Asking general guildeline about building team:
Just curious how much would that team suck if I someday build Driven team.
I know that I have issues with about everything in this pic (cost, level, evolve, synergy?)
But if Iam going to do Driven team would it be something like this?
At the moment last slot could be either GPU or Driven char Lafitte.
Or is RCV going to be pain in the ass? Should the last slot be something else?
Now Iam focusing doing Fortnights & if newest Island is ½ stamina doing it. Basically trying to get Ranks as much as I can.
Btw. I was somewhat lucky with my Merry Go. Didn't get many failures and managed to get it to level 6

. I know that the fail show will start to take toll, but got that nice lil ATK boost.
On my 10+1 Pulled 2 Caesars (all pulls were 3*/4*):
- Blamenco 4*
- Shaka 4*
- Abdullah & Jeet 4*
- 2x Caesar 4*
Rest were 3* :/
- Miss Goldenweek
- Miss Valentine (again)
- Killer (again)
- Sanji
- Pell
- Mr. 3
Now Iam going with this team:
In OPTC there's no such thing as a single team (apart from maybe some dream teams with legends), but pretty much every good team works the same way
- get a good captain
- assure you have a type/class booster that works with your crew
- put an orb booster
. find a way to assure you some matching orbs for the burst,either by reacting to one of the bosses's specials or by yourself using one of the various "full table" combos
those little 4 rules should always been in your head since you are gonna neeed this structure almost for any team,since the meta of the game revolves around bursting the bosses (killing them in one turn before they can activate their specials based on how much hp they have left)
when those 4 conditions are filled, you can then put the "extra" members that are gonna make your life easier,like the damage reducers or the delayers,or something to counter what will happen in the the case of your first team you have the booster (caesar),but it needs his skill to be leveled to be useful (a skill it's usually considered "usable" around 20 CD,anything more and you usually need extra HP to survive the stalling), but you lack an rob booster.
also,remember that it's usually the last 3 characters of your team that do the big part of the damage,so it's ok to put one or two characters not boosted by your captain if they have the special you need, not ideal, but it's a way better option than a fool boosted crew that it's gonna die.
Lafitte can make so that you don't have bad orbs,but you usually want matching ones.
cavendish boosts everything but only for himself...remember that there can be only ONE boost of any given type active per turn...if you activate a special that gives a boost of any kind when another identical boost is in place,it will either not activate at all,or activate without giving you the boost (if the special has some other effect, that would apply normally, like with caesar you would not get the boost but you would poison your enemies)
we have recently got on global new kinds of boosts,but those should be the categories
-type/class boost (boosts to every character with a given type/class,like slashers or QCK)
-orb boost (boosts the effectiveness of orbs,both positively and negatively)
-conditonal boosters (boost given against any enemy with a given buff/debuff)
-chain multiplier (this modifies your chain multiplier bonus)
-color affinity (increases the bonus/malus for attacking using a character that has type advantage/disadvantage,so STR will do 4x damage to DEX (instead of the usual x2), eanwhile QCK will deal 1/4 of the damage (instead of 1/2)
hoping i'm not missing any
to answer about RCV,it's usualy seen as unreliable since it's based on luck (no rcv orb,no heal), so you usually build a team not considering it if they are not part of your strategy. Slashers,that are a big part of your team, have generally really poor rcv, but that's why you usually use with them the coffin boat that you get in mihawk's training forest,but it's way too soon for you to try that.
focus on trying to get the merry to lv 10, a world will open for you when you finally get that sweet x1.5 boost