's right now. I am using the same PING ISI copper berillium's since high school (what a gift those were!!) Probably time to get a new set....
I think you sold me on Project CARS, Brent. I missed having a good career mode.
P good day of Doto, team. 7-1 on the day!
Nearly won that last one too lol.
For someone that's screams about poors so often, you sure do try to always get deals, huh?The church down the street is having some Italian festival and they have a brand new xbone with kinect at their silent auction. I bid 330. Let's see what happens!
God damn EG.
aui playing lion like tidehunter![]()
Game was like the first one bug with VG dominating with a great Bounty Hunter lol
For someone that's screams about poors so often, you sure do try to always get deals, huh?
Damn right! Why pay full price when I can get things for over a hundred bucks off! Perfect timing, too, as I just got a notification from camelcamelcamel that Amazon dropped the price on the 512 gig Samsung 850 pro to $240.
Last game I bought with what little money I had was Killing FLoor 2
And Bob abandoned me and never played with me
EDIT: I'm playing The Last of Us online. Who wants to play?
Lulz china
EG v Secret bo5 HYPE![]()
The new el classico
Rip in pepperonis Somnia curse
China doter literally impossible to beat
Got my first C... and that wasnt even for the class I was worried about!
brb killing myself
Stay out of this poor!Ferny doesn't get that people who aren't poor actually look for deals.
And old man just took advantage of a kid.
saw mad max. another overrated neogaf production. i'll say it was better than the absolute garbage that was john wick but i wouldn't call it good. it was a good looking movie but otherwise meh
Got my first C... and that wasnt even for the class I was worried about!
brb killing myself
Something is seriously wrong with you.
cookie monster ain't even madGot my first C... and that wasnt even for the class I was worried about!
brb killing myself