i'm not part of the hivemind brah. the only good movies neogaf has recommended recently were Dredd and kingsmen. case closed!
I hate a lot of shit GAF recommends, but Wick and Mad Max were great.
i'm not part of the hivemind brah. the only good movies neogaf has recommended recently were Dredd and kingsmen. case closed!
i'm not part of the hivemind brah. the only good movies neogaf has recommended recently were Dredd and kingsmen. case closed!
Stay out of this poor!
I get that. That comment was directed at Az who screams poor at someone for wanting to save $600 on a move but won't pay an extra $70 bucks for a xbox one and kinect. He's a jerk!
Down 3-1. Come back win series. Only 9th team in NBA history to do it. Man...thanks FMT
Down 3-1. Come back win series. Only 9th team in NBA history to do it. Man...thanks FMT
Down 3-1. Come back win series. Only 9th team in NBA history to do it. Man...thanks FMT
Clippers are trash. Always choke
Must feel good knowing they won't reach the finals.
I thought you didnt care though.
saw mad max. another overrated neogaf production. i'll say it was better than the absolute garbage that was john wick but i wouldn't call it good. it was a good looking movie but otherwise meh
Lol you have to be trolling at this point. Mad Max was insane from beginning to end. Basically two hours of action with little plot. I just wanted to see stuff blow up for a couple hours and the movie delivered.
Also, I couldn't stop laughing when dude playing the guitar kept popping up in action scenes.
Lol you have to be trolling at this point. Mad Max was insane from beginning to end. Basically two hours of action with little plot. I just wanted to see stuff blow up for a couple hours and the movie delivered.
Also, I couldn't stop laughing when dude playing the guitar kept popping up in action scenes.
two hours of action with little plot? that's part of the problem. well first off it wasn't "2 hours of action". it was more like.... there's some action here and there, and in between there is a bunch of stupid shit. i get that you have to suspend your disbelief for movies like this, but it always comes back to the transformers argument. now this movie wasn't transformers bad, but it wasn't a good movie.
some problems off the top of my head: how was bane being drained of his blood for what seems like a significant amount of time, up to and including a gigantic battle where he is tied up on the front of the car still having his blood drained, then gets into a horrific crash in the middle of some fucking weird desert tornado, then wakes up i don't know... 10 minutes later? a day later? a week? i dont know but the other chick and her lady friends are right around there showering off?
and after all that, he still has the strength and cunning to orchestrate taking over the vehicle and escape. again, ok the suspension of disbelief, but how about getting better writers instead? the whole movie was littered with stupid shit like this.
if you want to say hey turn off your brain this is just a fucking stupid action movie to waste 2 hours on then i agree! but why would i be happy after wasting 2 hours on a movie like this when there are highly superior action movies?
i'm happy for you smokey. you wont beat the warriors though (even though i dont want the warriors to win the title.... warriors and giants winning their respective championships puts too much pressure on the niners!)
Dude the only pressure on the niners is to win more than 4 games next season.
i'm happy for you smokey. you wont beat the warriors though (even though i dont want the warriors to win the title.... warriors and giants winning their respective championships puts too much pressure on the niners!)
...you won't get out of the first round because...reasons
...you won't get past the clippers....they just came off beating the spurs and reasons
...you won't get past the warriors because....reasons
i never made a prediction about your first round matchup and i said you would beat the clippers and blow them out in any game that chris paul missed. check the zombie NBA thread for proof brah! i was always on your side!
FMT I don't get your hate for MM man. Saw it last night and loved it.
well that didn't exactly happen lol
i simply added yours in with other random commentary that has been thrown to America's favorite NBA team, the Houston Rockets.
And there is no NBA thread on here breh. There's a corpse but that's about it.
i said zombie NBA thread didn't i!
And old man just took advantage of a kid.
Like trashers friend.
Apparently grown ass men like to sit and gossip about how other people spend their money... then try to post cute 'subliminal' shit
cute how much $60 means to broke motherfuckers
Apparently grown ass men like to sit and gossip about how other people spend their money... then try to post cute 'subliminal' shit
cute how much $60 means to broke motherfuckers
when did Dotabuff show your laning?
I'm trying to figure out which part of that post was passive
Gotta name names to be a real G
Whats going on? So confusing![]()
* Haste rune duration reduced from 30 to 25
* Mekansm cooldown increased from 45 to 65
* Tether movespeed bonus reduced from 17% to 14/15/16/17%
* Rocket Barrage damage reduced from 11/15/19/23 to 8/13/18/23
* Bristleback Base Attack Time increased from 1.7 to 1.8
* Precision Aura's passive no longer has an exception for pseudo-heroes like Familiars (still affects them when cast, like creeps)
* Spiderlings Poison Sting slow reduced from 15 to 12%
* Holy Persuasion now provides a base HP minimum of 700/800/900/1000 instead of raw bonus HP
* Tombstone HP reduced from 200/400/600/800 to 175/350/525/700
* The fixed portion of the XP Hero Bounty for first 5 levels is reduced from 100/120/160/220/300 to 100/120/140/160/180 (then continues +100 per level as usual)
* AoE Gold Bounty, for teams that are behind, now has a small additional component that doesn't fully scale with net worth (100/75/50/35/25 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes, scales linearly from 0 to 4k net worth difference)
* Small adjustments to AoE Gold (non-networth component)
1: 154 + 7.7 * Level
2: 115.5 + 6.6 * Level
3: 66 + 5.5 * Level
4: 38.5 + 4.4 * Level
5: 33 + 4.4 * Level
1: 150 + 8 * Level
2: 100 + 7 * Level
3: 40 + 6 * Level
4: 25 + 4 * Level
5: 20 + 4 * Level
Bristle so OP this patch that IceFrog buffed him again!
No one knows! That's the problem! Ferny and I were trying to figure out who and what shake was talking about on steam chat last night. We still have no idea!
So watching the Summit has made me decide to start casually playing Dotes again here and there. I won't be able to till the weekend as I'm computerless till then, but I do have a question.
Are regular matches with us and other pubs over so quick and such a one sided battle every time or is that just the pros not being use to the new patch?
So watching the Summit has made me decide to start casually playing Dotes again here and there. I won't be able to till the weekend as I'm computerless till then, but I do have a question.
Are regular matches with us and other pubs over so quick and such a one sided battle every time or is that just the pros not being use to the new patch?
So far in both 6.84 patches I've had an average match time of 43 minutes. Big change is that losing a fight after taking rax doesn't mean the game is reset. Buybacks nerf was needed.