formerly cjelly
Even I'm getting sick of Microsoft's incompetence this year.
cjelly said:Even I'm getting sick of Microsoft's incompetence this year.
mio said:Sometimes there's just no price point. Remember the $99 Gamecube.
mio said:Sometimes there's just no price point. Remember the $99 Gamecube.
Agent Icebeezy said:Someone needs to ask them what they are trying to accomplish here with this console.
bigmakstudios said:What? Please clarify.
Also, do you like casual games because you enjoy them, or because they make Nintendo money?
farnham said:i hope the recent we ski numbers mean
1. SSX Blur 2 with Balance Board Support
2. Skate It actually having decent balance board controls
3. Shaun White actually being good
Kintaro said:Uh, looks like they are accomplishing getting a ton of games on their system from everywhere providing a ton of games for gamers to play.
Pai Pai Master said:MGS1 and 2 sold over 6 million copies, so yes. I don't know if it'll be the top seller, but it won't be a slouch.
Pai Pai Master said:That doesn't mean they're not big sellers.
I like consoles and gaming, and at the right price i'll buy any console just like i bought last month an X360 at 220€ give or take. But that is me, or "us" in a gaming forum. People out there just want what's hot for them, and the Wii is very hot. It's an iPod-like phenomenon where people just don't care if there's a cheaper or even better music player.ratcliffja said:I would definitely buy a $250 elite 360. Considering the software gape, I don't see myself spending more than $200 for a PS3, even with the Blue-Ray drive.
Frillen said:Meh, I still doubt it. What version of GH:A do you think can outsell MGS4? Wii version?
Count Dookkake said:Nintendo Pwns Detractors
bigmakstudios said:I don't need Nintendo to own me. I just need them to bring more games to their system I'm interested in.
snesfreak said:IJones.gif
That sums it up pretty well.
Olaeh said:Nice. Wasn't there another one of these floating around? Something about PS360 only getting Wii's scraps.
markatisu said:The PS2 version could do it as could the Wii version, the PS3 install base is under 4.5 million and a big game like GTAIV only got what 1/3 of the install base over 2 months.
MGS selling massive amounts would be a 1st I think (has a PS3 game ever taken #1?), but with the bundling and good hype it could easily be #1
Next month should be more interesting then this month
Stumpokapow said:I see you didn't reply to my post asking you why you are in a sales thread if you have no interest in sales but instead continued with "WHERE DA GAMES" in a sales thread.
Soft-bundling maybe. This isn't soft-bundling.markatisu said:MGS selling massive amounts would be a 1st I think (has a PS3 game ever taken #1?), but with the bundling and good hype it could easily be #1
:lolyoopoo said:Because showing this kind of emotion isn't easily translated into text...
Absinthe said:The PS3 will receive at least a 50,000 bump next month because of MGS4.
I think the PS3 is going to outsell the 360 most of the months this year, price drop or not. People are saying that the 360 market is saturated at the current price, but I think the market for the 360 is saturated on the whole.
Something makes me think that Sony is going to announce at E3 that Final Fantasy 13 is coming out this Christmas and they won't have to drop the price of the PS3 as a result.
farnham said:boom blox in top 30..?
feck yeah~!
bigmakstudios said:I'm not having a good day. I would articulate a direct response to your earlier post, but I'm not feeling up to thinking much right now beyond the track I'm already on.
But to explain why I'm bringing up games, I'm just expressing my frustration with how Wii is wildly successful despite, I feel, a significant surfeit of quality games in comparison to its competitors. I thought I made that clear in my first post in the thread.
bigmakstudios said:I'm not having a good day. I would articulate a direct response to your earlier post, but I'm not feeling up to thinking much right now beyond the track I'm already on.
But to explain why I'm bringing up games, I'm just expressing my frustration with how Wii is wildly successful despite, I feel, a significant surfeit of quality games in comparison to its competitors. I thought I made that clear in my first post in the thread.
eatyobeans said:And lastly, i feel REALLY bad for anyone who bought any version of Iron Man. What a terrible game.
Sho_Nuff82 said:Nothing came out in May, as everyone was 'ducking' GTA4 except Nintendo which took GTA's name.
JDSN said:
Hunahan said:200k per region, per console already gets you there and over, right? It's not exactly unfeasible.
I can see it now...Quazar said:This part is the best:
"Lastly, Microsoft was sure to tease its upcoming announcements. "We still have quite a few aces left up our sleeve," the statement concluded. "See you at E3 next month!"
Absinthe said:The PS3 will receive at least a 50,000 bump next month because of MGS4.
I think the PS3 is going to outsell the 360 most of the months this year, price drop or not. People are saying that the 360 market is saturated at the current price, but I think the market for the 360 is saturated on the whole.
Something makes me think that Sony is going to announce at E3 that Final Fantasy 13 is coming out this Christmas and they won't have to drop the price of the PS3 as a result.
Jtyettis said:FF will no way make out this year in the states. Whatever the PS3 outsells the 360 up until the holiday season will be erased pretty handily by December NPD. 20k or 50k in a month or two really is nothing. 500k in December like last year for the 360 would wipe that out in no time. Of course, come August I do not see a month the PS3 outsells the 360 for the rest of the year in US NPD.
bigmakstudios said:Twilight Princess was a holdover from a far cheaper system. Super Mario Galaxy was indeed a great original game for Wii, but it and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are the exceptions rather than the rule, whereas for Xbox 360, there are so many great games that I could hardly find time to play them all.
besada said:Another fugly month for the HD consoles.
And is the PS2 really so limited in choice that actual humans would choose to play Iron Man?
laserbeam said:It was 29.99 versus the 49.99 and 59.99 other versions
Absinthe said:The 360 market is really saturated and I don't think Gears of War 2 is going to make people rush out and buy a 360 when most of those people bought a 360 for the first game. Fable 2 is not a system seller either. A price drop is going to help them, but then you have to look at some of the games Sony has coming out. Resistance 2 will be every bit as big as Gears of War 2.