So contrary to my hopes I managed to get myself a Miss Doublefinger Drop. So I now potentially have the F2P team Toadskii mentioned for the Kizaru Raid. I just have figure out the deal with Special CDs and the delay strategies.
Just for many copies of Kuma have you fed so far ?
I ran Double Enel and stalled enough on Stage 1-2 to be able to use Going Merry or Kaku if stage 3 tried to troll me so this wasnt a issue for my later runs. The green fodder dude is perfect to stall on.
PVP in the Line version
I seriously hope this stays where it is right now....
Yeah, hopefully we won't get this pvp mode. This looks really bad and boring.
Feeding skill books out of a skill up event is brutal. No skill ups so far for Monet/SW Franky with 20 books...
20 more Kumas. Hoping that'll finish him, I'd like to be done with this raid. It's generally not that bad, except for the occasional run where the game decides you really didn't need that 60 stamina and gives everyone on the 3rd wave 1-turn cooldowns.
I have him at lv10 with 30 or so copies fed. I was extremely lucky and went 5 for 5 on a feeding last time, so that's why I'm so close (And I paid for that luck with my poor results on Raid Boa farming).
I run a Double Marco team for him, so if I can't avoid a hit on stage 3 I'm in pretty bad shape. Luckily that only happens once every now and then.
GAFers are so friendly as always.
Got the uber starting account and now Iam downloading stuff and then my journey starts. Its 21:15 here so I can play few hours before sleeping \o/.
10/30 ? Damn you really got lucky there...i will be happy if i get as much from my 50. What sockets did you chose for him ?
Bind/Despair/Cooldown. I have Legend Croc, so that made it pretty e
asy to decide which sockets to use. He's only 2/2/2 on those though, I might skill-max him before I finish his sockets. Once we get the skill-up rate boost, that might become a more common issue, especially with the 60 stamina raid bosses.
You guys have made some crazy progress, were you guys gemming? I've been dropping all my natural stamina on the Whitebeard Pirates FN since its release and only have about 15 or so SW Franky books to show for it.
You guys have made some crazy progress, were you guys gemming? I've been dropping all my natural stamina on the Whitebeard Pirates FN since its release and only have about 15 or so SW Franky books to show for it.
You guys have made some crazy progress, were you guys gemming? I've been dropping all my natural stamina on the Whitebeard Pirates FN since its release and only have about 15 or so SW Franky books to show for it.
Outside of sockets is not worth itLucci is such a great fortnight.)
Very nice !!
Dont forget to add yourself to this GAF Friendlist.
Have Fun !!
Added myself to that list.
I didn't add any captain info to there (wasn't sure what to do). I think Cavendish (pic) will be my captain for a long time.
Grabbed that beginners packet for cheaper Gems and seems I got one turtle + one newbie summon for "free" from small list (see pics). Bought some box space, now at 135, need to get it higher. Time to save gems for Anni.
Shall I try to add other Gafers to friends or is everyone full.
If I remember right few years a go FList used to be small (even at higher levels) have they changed it at all?
the friendslists arent that smallShall I try to add other Gafers to friends or is everyone full.
If I remember right few years a go FList used to be small (even at higher levels) have they changed it at all?
Feel free to add any of us, most of us should have space to help newer accounts; I know I do.
the friendslists arent that small
and you might as well go through and try to add anyone. I always try to keep space open and add anyone that adds me through ID search
Lol, this Boa is rather bad too. And rip to all of us who maxed her rcv. Since I have a dupe Boa I might just keep the dupe and evolve her. Though I need to max two Boas now (both at skill level 1).
Her new special works with the Leopard Lucci special for full QCK orbs at least. Something I was worried about on a QCK Marco or Kuzan team.
Line is going crazy. First that PVP, now original 6* Luffy.
Per Reddit:
Captain ability: 3.5 after 3 perfect and 3.75 after the 5th perfect
Special: DMG 120* ATK and boost ATK power of the crew by 1.75
I also have two dupe Hancocks. RIP my +200 candy Hancock. Her new special works with the Leopard Lucci special for full QCK orbs at least. Something I was worried about on a QCK Marco or Kuzan team.
The meat orb for her special feels like such a weird addition. You wouldn't want to use it to heal because when you use her special you'll presumably be using it on a burst turn. Not only that, since your damage is dependent on your health (as is the orb manipulation part of the special), you wouldn't want to burst unless you're fully healed anyway.
The only way I can see her having any redemption would be if her captain boost was greater than 2.75x.
6+ Boa - 6+ Boa
Legend Marco - Story Lucci
[*] - Kizaru
The new Boa is....okay? I'm waiting on the Captain Ability to pass a final judgement here, the hope being that her captain ability is buffed to the point where she's the best QCK lead in the game much like Akainu is STR God. My hope is that QCK teams (eventually) end up looking something like this:
Code:6+ Boa - 6+ Boa Legend Marco - Story Lucci [*] - Kizaru
With * being some future unreleased unit that is
A) A Fighter or Shooter and
B) An orb locker + conditional or affinity booster
Because then we'd have a super optimal QCK speedrunning team.
Biggest problem with Boa, is that you can't make something like:
Marco / Boa
Lucci / Leo
Enel / Kizaru
And have 2 turns of full burst. You need to use Enel in Turn 1 so you can be healed by Marco. But you need to use Boa in turn 1 for the most efective orb manipulation.
The new Boa is....okay? I'm waiting on the Captain Ability to pass a final judgement here, the hope being that her captain ability is buffed to the point where she's the best QCK lead in the game much like Akainu is STR God. My hope is that QCK teams (eventually) end up looking something like this:
Code:6+ Boa - 6+ Boa Legend Marco - Story Lucci [*] - Kizaru
With * being some future unreleased unit that is
A) A Fighter or Shooter and
B) An orb locker + conditional or affinity booster
Because then we'd have a super optimal QCK speedrunning team.
I barely have a team seemingly capable of beating the Kizaru raid. From reading up on the team and the strats I have to make sure I get all perfects the entire way through or it might not work.Planning ahead for the kizaru raid and, going by the reddit thread, I don't think I have a team capable of beating him. I might have to MacGuyver a team together to get my one copy for now.