Well Iam rerolling now, slow process. Its faster to do one pull and restart process than wait after those +500 taps and do another pull :/.
I looked up solutions for emurerolling:
- Droid4x OPTC won't start
- Memu OPTC won't start
- Old version of Bluestack didn't start
- New version of Bluestack did start and OPTC works there
-> Then I noticed, oh fuck sake I need BS being rooted.
-> At this point it was almost sleeping time, got some rooting app to BS and went to sleep.
Not sure if I can get emulator rerolling process working. Kinda sceptical about that root (King Root) thingie I downloaded for BS.
Rerolling will take a lot of time (that's why I started it asap). Sofar I have only got one 5* (It was actually gold paper that turned to be 5*). According to Reddit Tier List it was D grade trash (Nami Thunderbolt Tempo). I was curious to see what would be other pull in that account so did +500 taps, waited shitlong time (about 40mins or so) and pulled more trash

I guess I will do so that I use few Emulators (normally) and phone for rerolling. This way it is somewhat faster than using phone only.